Original Post

I’ve already contacted Richard about purchasing a FlashBoy+, but I’d also be happy to buy one used if anyone has a spare to unload at a lower price.

4 Replies

I bought a FB+ from Richard, so I’m no longer looking for a used one.

the waiting list must not have been long! You posted 11/8 and bought one by 11/11! I contacted him 11/20 so maybe I’ll get lucky and have one available in 3 days πŸ™‚

I waited a few months, he just happened to contact him at the right time πŸ˜‰

It seems like he just finished a batch, as I and what looks like a few others were able to order one. Hopefully you can score one quick

I think he just made a batch, so there might not be a waiting list at all right now. Richard is the man πŸ˜€


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