You probably know about this already, but it has been there a few days, so just FYI…
It says there are 2 comments on the “Homebrew of the Year” news post, but it just shows the name of the first comment poster (HorvatM) and then an exploded version of the menu.
It’s not an Opera thing, because it does it in FF, too.
An, now I see. That problem only appeared in the english language version. It was caused by the way multiple languages are handled. The news headline is like “[ en ]VB Homebrew of the Year 2009 Voting[ /en ][ dt ]VB Homebrew des Jahres 2009 Abstimmung[/ dt ]”, english title in [ en ] tags, german in [ dt ] tags. When posting a comment, a part of that was cut off for the comment title, so there was no closing [ de ] tag, which caused some confusion for the browser as it seems. I temporarily fixed that by editing the comment titles. I’ll see if I can fix that permanently somehow.
EDIT: Hack done. 🙂 Now I ned to clean up the database of messed up reply titles.
This reply was modified 15 years, 2 months ago by KR155E.