Original Post

According to a user on Twitter the Nintendo Museum in Kyoto has Virtual Boy system and controller Prototypes on display! Wow! Has anyone been able to check this out yet? Unfortunately no pictures allowed apparently.


4 Replies

I hope it is okay to share them, Zel posted some pictures in Discord:

  • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by abarth.
  • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by abarth.

Wow…never see before.Thank you for sharing!

Damn that is really cool to see the prototyping process they use. Looks like vacuum forming!

I bet Nintendo is not happy with museum pictures being leaked of their R&D units.
Sorry Furukawa-san, we just love Virtual Boy!!

Nintendo can get over it, a trip to Japan is prohibitively expensive haha


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