Hey all. For my VB collection, I’ve been displaying my games using this method, http://nintendoage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=79852 I think it’s a fantastic way to show off my games while keeping my cardboard boxes safe from damage (keeping the boxes separately in a plastic tub). From the site I have covers for the 14 NA games and V Tetris but was wondering if anyone out there was good with photo shop (I suck at it) that could make covers for Virtual Fishing, Inmouse, Virtual Lab, Space Invaders, SD Gundam, Virtual Bowling, and Space Squash. Also if possible, the Planet VB releases Bound High, Space Pinball, Faceball VB Prototype, and Bloxx (plus the other releases when they come out). I’d like to keep my collection uniform and if we could get these files out, others who enjoy this method of displaying their games without PS skills could also put them to use. Thanks in advance to anyone who could make these.
Craby wrote:
I did a cover for Space Squash, but i have no idea what to write on the back. I can’t translate the original back cover (here), and I… well, you don’t want some awkward, poorly worded sentences on your cover π
Please feel free to use the English translations that I made for the back of the box as a basis for your box. My translations can be found here:
The translations that I made are very literal and don’t flow as smoothly as an English speaker would say it, so you may want to reword them a bit to make them flow more smoothly and naturally.
Thanks Benjamin ! I admit i didn’t search before asking π
But my problem is precisely that i’m not an english speaker, so i will not do any better than what you’ve purposely done.
Craby wrote:
Thanks Benjamin ! I admit i didn’t search before asking πBut my problem is precisely that i’m not an english speaker, so i will not do any better than what you’ve purposely done.
Here, I revised the translations some, so that they flow more smoothly and naturally in English:
[In red font at the very top]
The time to experience true 3D has come at last!
[Above the “60” ball in the upper left]
60 variations of stages
in all!
[Beneath the “60” ball in the upper left]
Each stage has various obstacles,
useful objects, and an enemy character!
[Above the “200” ball in the upper right]
単純明快! ハマリ度
Simple and clear, with a
fun factor of 200%!
[Beneath the “200” ball in the upper right]
The basics of the game are very simple, and with the
excellent controls, anyone will be immediately hooked!
[Beneath the upper screenshot, in the middle of the back of the box]
Introducing the action
game based on the
theme of squash, a sport
with the best sense
of speed!
[Inside the black bar in the lower left table]
[In the field beneath the black bar]
●Those, and the guardians of those, who are intending to use this product: Please
be sure to read the instruction booklet and precautions booklet before use.
●The Virtual Boy is for indoor use only.
●Please take appropriate breaks when playing for longer periods of time.
●Please avoid prolonged and continuous use and playing when tired, for this is
not favorable to your health.
●Please use the Virtual Boy only after making the appropriate adjustments.
●This product must not be used by anyone whose eyes are 0 to 6 years into their growth process.
[Below the field mentioned above, in the bottom left corner of the back of the box]
*In some cases, some people may not see three-dimensionally with the Virtual Boy.
[To the right of “VIRTUAL BOY TM”]
バーチャルボーイTM は任天堂の商標です。
[In the bottom right corner of the back of the box]
株式会社 ココナッツジャパン エンターテイメント
〒102東京都千代田区平河町1-6-7-702 TEL 03(5276)7301
1-6-7-702 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan / Tel: 03-5276-7301
Alright ! Thanks again Benjamin :] Tell me if you want me to change anything.
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
Another native English speaker humbly offers his attempt π
At last… the time to experience true 3D has come!
Introducing the action game with the truest sense of speed!
SPACE SQUASH is an action game that combines the simple concepts of squash and air hockey… and takes them both to a whole new dimension!
The basics of the game are very simple, but once you try the excellent controls, you’ll be hooked immediately!
– 60 stage variations in all!
– Each stage has various obstacles, useful objects, and an enemy character!
– Simple and clear, with a 200% fun factor!
Craby wrote:
Thanks RunnerPack ! :]
My pleasure, Craby. You did a great job on the rest of the cover.
One thing, though: why the extra space between the sentences and exclamation points? Is it an artifact of the font you’re using, or maybe the software you’re using? I know I didn’t put them in the copy I posted (in fact, I specifically removed them from your original).
I did because that’s how we use exclamation mark in french. I even had a doubt when reading your post and i went to check on official (but french) sources.
But I see that’s not how it works in english, I didn’t know. My bad ! π
From Wiki :
In French, next to marking exclamations or indicating astonishment, the exclamation mark is also commonly used to mark orders or requests: Viens ici ! (English: “Come here!”). A space (Β« espace fine Β») is used between the last word and the exclamation mark.
(I can’t edit my previous posts and i feel bad spamming the topic)
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
Well, I guess we both learned something today! π I wonder why you guys put the space… Probably to avoid confusion due to use of accent marks.
I don’t think anyone would be angry if you posted a changed file. In fact, why not post a “version franΓ§aise” as well? :thumpup: (Of course, then you’d have to translate all the other ones, too ;-))
On the other hand, I guess it wouldn’t be too hard for others to fix it themselves… I would fix and post it for you, but it’s already a JPEG π
RunnerPack wrote:I wonder why you guys put the space…
Because England needs to mess with us french since middle age, in every possible ways ! that’s why ! π
Sending us Flashboy carts and awesome music is just part of a bigger plan to invade us for good π―
Excellent cover! You may want to change the serial to “VUE P VSSE”, though.
You guys have been doing great! Love the covers. Just a few more need to be made. Should probably make a sticky with a link to the instructions, the link to where to buy the red cases from Nintendo, and each games cover to DL so anyone that visits this site can turn their own VB collection into something different, if they choose to. Personally, I appreciate everyone’s hard work so far! Now to finish up the remainder covers!