Original Post

A brand new design for a brand new year!

These eye covers are the next logical next step after the Virtual Ribbon, which I made to fix the lines in the eye piece. Now it’s time to fix lines (scratches) in the lens!

It is a drop-in replacement, no modification or soldering needed!
See the full video here:

Contact me here to order one

Designed, manufactured, assembled and shipped from the USA by yours truly!

  • This topic was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by segasonicfan.
8 Replies

Very nice! Luckily I have two good looking lenses, but this looks really tempting, especially with the walls being non transparent.
Can I ask how much is a pair? I could not find a price.
Or should I use the order contact form?
Shipping to Germany won´t hopefully be not that expensive.

I’m curious what the cost will be as well. Either way, I’m so glad these are being made and will likely grab a pair even though my lenses are in decent shape!

Also I paid StoneAgeGamer to do the mod (I was too scared I’d ruin my VB to do it myself lol) but I absolutely *adore* your work on the Virtual Ribbon. I just wanted to thank you personally for your work. I encourage anyone I interact with who has a VB to get the mod done even if they don’t yet have display issues!

  • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Kazin.

awe, Thanks so much! That’s really sweet of you to say. I keep making Virtual Boy stuff because people in this community are just so nice and supportive 🙂

Woops, forgot to put the current pricing.
The current pricing is $11.99 each, or $23.99 for a set Shipping in USA is $6.

I’m offering a promotional of 50% off the Virtual Lens right now if ordering a Virtual Ribbon V4.0, Virtual Juice, or Uni-Gen off my site 🙂


Just sent you a request for a pair! That’s a very fair price. Thanks again for all your hard work!

Thanks for the price listing, just ordered 4 lenses 🙂

Thank you so much @abarth and @kazin for your wonderful support! 🙂

​Stone Age Gamer is now stocking them!

They stock all these Virtual Boy items I make now 🙂

all designed, manufactured, assembled and shipped from USA by yours truly!

I also shipped out a bunch of special discount orders to people on my announce list 🙂
(message me if you want to be in the loop for future discounts and stocking info!)

Great Stuff! Thank you!

  • This reply was modified 2 months ago by Cosmoliner.

Here are two pictures of my virtual boy after replacement:


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