Since Protoman85’s review, I’ve had a few folk asking me to make them Bound High carts.
I will do it, but I won’t take money.
I’ll accept 2 donor carts. One, I will use to make your BH cart, and the other is payment (which I’ll use to make FlashBoy’s).
Does that sound OK ?
I like DogP’s Bound High label but I personally think it would look more official-like if it had the finalized game logo instead of the prototype one 😉
(thats just a suggestion, really)
Though a quick question; can I assume by wanting the donor carts “shell”, the PCB won’t be needed or am I wrong in assuming that?
I’ll be using just the connector and shell. The PCB is of no use.
I think Richard would re-flash the existing chips with the bound high rom
Not possible. The chips in the original carts are ROM. You cannot write to them.
You’re right about me using FlashBoy PCB’s. I’ll be using them with just the FLASH memory soldered on (and a capacitor).
Ahhh, I totally overlooked the fact that I’d be sending the carts to the UK x.x
I’m gonna have to see how much shipping will cost…
Lester Knight wrote:
keep me posted on the availability of a sticker for the cart. i asked if i could get “a couple” because i want to give 1 or 2 as gifts. i understand if you want to only make 1 per person.Marulu wrote:
great to hear sign me up plsbtw i don´t know waht is a donor card ( im new here)
i can pay i you wantit just means that the shell of an actual game will be used, so you are “donating” a cart. try to pick two games you don’t care about, like don’t send jack bros. =)
thanks for the information
ok sign me up i want on of those please!
I’ll say it again. If you want a cart, please Email me via my page.
Also, can everyone agree on a label. I can then print and apply them to the carts before I send them out.
As long as there is a label, I don’t care what label is used, whatever label everybody wants is fine with me!
its not working because i don´t have a email programm on my pc i answer emails via browser can you post the adress here ?
Could we agree to a chart label soon ?
DogP´s Bound High! art is the best so far so why don´t go with that ?
The faster we can agree to an òfficial´ label for Bound High the faster we will get our Bound High charts !
Wario wrote:
DogP´s Bound High! art is the best so far so why don´t go with that ?
actually, its also the only one so far 😛
don’t get me wrong from what I said before, that logo change thing was only a suggestion! DogP can just use the label thats already made :thumpup:
Holy Snap sign me up! I’ve got plenty of Mario Tennis carts sitting around collecting dust – I’d love to snag a Bound High.
Don’t forget, too – I own a full service print company, capable of die cut decals and stickers, as well as cad cut vinyl graphics – if I can be of service. I can make custom boxes, manuals, etc., as well.
Sending e-mail!
You’re right about me using FlashBoy PCB’s. I’ll be using them with just the FLASH memory soldered on (and a capacitor).
This is what the Bound High boards look like. I program the code onto the FLASH chip (using a commercial programmer) before I solder it in.
colesonwilson wrote:
Holy Snap sign me up! I’ve got plenty of Mario Tennis carts sitting around collecting dust – I’d love to snag a Bound High.
You got some spare ones for those with only one duplicate game collecting dust?
Richard asked me for the cover image, but I noticed talk of the final image instead of the proto. I’m actually not sure where the “final” image came from, but it does look more like the title screen actually used… so I whipped something together quickly. If you guys would rather have this style, just say so.
I did this very quickly, and I’m DEFINITELY no artist… so it can be tweaked if anyone has better ideas. I did change the color to a yellowish orange, since the red didn’t look very good on the red background.
gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
Wario wrote:
DogP´s Bound High! art is the best so far so why don´t go with that ?actually, its also the only one so far 😛
don’t get me wrong from what I said before, that logo change thing was only a suggestion! DogP can just use the label thats already made :thumpup:
Hi everyone, just a quick post so that you have more options to choose from. I’ve just sent to Megaupload my box & instruction manual design along with DogP’s label with the game code as if it were commercial. I prepared all of these way back in 2009. I don’t have server space to upload it into my personal page, nor time to check other ways of uploading it for you, but I’m sure that you’ll do the rest 😉
If you want to see how the final “retail cart” looks, you can check the images in my profile here. You’ll see the final “Bound High” US cart. I’m not saying these are perfect, just that they can be good if you want to make your own “commercial Bound High US cart”. They were designed with loads of love, albeit a bit of rush. Feel free to use them as you wish.
Anyway, I hope this helps you all get your cart ready. I can’t be of much more help now, because I’ve got a “non-virtual boy” as my top priority now 😛
Btw, instruction manual art is thought to print it two-sides. A1 goes with A2, B1 with B2 and C1 goes with C2. After printing and cutting, you carefully put a staple or two in the middle and there you have an “official” instruction manual.
I quite like the new Bound High label (though I didn’t dislike the other one) 😀 :thumpup:
virtualboyfreak’s box art and manual art is cool too
OK, I’m going to go with Dani’s edit of Pat’s label.
BTW I’m close to the 30 orders already 😯
Check out Coleson’s pro labels :thumpup:
So AWESOME! It looks so professional! Great Job! Can’t wait to play it! I sent my 2 carts Fri morning!
@MineStorm, is this whole thing a sort of limited time offer, or will you be doing it until you run out of materials?
@John E Bravo, are you from the US, and if so, how much did it end up costing to ship the two carts over to the UK?