Hi there,
I know it is not much, but nevertheless I wanted to share my very small wireframe demo based on VUEngine Studio.
I only started working with VUEngine Studio the last four weeks and had no programming knowledge at all before.
The demo is based on the wireframe stage of the VUEngine showcase project (so all credits for the code go to KR155E and Jorgeche), which I adapted mainly with the help of Jorgeche. I deleted / hid the information text, the header info, commented out lots of things, added houses with fences, a street section, a bus stop, lanterns, a tunnel and a welcome sign. On top of that the rumble pack of Retroonyx is supported. It vibrates when moving forwards, backwards or sidewards.
The demo is quite demanding for the VIP, so some houses flicker or it can even crash completely when too many wireframes are shown at once.
But I did not want to reduce the view distance or use interlaced wireframes because in my opinion this impairs the scenery feel.
The controls are shown in the bottom right corner:
– Select for showing some detailed information on camera position, wireframes and direct draw
– Left D-Pad: fowards, backwards, rotate left and right
– Right D-Pad: strafe left and right, rotate up and down (to be used carefully).
The vb-file is quite big (2 MB) because all other stages of the original VUEngine showcase project are still in there, I did not want to go through the hassle of deleting everything ending up crashing my demo.
What I´d like to have in a future release:
– stable wireframes (possibly not realistic)
– background music.
That is all for now, I hope one or another has 2 minutes fun playing this very tiny demo via flashcart.
PS: if someone can create a HF32 BW label, this would be really great!
PS 2: the VB-file propably needs to be renamed, but I wanted to keep today´s date to keep track on the history.
Another release (now V0.5) with the following changes:
– based on new VUEngine showcase, core and plugins (from 2025-01-20)
– street and tunnel entities with shorter meshes
– tunnel lights modified
– street entities added between complex entities to make it easier for the VIP
– moved some entities around
– show fps via left-trigger, hide fps via right trigger
– start background music via A-button, reset music via B-button
– production site entity reduced by 48 meshes
The scenery now runs quite good, entities do not flicker or disappear anymore thanks to the updated core from the VUEngine team.
I am not sure what to do next, since I have still no clue how to program virtual C.
Sceenshots are the same for this like in the post above since no visual change in the entities have been conducted.
A dream would be to have collisions active, but as I said, I have no clue.
This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by
This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by
Just a very tiny update:
– footpath of the bigger house corrected
– wind turbine added.
Version is still 0.5 but with a newer date.
Looking into the collision stuff right now.
Not sure if I am able to create something satisfying though. My knowledge is still very limited.
A small update:
– build with VUEngine 0.6.0
– new core used (from 20.02.2025)
– removed unnecessary showcase files
– corrected rewind music function on b-button
– added overbridge
The splash screens do not work at the moment (I hope VUEngine team is looking into this), so the game directly starts in the wireframe scenery.
Looks realy cool, i hope there will be a Game that looks like this in the Future.
I would try the Wireframe Demo on the Weekend i think :”)
The scenery gets more and more a complete “game” if you want to say so.
Changes from version 0.51 to 0.54:
– Memory pools adapted
– Title screen added
– Gas station added
– Splash screens work again (due to new core from 02.03.2025)
– Control scheme screen added
I also managed to create a basic HF32 label (for the BW-version) which is based on a template from Fwow13. Tronimal also helped me by giving some hints on creating a workable label. One has to chose tolerance = 45 in the HF32 application to get a good contrast.
The gas station sadly disappears completely under a certain angle and distance, I don´t know why. I tried to use meshes not longer than 160, and Jorgeche also couldn´t help me there (which is rare, mostly he knows everything and always helps me 🙂 ).
Thanks again to the VUEngine team for helping me on Discord, I came much further with my game than I had ever imagined!
I think you started out very modest in your goal, but things ended up growing and becoming big. I haven’t tested the new demo yet, but I know that by adding background music and some objective to be accomplished, some ending maybe, you’ll probably have already made one of the best homebrews on the Virtual Boy platform. Congratulations, Dude! I can’t wait for version 1.0, but I’ll look at what you already have on hand.
Thank you very much for the comment, I am feeling honored.
Yes, the lack of interactivity is the thing which bothers me the most.
I have a rough idea in my head how to get at least some sort of things to do in the scenery, but since I can´t really code this is quite hard to realise.