Original Post

Since Protoman85’s review, I’ve had a few folk asking me to make them Bound High carts.

I will do it, but I won’t take money.

I’ll accept 2 donor carts. One, I will use to make your BH cart, and the other is payment (which I’ll use to make FlashBoy’s).

Does that sound OK ?

140 Replies

isn’t it really fun and addictive? when i got my cart only like 34 had been produced. it really is something special to own it as a repo!

What a pity that this game wasn’t produced.
And what a luck that even not produced we are able to enjoy it.

This game wil stay on my three favorite VB games!!! Love Bound high!!!

hi there, i was advised to come to you by bigmak, im interested in gettin hold of a bound high cart.. so it’s a cart as payment, right? where should i send them?

you do a sticker for it?

best regards

I know, I know – SUPER late to the game on this one…

Any of these still kicking around / available? I’m interested in a cart with label (don’t need box/instructions).

If not (which I assume is the case) then no big deal.


Okonomiyaki wrote:
I know, I know – SUPER late to the game on this one…

Any of these still kicking around / available? I’m interested in a cart with label (don’t need box/instructions).

If not (which I assume is the case) then no big deal.


They’re not even listed on Uncle Tusk’s site (not even as “out of stock”; just gone), so I’d guess no. I’d wait for him for a definitive word, though.

Edit:// Actually, you might check out this thread

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by jrronimo.


i’ve watched this review a few times, this guy is pretty funny at moments. also, a great review.

Lester Knight wrote:
isn’t it really fun and addictive? when i got my cart only like 34 had been produced. it really is something special to own it as a repo!

It’s an excellent game — managed to complete all levels. Though I did a couple things wrong. 🙂

The final boss is really tough; only his nose is vulnerable. Then when you think he’s gone, he re-invents himself…

The cart label & box are spectacular — perfect printing.

i’ve watched this review a few times, this guy is pretty funny at moments. also, a great review.

Good review. I like his comment “the mistake was not the creation of the Virtual Boy, rather the discontinuation of it”.

I watched a couple of his other reviews — now I REALLY want to play “Virtual Bowling”. Is there a dump available? I clicked on “downloads” here, and 1k can’t be the whole game. The only “released games” I lack are Bowling and Lab…

If you can’t find a particular ROM here, Emuparadise is a good site to find all of the Virtual Boy ROMs.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
If you can’t find a particular ROM here, Emuparadise is a good site to find all of the Virtual Boy ROMs.

VERY much appreciated! Merci! Danke! Gracias!!! Never thought I’d ever be able to play those two. Now if only the mail would hurry with the “Flashboy”…

Tell me — they are “zip” files — will 7-Zip work?

RE “Bound High” — I completed it in “Easy”; now trying “hard”, don’t see much difference…


vb-fan wrote:

Tell me — they are “zip” files — will 7-Zip work?

That is not my area of expertise, but I am pretty sure that 7-Zip will work to extract them.

Remember, once you get your FlashBoy Plus, you will need to pad the ROMs using the padder on this site, before loading them to the FlashBoy Plus. Otherwise, you will get a blank screen when you try to play the ROM on your Virtual Boy.

If you need me to, I can send you padded ROMs of those two games, which will work on an emulator and the FlashBoy Plus. Just send me your e-mail via PM and I can get them to you.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

vb-fan wrote:

Tell me — they are “zip” files — will 7-Zip work?

That is not my area of expertise, but I am pretty sure that 7-Zip will work to extract them.

My day job is computer support so in a way, this is my area of expertise, haha. And with that I will tell you YES, 7-Zip will open .zip files.

…and pretty much *every* other compressed format: .rar, .iso, .tar, .lzh, .arj… (not that you’ll really ever run across .lzh or .arj anymore!)

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

vb-fan wrote:

Tell me — they are “zip” files — will 7-Zip work?

That is not my area of expertise, but I am pretty sure that 7-Zip will work to extract them.

Remember, once you get your FlashBoy Plus, you will need to pad the ROMs using the padder on this site, before loading them to the FlashBoy Plus. Otherwise, you will get a blank screen when you try to play the ROM on your Virtual Boy.

If you need me to, I can send you padded ROMs of those two games, which will work on an emulator and the FlashBoy Plus. Just send me your e-mail via PM and I can get them to you.


My day job is computer support so in a way, this is my area of expertise, haha. And with that I will tell you YES, 7-Zip will open .zip files.

I very much appreciate you guys! 😀

I downloaded them from emuparadise, found the padder here; I presume the flashboy comes with software, or at least instructions. Let me try to pull it off when it arrives, if not I’ll take you up on your kind offer. I’m very excited at being able to play all the games, more so after seeing the comparison between the two bowling games.

I really thought I’d never get a chance to play “Bound High” or “Faceball”; I suspect Dragon & Zero will show up eventually.

I had “Winzip” on one computer, but this one only has 7-Zip. And I think the first is shareware. Electronics has always been my “cup of tea”, not a computer whiz; though everyone in the family does call me with computer problems!

vb-fan wrote:

I presume the flashboy comes with software, or at least instructions.

FlashBoys used to come with a CD, but now you just get the FlashBoy Plus cartridge and a USB cable, so no CD or instructions. Essentially, the following page serves as the current instructions for the FlashBoy Plus, though it was written for the older FlashBoy:


This is most likely the page where you found the padder. You will also need to download the loader from this page in order to use the FlashBoy Plus.

vb-fan wrote:

I had “Winzip” on one computer, but this one only has 7-Zip. And I think the first is shareware. Electronics has always been my “cup of tea”, not a computer whiz; though everyone in the family does call me with computer problems!

Haha, yep! A lot of people are “trained” to download WinZip, which is annoying and shareware. 7-Zip is free and better in a lot of ways! 😀

jrronimo wrote:
Haha, yep! A lot of people are “trained” to download WinZip, which is annoying and shareware. 7-Zip is free and better in a lot of ways! 😀

I don’t have any experience with 7-Zip, I’ll try it; thanx!

Some freeware is good — I tell people about Irfanview, an excellent image viewer. You can change color & brightness & contrast, re-size, rotate, sharpen & blur, and can print exact sizes. About the only thing you can’t do is pixel manipulation like you can in Paint. And it can play media files if it has the right plugins! I’ve never heard of ANYONE reporting a virus or malware with it…

(The icon “splatcat” is also funny; reminds me of a certain “Meany-Baby”, parody of “Beanie-Babies”…)

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

vb-fan wrote:

I presume the flashboy comes with software, or at least instructions.

FlashBoys used to come with a CD, but now you just get the FlashBoy Plus cartridge and a USB cable, so no CD or instructions. Essentially, the following page serves as the current instructions for the FlashBoy Plus, though it was written for the older FlashBoy:


This is most likely the page where you found the padder. You will also need to download the loader from this page in order to use the FlashBoy Plus.

Excellent, thank you! 🙂

Hopefully I’ll get it next week. Can’t wait!

vb-fan wrote:

jrronimo wrote:
Haha, yep! A lot of people are “trained” to download WinZip, which is annoying and shareware. 7-Zip is free and better in a lot of ways! 😀

I don’t have any experience with 7-Zip, I’ll try it; thanx!

Some freeware is good — I tell people about Irfanview, an excellent image viewer. You can change color & brightness & contrast, re-size, rotate, sharpen & blur, and can print exact sizes. About the only thing you can’t do is pixel manipulation like you can in Paint. And it can play media files if it has the right plugins! I’ve never heard of ANYONE reporting a virus or malware with it…

(The icon “splatcat” is also funny; reminds me of a certain “Meany-Baby”, parody of “Beanie-Babies”…)

I’ve been a fan of Irfanview for years. It’s my standard quick-and-dirty image working program. It does all of the main things I need it to do and again, free! 😀 There are a few other little programs like that, but IrfanView and 7-Zip are some of the best free utilities out there. 🙂

Virtual Bowling is right there in a zip-archive for download – some 300+ kB.


The 1k file is some patch to get into the debug mode.

e5frog wrote:
Virtual Bowling is right there in a zip-archive for download – some 300+ kB.


The 1k file is some patch to get into the debug mode.

The thing is, only people who are logged into Planet Virtual Boy and whose accounts qualify as “long-time users” can see the file you are talking about.


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