Original Post

Random Time: William Shatner trying the Virtual Boy at E3 1995. Found in Mexican Club Nintendo issue 07/1995.

6 Replies

so he got to play red alarm? i wonder if he remembers this experience.

Haha this is great!

That is cool!

Looks like the working title for Jack Bros was Monster Busters? I can’t read Spanish, but that’s what I got out of it =P

speedyink wrote:
That is cool!

Looks like the working title for Jack Bros was Monster Busters? I can’t read Spanish, but that’s what I got out of it =P

Hmmm… it would be hard to confirm from this that “Monster Busters” was definitely a working title for Jack Bros. We know that “Devil Busters” was, indeed, a working title for the game, so the “Monster Busters” appearing in this article may have simply been an improper translation of the Japanese “Devil Busters” working title.

Ahh yes, very well could be.

To boldly go where no man has gone before.


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