Lurked for a bit, never posted before. Anyway, I picked up this Bound High ROM off some guy on craigslist a few months ago. Never got it to work quite right so I figured someone might be able to tell me why I’m retarded. And in the process, maybe get a copy for themselves, if they can get it working.
I attached it to my post and uploaded it to — as well. Give it a shot hope someone can figure this out.
akumie wrote:
I think its lame if people want to pay over $1000 for a unreleased game or protoype
Release all the games clitched or not including sourcecode and maybe for once we can see some full 100% working 16/32 bit vb homebrew gamesLike when someone released the 4 rare vb games, I did not care if some strange person lost thousands of dollors because I think when the vb has so few games (including homebrew) people should release anything they have so atleast more people want to play the vb, join this community and make more homebrew games
I’m sure people would gladly want to share all the games with the community, but…
If you’re so gung ho about the next prototype getting released, then please buy the next one that pops on eBay or Yahoo Auctions, spend thousands of your dollars, and release the ROM to the community for free.
If you’re not willing to do this, maybe you could understand why others don’t wish to either. The second a ROM is dumped and released from a one-of-a-kind prototype cart, the actual prototype cart will no longer demand the same kind of price that it went for before the dump.
To put it bluntly, the owner of an unreleased prototype would be shafted if they didn’t get monetary compensation that comes close to their initial financial investment. This isn’t a charity, it’s a hobby. Not trying to flame you or anything, just hoping to put such situations into perspective for you.
Which version is this then:
Plasma stage seems to work and there seems to be no glitches…
Buggy version compiled with gccvb, played on Reality Boy. It runs almost perfect on the emulator, but not very good on hardware. There are some little bugs, like the garbled graphics at 3:27 for example. Interestingly, that happens right before the Plasma Stage starts, which is were problems start on the VUCC compiled version.
But it looks a little like it could be on a real machine…
Anyway, so there’s currently two people (that we know of) that are working on Bound High in what little spare time they have… How can we support them to make this happen faster?
can someone send me the so called clitch copy? I want to plat but no more wait
It’s definitely from the emu, but filmed off the screen. Look at the angle, the crisp picture and how it has no sound, since RB did not have good sound emulation back when the video was made. There’s also a version with sound from the same user, which ends after the intro, right before the game starts, which is where it gets buggy.
I don’t know if there’s any way to help. RunnerPack’s tool comes with source, so you could look for errors in it, but it might not be the ISX conversion after all, but something in the source. Let’s just keep them trying for a little longer.
Krisse, your signature links to the old address… 😉
Akumie, killen som skrev första inlägget hade ju laddat upp den ospelbara versionen, som ser snygg ut men där det saknas grejor – fråga honom. 😉
Many people downloaded it last saturday and now they have the glitchy one and can play Bound High … Why not me? Where I was last saturday? Maybe I had a hangover and I was sleeping 😀
Antoine BCN wrote:
Many people downloaded it last saturday and now they have the glitchy one and can play Bound High … Why not me? Where I was last saturday? Maybe I had a hangover and I was sleeping 😀
I know right!!! I was thinking the same thing. Had I logged on between 7:15 and 7:25 on Sat onto this thread I could have had at least a taste of this game. >:(
If the intentions are to fix the game and actually release it, then why on earth is it a sin to try out a glitched copy if we know beforehand that it’s glitched. >:(
You’re right !! Crackshot attached Bound High rom at 13:15 PM ( in Spain ) and I woke up at 14:00 PM ( a typicall friday’s party in Barcelona finish at 7:00 AM , and afterwards you need to have a breakfast,of course 😀 )
We need to play the glitchy ( or not ) one !!
Crackshot could still upload it to an upload-site or make a torrent out of it or something like that – if he wanted to.
Guys, if you’re really that desperate to play a glitchy, broken version of Bound High, I’m sure jojobean will happily sell you a copy for $500.
dasi wrote:
Guys, if you’re really that desperate to play a glitchy, broken version of Bound High, I’m sure jojobean will happily sell you a copy for $500.
sure, why not?
sigh, yet again some people have to be like children just because they have a copy mosy people dont have
No wonder the vb scene is so small if people never send stuff to regular people like me
akumie wrote:
sigh, yet again some people have to be like children just because they have a copy mosy people dont have
No wonder the vb scene is so small if people never send stuff to regular people like me
…and some other people have to be like communists, expecting to get everything for free 😉
…and other people just have the glitchy display problem : I’m unlucky 🙁
I have only one Virtual Boy , and now no works , fucking display problem !!! 😀
From: CrackShoot | Sent: 2010/3/25 23:04:07
akumie wrote:
can u plz send me the clitchy version of bound high, I proise I wont upload the copy to anyonw, just really want to play it but aint going to pay $500
Hey, I don’t care if you give the copy to anyone. Part of the reason I started this thread was so people could have free access to a glitchy ROM. Nobody should have to pay money for a broken game that never was, haha. — – Spread it around if you can, tired of people getting taken advantage of.
Send him a message and he will send u a copy, cheers
This reply was modified 14 years, 11 months ago by