Original Post

Hi all, I have a US Virtual Boy with a 110V input AC Adapter and as I live in Europe, I’m combining it with a 220V to 110V transformer. I thought about making one 9V AC transformer with 220V input and replace the above two adapter monstrosity so I’m wondering if anyone knows where I could get the jack that goes on the VB controller. Is it a jack that was also used on other Nintendo console power units? Is it a standard jack used outside of Nintendo as well? Thanks.

Edit: just found out that the controller has that AC adapter tap and the AC adapter is actually one for SNES! Still looking for the plug though

  • This topic was modified 15 years, 5 months ago by basscadet.
  • This topic was modified 15 years, 5 months ago by basscadet.
7 Replies

The only thing I can say is that a Sinclair ZX Spectrum adapter will work perfectly with the VB adapter tap. I’ve been using my VB that way since I got it.

interesting… I’ve been told some generic plugs work as well. Will go downtown and check the bigger electronics stores, maybe one will fit.

I’m not familiar with the ZX Spectrum, but you have the US tap (which uses the US SNES plug w/ the pin in the middle)… the Japanese tap has a standard type plug (which is probably what the ZX fits).


hmmmmm, so if I want to keep this tap I’ll have to live with the 2 transformers or I look for a Japanese tap and then try and find a plug that will fit that. Thanks

What, the US and Japanese taps aren’t the same? Anyway, mine is a Japanese one.

HorvatM wrote:
What, the US and Japanese taps aren’t the same? Anyway, mine is a Japanese one.

Yeah, if you look closely at the picture he posted (US), and compare it with the one you have (JP), you’ll see the difference.


Really? I just assumed they were identical.

All I did was buy a cheap 3rd party USA SNES AC adapter, then chop the plug/cable off of it and find a 10V DC local adapter (a Sega one of all things) and put the matching socket for that adapter on the USA cable.

Worked fine for me for all these years.


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