Since Protoman85’s review, I’ve had a few folk asking me to make them Bound High carts.
I will do it, but I won’t take money.
I’ll accept 2 donor carts. One, I will use to make your BH cart, and the other is payment (which I’ll use to make FlashBoy’s).
Does that sound OK ?
gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
*goes into this topic* *stares at VirtualJockey* *stares…* *STARES..* 😮
Just keepin’ the dream alive. 😛
virtualboyfreak wrote:
[Well, this picture is no news either, but now you have more to talk about than an hour ago 😛 It’s just two versions of the same thing, made by two artists of the Virtual Boy 😉
Who made the PCB on the right? I hope one day someone can produce homebrew PCBs with the pin-out (pin-in) intact.
It arrived today! Oh Fraptious day!
Now I can get back to work on making a manual for it!
VirtualJockey wrote:
Who made the PCB on the right? I hope one day someone can produce homebrew PCBs with the pin-out (pin-in) intact.
That was my PLCC PCB: .
DogP wrote:
VirtualJockey wrote:
Who made the PCB on the right? I hope one day someone can produce homebrew PCBs with the pin-out (pin-in) intact.That was my PLCC PCB: .
Ahh, that one. I still like it.
I hope one day someone can produce homebrew PCBs with the pin-out (pin-in) intact.
Not sure what you mean ?
MineStorm wrote:
I hope one day someone can produce homebrew PCBs with the pin-out (pin-in) intact.
Not sure what you mean ?
I thought that no company made the PCBs with the pinout, and you needed to sacrifice a cart for the part. Was I mistaken?
VirtualJockey wrote:
I thought that no company made the PCBs with the pinout, and you needed to sacrifice a cart for the part. Was I mistaken?
The reason for cart destruction has nothing to do with PCBs. It’s just that the only way to get connectors that fit in a standard VB cartridge shell is by removing them from an existing game. There are, apparently, “off-the-shelf” connectors that mate with the VB’s cartridge connector, but I gather they are hard to find, moderately expensive, and don’t really fit a standard cartridge PCB or shell. As an aside, if someone with a source of such connectors is reading this, I would participate in a group purchase of these if the final price was right. But that’s a discussion for another thread…
FYI, the word “pinout” refers to a list or chart of the pins of a connector or device and the corresponding signals those pins carry. When discussing a PCB, one usually refers to the “outline” of a part – the arrangement of copper “pads” to which a part is soldered.
DogP wrote:
VirtualJockey wrote:
Who made the PCB on the right? I hope one day someone can produce homebrew PCBs with the pin-out (pin-in) intact.That was my PLCC PCB: .
Yeap, they are DogP’s and MineStorm’s PCB’s. As I said, jobs of VB artists 🙂
Yes, the connector problem is a pain. Unless someone finds a whole box of them somewhere, there’s no other real soloution.
BTW if anyone is interested, I can also build repro’s of any VB cart (even battery SRAM one’s).
Seems there wasn’t a better label picture made, I spent the evening/half the night doing one in 1200 dpi. Scan of Galactic Pinball as base and used the logo from the box picture posted here. I should maybe clean the background up a bit to suit any future release… Looked pretty nice on photo paper.
Feel free to use it.
Also on postimage:
This reply was modified 13 years, 9 months ago by
I can’t believe I missed this. I was thinking about someone making these ever since the rom was released. If anyone is interested in selling theirs please let me know.
OK, I’m back building Bound High carts again.
I need 3 donors per cart this time.
Do you print the labels? No problem if not as I can print my own, but I thought I’d ask regardless 😛
If anyone has a box mockup please let me know…
Do you print the labels?
I do, yes. They look OK, I have the corners rounded too.
If anyone has a box mockup please let me know…
Here… use mine…
Thanks Coleson! I really appreciate this, I am not familiar on here yet so I missed the thread somehow. Did you make up some boxes in the end? I saw the manual’s a different story.
Here’s the instruction manual. A1 & A2 on the same piece of paper, one side each. B1 & B2 the same, and C1 & C2 the same. Then cut & staple, quite simple.
This was done when I had enough time in the day. Now I don’t have any time to spare on these things, so just enjoy what you see… or make a better one yourself and share it 😉
Fantastic! Thanks for doing this again. I’ve mostly taken to lurking on here, but I was away for a while. When I came back, the first batch was already all claimed… so I resolved to check back here a bit more frequently. 🙂