Being here for a while, I realize that some games in development have no news for some time now. It seems to be something recurrent that should be mitigated with the future release of VUEngine. But over time, some new games in development are appearing and that’s very exciting.
I would like to know which homebrews have their project active at the moment that we can expect to see fully released one day. Well, at least until VUEngine comes out and we see the some impact of that.
Besides Formula V, Elevated Speed, that there were recent updates, what else are currently being made? Whose project is it?
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by gdces1984.
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by gdces1984.
This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by gdces1984.
I am already there. The intention of leaving this topic here is for the permanent record. Anyone with an active project could post it here. It’s good because there’s a lot of loose information. It would be a way to organize and disseminate to the entire community what we can expect in the coming years. But it is up to the homebrew developers if they disclose it here or not. I, for example, was very closely following a Doom project that I haven’t seen news for many, many months.
We often run out of updates, but not of expectations!
Just to keep this ‘up to date’.
I agree that such things should be tracked in a forum rather than on chats.
I recently(ish) finished an extensive audioplayer/engine:
My first project was/is a dungeon gridder (step wise movement):
Here I took a break before making major changes to some of the engine.
This is not dead, however 😉
Current most active project is a voxel engine:
The engine is basically done. Current/next steps are to turn this into an actual game.
Risky phase of any homebrew – the transition from tech-demo to game. I’m optimistic but progress slowed down here because of general increase in work load in other fields.
I will most likely continue here right on next occasion.
For sure. Chat keeps things restricted to an inner circle. Here it is open to anyone who is interested, in an easy and dynamic way. The greater the dissemination, the more people we can bring with us. Your Voxel Engine and Virtual Beat projects I already knew and I think they are great. Now, Dungeon Gridder is new to me. I hope that you come back to it and release something cool for us!