Bought a VB when released (or there after) from Telgames UK for around £149.99 if I remember correctly. Foolishly sold it (can’t remember where or for how much (probably ebay). I had Mario Tennis, Mario Clash, Teleroboxer and Galactic Pinball. Pinball was by far my fave game.
Now looking to buy another unit (pref new old stock) and complete a full collection of game titles (U.S. and Jape, nbot bothered about 1 of each region).
Came here for fellow fans, help and amusement.
I’m looking to but a new VB (new old stock). Had a U.S. version before. Like the look of the Jape box art more (and what looks like the most available new unit on ebay). Not sure on any differences (bar manual/box language). Any differences when playing games? Are they region locked?
Lee Chapman wrote:
Bought a VB when released (or there after) from Telgames UK for around £149.99 if I remember correctly. Foolishly sold it (can’t remember where or for how much (probably ebay). I had Mario Tennis, Mario Clash, Teleroboxer and Galactic Pinball. Pinball was by far my fave game.Now looking to buy another unit (pref new old stock) and complete a full collection of game titles (U.S. and Jape, nbot bothered about 1 of each region).
Came here for fellow fans, help and amusement.
I’m looking to but a new VB (new old stock). Had a U.S. version before. Like the look of the Jape box art more (and what looks like the most available new unit on ebay). Not sure on any differences (bar manual/box language). Any differences when playing games? Are they region locked?
Hey there. There is no difference in terms of hardware. No region lock as well.
Thanks. Will probably pick up a Jap version then as I think the box art work is a lot cleaner and more appealing to me.
Welcome! A new old stock unit is going to cost mega bucks.
I bought a like new boxed JP model 3 years back for about £150 with some game sand shipping etc – but there are definitely cheaper options.
I’ve only quickly browsed ebay and they seem to be in the region of £300 for a near mint new old stock unit only. I was leaning towards the idea of being happy of this. Not sure where else to look to be honest. Wanted it to be new old stock as obviously no chance of cracked stands or viewer image problems.
I’ve already started my collection off with a boxed US version of Mario Tennis. Got that probably a year or two ago now.
Yahoo japan would prob be the best bet to find the condition you want at the cheapest price..including shipping.
Welcome to the site, Lee 😎
Lee Chapman wrote:
Wanted it to be new old stock as obviously no chance of cracked stands or viewer image problems.
The stand will probably be in good condition, but don’t bet on the displays being in perfect working order, even on an NRFB unit. The degradation isn’t caused by use, but by time. Even if they do work right off the bat, you’ll probably want to have them soldered to prevent them going bad in the future. When you find one, I suggest you contact TheForce81 and have it done.
RunnerPack wrote:
Welcome to the site, Lee 😎Lee Chapman wrote:
Wanted it to be new old stock as obviously no chance of cracked stands or viewer image problems.The stand will probably be in good condition, but don’t bet on the displays being in perfect working order, even on an NRFB unit. The degradation isn’t caused by use, but by time. Even if they do work right off the bat, you’ll probably want to have them soldered to prevent them going bad in the future. When you find one, I suggest you contact TheForce81 and have it done.
Thanks. What’s a ball park figure for that kind of work?
bigmak wrote:
Yahoo japan would prob be the best bet to find the condition you want at the cheapest price..including shipping.-Eric
Thanks. Didn’t even know you could buy from Yahoo. Do you have a link per chance?
Lee Chapman wrote:
Thanks. What’s a ball park figure for that kind of work?
I only know what I charge, so you’ll have to contact TheForce81 to find out his pricing scheme. I’m sure you’ll find it very affordable, though, given what you’re likely to spend on the unit itself.
Lee Chapman wrote:
bigmak wrote:
Yahoo japan would prob be the best bet to find the condition you want at the cheapest price..including shipping.-Eric
Thanks. Didn’t even know you could buy from Yahoo. Do you have a link per chance?
If you don’t speak Japanese, you will probably have to sign up for a proxy service. The Buyee proxy service advertised at the top is very reliable and will suffice.
If you are somewhat patient, there are near mint, complete-in-box systems that come with several complete-in-box Japanese Virtual Boy games in very good condition, which appear on a somewhat regular basis, and the ending winning bids are always so very low when compared to Ebay or other sites.
Lee Chapman wrote:
I had Mario Tennis, Mario Clash, Teleroboxer and Galactic Pinball. Pinball was by far my fave game.
Hi Lee,
If you’re a pinball fan, check out the Space Pinball prototype, which has different tables to Galactic Pinball:
You’ll need a FlashBoy if you want to play it on a real VB.
Well, finally got round to arranging to buy a VB. Picking it up tomorrow just after lunch all being well. Private sale via my VB Fans page on Facebook.
It’s the US boxed version with Mario Tennis. Also buying V-Tetris off him. All in mint condition and fully working.
Can’t wait to get playing VB again. Next game to acquire is Galactic Pinball, my fave VB game.
There’s also space pinball. I’d recommend getting a flashboy so you can try it out.
Here she is. Box and innards in excellent condition and console is mint and works 100%. Chuffed to bits.
Really pleased with it’s condition.
Nice parcel arrived this morning. Gives a nice injection to the collection.
That looks like a very mint system! I sold someone in the UK with a similar name to yours a system with games about a year ago, but it must be a coincidence :p
If you end up on a Yahoo auction site and use a proxy service, it is kind of a pain to sign up for- at least I thought so. When trying to buy a Dreamcast MIDI cable I could only find one at They don’t ship here for that type of item, so I used Tenso as the proxy. Once my account was set, it was easy and pretty affordable…you just have to prove your identity/location with 2 documents sent in a scan or photo before they ship to you. I used a utility bill and insurance card because neither had any super-secret information. If those didn’t work, I was going to say “screw it” because that cable wasn’t worth scanning my passport, driver’s license, etc. for…