Original Post

Since Protoman85’s review, I’ve had a few folk asking me to make them Bound High carts.

I will do it, but I won’t take money.

I’ll accept 2 donor carts. One, I will use to make your BH cart, and the other is payment (which I’ll use to make FlashBoy’s).

Does that sound OK ?

140 Replies

It cost me 3.46 to Great Britain and Northern Ireland – First-Class Mail Int’l.

2.30 oz


USPS is probably the easiest (or at least cheapest) at $14 USD (with free packaging materials).

Yeah I’m from the US, It cost me $4.36 from Michigan, 1st class Int’l mail, but I put another shipping envelope inside the one that I shipped the 2 carts in so Richard wouldn’t have to buy an additional envelope to send it back to me, So it was a little heavier than it should have been.

MineStorm, is this whole thing a sort of limited time offer

As of now I am not taking any more orders. I don’t have the time or materials to make more.


Coleson is sending me the labels he made. May take a week or so as he’s in the US (I’m in UK).

Just a reminder, please make sure to include your details with the carts. I’m getting so many, I don’t want to send the wrong stuff to people.


  • This reply was modified 13 years, 10 months ago by MineStorm.

I hav send the cards for the bound high and flasboy today

My Bound High cart arrived and yesterday I got the chance to just sit down and play it. Fantastic!

It felt really special to be playing this game via cart, really fun game too, quite absorbing!!

Many thanks for making this and sending me one over, really appreciated and I’m honoured to be one of the chosen few who can play this game 🙂

A really good offer! I don’t have any cart to sacrifice, but if i will find, i’ll join this service! :thumpup:

colesonwilson wrote:
Holy Snap sign me up! I’ve got plenty of Mario Tennis carts sitting around collecting dust – I’d love to snag a Bound High.

Don’t forget, too – I own a full service print company, capable of die cut decals and stickers, as well as cad cut vinyl graphics – if I can be of service. I can make custom boxes, manuals, etc., as well.

Sending e-mail!

Could you make some boxes and manuals for the Bound High carts ?

Wario wrote:
Could you make some boxes and manuals for the Bound High carts ?

I could, easily, if someone provided me with a .pdf of the manual, as well as high res graphics for the box art.

colesonwilson wrote:

Wario wrote:
Could you make some boxes and manuals for the Bound High carts ?

I could, easily, if someone provided me with a .pdf of the manual, as well as high res graphics for the box art.

Is the link on post #36 in this thread of any use ?

My network connection isn´t the best so i have not being able to download it myself and have a good look at it yet.

Wario wrote:

colesonwilson wrote:

Wario wrote:
Could you make some boxes and manuals for the Bound High carts ?

I could, easily, if someone provided me with a .pdf of the manual, as well as high res graphics for the box art.

Is the link on post #36 in this thread of any use ?

My network connection isn´t the best so i have not being able to download it myself and have a good look at it yet.

Hmmmmm…. lemme see what a prototype would look like…

I got my Bound High cart today! I would like to take this time and thank Richard for such a great job! I love this game and I love the craftsmanship. You could never tell this was never released, it looks so real! Richard is a genius! I could have never made this, I have no skill! If he could only harness his power for evil….he could rule the world! LOL!

I’ve also received my Bound High cart today.
Richard you are a real guru !
Thanks for this excellent service…Bound High ROX ! 😀 :thumpup:

I also have recieve bound high today and also my flashboy +

really thanx for this items

I’m almost finished laying out the box artwork. I’ll post high resolution images, along with a cut path so you can see where you need to cut/fold/glue to make a box that is almost indistinguishable from what a real VB box looks like.

Still making these? I’d love to get one!

Still making these?

Not at the moment as I have enough carts now to keep me going for a while (about 50).

Wanna make a GREAT looking Bound High Box at home?

Use this handy dandy box design that I made!

This will print on a standard LEGAL (8.5″x14″) size piece of paper. It looks best printed on a COLOR LASER printer using a heavy card stock – I recommend 80# to 100# COVER stock. If you don’t have a color laser you can take this file to your local FedEx/Kinko’s and make sure to tell them DO NOT SCALE TO FIT!!!

I just printed one out a minute ago, cut it, glued it, and folded it. It took me about 20 minutes, and the box looks absolutely professional.

To download the PRINT file go here :

For the INSTRUCTIONS to put the box together go here :

When I get to my camera I will post photos of what my box looks like completed.

I’ll also be doing a complete layout of the manual, but this will take longer.


Wow it looks great :thumpup:

Could you print the box and manual and sell it for self assembly ?

I would love to get one of those boxes and manual 😛


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