I recently acquired 12 NA marketing slides. 3 of these slides were already on PVB, but the other 9 are new! I spent a lot of time designing a display for them as i wanted them to look special within my collection. I posted photos of the display which has some minor errors i will fix with another print, but its good enough to share here!
Each slide says “PLEASE CREDIT TO: NINTENDO OF AMERICA” and the slide content on one side, and “PLEASE RETURN TO: GOLIN/HARRIS (213) 623-4200” on the other side.
I went ahead and went to a local camera store and had the 12 slides scanned. unfortunately the scans had some of the top cut off. I researched getting them scanned correctly and the options I have will take 3 weeks and over $100. I am not going to do that, so it is what it is.