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Recently my virtual boy began to display parasit horizontal lines. I know that it could be fixed by warming up some pieces but nobody told if it worked after trying. So ?

43 Replies

Whoa, cool ^^
I didn’t see this topic … but I won’t cancel the poll.

Yep, mine got them too, but it usually stays fixed w/ a little tap or lightly hitting it on the floor.

OVEN!!!!! thats what i did.

With 90°C and 2 minutes do you think it’s ok ?

um….. don’t know, im in america we use a different measurment. (looks for a converter… FOUND ONE!) yes 90 should be fine. look at this page for more info http://www.virtual-boy.org/projectvb/projects/DisplayFix.htm
it states the info in Fahrenheit.

I know this page, thanks ^^
I did not open my VB so I did not see how the rubber is attached to the cable but wouldn’t it work with a soldernig ? Actually, I don’t understand why the bad connection between a piece of plastic and the cable makes the lines appear.

Once you open it up and turn the adjustment knob on the VB you’ll see how it makes the lines appear. The ribbon cables just get a little loose and that causes a bas connection. Soldering would be way difficult. I talked to DogP about it once. I hop you get yours working right again. When I did the oven trick on mine I adjusted the knob so that there is no tension on the ribbon cables and that woks out for me but I don’t let anyone else asjust it. Good Luck!

I haven’t encountered the ‘lines’ issue yet, but it seems fairly common, so I’d best stay on my toes.

When I did the oven trick on mine I adjusted the knob so that there is no tension on the ribbon cables and that woks out for me but I don’t let anyone else asjust it.

Are you saying there’s a risk for the oven ?

I encountered them its not that bad but it bothers me :/ and i am afraid of putting it in the oven i am even afraid of opening it up :S i guess i will use the tap method 😛 i bought it in a big offer got the hard case every part of it and 7 games on ebay so i dont wanna lose my money

Edit: I get the lines only on warioland and not on the whole screnn just some small parts when its really red…On mario tennis no lines….funny…maybe becuzi tapped it?:P

  • This reply was modified 17 years, 1 month ago by Kira.
  • This reply was modified 17 years, 1 month ago by Kira.

and without doing nothing the lines are gone on wario cool:P i dont what happened but no lines in the screens 😀

Sometimes I think it might have a little to do with the cartridge. Kinda like the NES when the pins don’t connect right.

The horizontal lines are still here… So I’m going to put the displays in the oven… I hope it will work 😕
Strangely, the rubbers are not separated from the cables.


Holy shit ! My VB is dead 🙁 … Not only the lines display on the screen but now, the graphics drip… In galactic pinball, they look like a big pixels porridge.
Any suggestions ?
“somebody who lives in Europe and know how to fix it”, would it be possible I send you my VB and you try to fix it, pleeeease ?

  • This reply was modified 17 years ago by JackFost.
  • This reply was modified 17 years ago by JackFost.
  • This reply was modified 17 years ago by JackFost.

You forgot to put in the key combination to check alignment. It you dont put that in (this happened to me the first time i did it) it will drip and droop and go stupid on you.. it was on the link that was givin earlier. If that doesn’t help then try and find someone to repair it.

also dead means that there is absolutly nothing happeneing when you turn it on.

does the oven help if the screen is real dark and crappy and one eye doesn’t even work?

jojobean wrote:
does the oven help if the screen is real dark and crappy and one eye doesn’t even work?

Thats how mine was.. and now it works, only put it in the oven for about a minute or two though.

Sorry, now there are just the lines…
And the rubbers don’t seem separated from the cables…


i wish i could get mine open.

JackFost wrote:
Sorry, now there are just the lines…
And the rubbers don’t seem separated from the cables…

umm, did you put the whole VB in the oven?!? (J/K)

well, if you have the lines, you can try the oven trick again (follow steps exactly for best results). Or you can pay money for someone to do the oven trick for you. xD


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