I recently started collecting these kinds of games after watching some of VectrexRoli’s videos on youtube. I’m only about 3 weeks in, and I already have 5 of them. I plan to collect a bunch of these, as they are really fun to play and are a true blast from the past.
Oddly, I’ve never heard of or played a lot of these games growing up, but they still gave me this strong nostalgic euphoria…
I’m going to collect these only if they are in excellent condition with the manuals and boxes, wich means I’m going to have to buy some more shelves to display them all (my wife is pissed and wants a word with VectrexRoli’s wife :D).
Here, I’ll post some of my favorite ones, along with the box art and manuals and a game-play image. Starting with…
Epoch’s Invader From Space. This game is very well-designed and the actual game-play is on point. Very simple, but plays what it’s supposed to play, and does a really good job.
Love this one!!
here is a great reference site: http://www.handheldmuseum.com/
good luck, these get expensive very quickly.
Lester Knight wrote:
here is a great reference site: http://www.handheldmuseum.com/good luck, these get expensive very quickly.
I don’t plan on collecting any of the crazy rare ones, just the ones that are actually fun to play. I really like the way these things work. They’re like tiny light shows programmed to be games.
That is a neat little site there. I never knew of it before.
I’m also a fan this VFD games, but I dont collect this games.
Not enough space at home 🙁
I love the tron films,and my favorite of the VFD games is the Tron Tabletop version.
Most of the games are Pac-Man or Space-Invaders clones.
I see many of them at the 90’s at my flea market times..
I like especially the housing designs of this games.
Every game is a different design piece, perfect for a glass-cabinet.
Sorry for my english.
A very recently released line of “handhelds” that I find to be very neat is the “Arcade Classics” line of mini-arcade cabinets, manufactured by Basic Fun, a division of The Bridge Direct, Inc. It appears that these are exclusively sold by Wal-Mart, so obviously resellers are already trying to snatch them up and sell online for higher prices. I currently have numbers 03 through 07 in my collection, and I’m hoping to get the whole line. Strangely, it seems that only numbers 01 through 08 and 10 have been released so far, but there are rumors online that number 09 is / will soon be “Defender.”
Actually, many (all?) of the Arcade Classics are widely available at stores like JC Penney, BB&B, Amazon, Toys R Us, and others. But Wal-Mart may have an exclusive on the nice box packaging – all the others sell the games on blister packs.
Even more cool, IMHO, are the new Tiny Arcade games. They’re substantially smaller than the Arcade Classics. They look like the original arcade cabinets, and even the marquee lights up. They’re fully playable, tho it’s hard, cause they’re so small. The tiny screen is very bright and clear, and pretty good definition, considering. Here’s a link to some of them (all sold out) at Toys R Us. There are actually 6 or 8, IIRC.
BTW: some people on ebay sell these modded with switches in back to play 4 different games in the one cabinet.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
A very recently released line of “handhelds” that I find to be very neat is the “Arcade Classics” line of mini-arcade cabinets, manufactured by Basic Fun, a division of The Bridge Direct, Inc. It appears that these are exclusively sold by Wal-Mart, so obviously resellers are already trying to snatch them up and sell online for higher prices. I currently have numbers 03 through 07 in my collection, and I’m hoping to get the whole line. Strangely, it seems that only numbers 01 through 08 and 10 have been released so far, but there are rumors online that number 09 is / will soon be “Defender.”
Hah! That’s funny as hell, Ben! I too, have been collecting these as well. I absolutely love them. Not that I take them out of the boxes and play them or anything, but it’s really cool to turn the lights off and turn them all on at the same time. Rampage is an absolute beauty!
I’ll post some pictures of the ones I have when I get outta work tonight.
pinmagic wrote:
Actually, many (all?) of the Arcade Classics are widely available at stores like JC Penney, BB&B, Amazon, Toys R Us, and others. But Wal-Mart may have an exclusive on the nice box packaging – all the others sell the games on blister packs.
From what I have learned so far, the nice packaging in the pictures I provided, which includes the special numbering from 01 to 10, is exclusive to Wal-Mart, but not only that, the versions of the video games for Centipede, Q*bert, Frogger, Joust, and Rampage are also exclusive to Wal-Mart. Thus, the versions of the games in the blister packs for Centipede, Q*bert, and Frogger are different, not to mention the styles of the cabinets themselves, while the styles of the cabinets for Asteroids and Pac-Man in color are likewise exclusive to Wal-Mart, and it appears that Joust and Rampage don’t even sell in the blister packs at all. So yeah, I’m considering the Wal-Mart exclusives as a line in and of itself.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Benjamin Stevens.
Here’s my collection so far. Looks like I’m only missing “01 PAC-MAN” since “09” hasn’t been released yet. I actually forgot that I had “02 SPACE INVADERS”, it was on its side behind the other boxes in my stash.
That’s funny, I bought the Q Bert “Arcade classic” for my husband, since he likes Q Bert. They’re pretty nice looking actually, while I kept the box mine sits outside of it. They make it pretty easy to put them back in anyway.
I would like to keep all mine new in the boxes, but I know eventually, some day the batteries are going to corrode. But I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
I’m actually considering buying another Q*Bert, Joust, and Rampage, just so I can play them.
Here is solid proof that number 09 is going to be “Defender”:
I searched 3 different Wal-Marts in my area today and couldn’t find numbers 08 and 10 in any of them. It appears that the Wal-Marts in my area haven’t released them yet for some reason, as they definitely all still had an abundant supply of numbers 03 through 07.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
I searched 3 different Wal-Marts in my area today and couldn’t find numbers 08 and 10 in any of them.
I gotta hit up Wal-Mart before I go to work tomorrow to grab a few gifts for some co-workers, if I see that they have “8” and “10” I’ll buy them and ship them off to you along with the original receipt, and you can just pay me whenever.
Sound good?
Just checked my local Wal-Mart, and no 08 or 10. This is the same location where I purchased my ones from, they did have a bunch of them like almost a month ago.
It’s interesting that they use such a variety of technology for these games – some have 80s style static LEDs, and some have the latest active panels that look like a TV screen. Wonder why that is.
vuefinder83 wrote:
I gotta hit up Wal-Mart before I go to work tomorrow to grab a few gifts for some co-workers, if I see that they have “8” and “10” I’ll buy them and ship them off to you along with the original receipt, and you can just pay me whenever.
Sound good?
Man, that would have been good. Too bad they didn’t have any.
I really hope that some Wal-Marts somewhere will still have them, or that they will come back in stock sometime soon. I really don’t want to have to resort to paying the higher prices on eBay for something so recently released, but it may end up being the case that I will have to.
I tried asking a guy at the Wal-Mart I visited today if he knew whether his store might get them in stock soon, but we all likely know how helpful the typical Wal-Mart employee is. :-/
When I go to visit my girlfriend this weekend, I’ll have to check the Wal-Mart where she lives.
pinmagic wrote:
It’s interesting that they use such a variety of technology for these games – some have 80s style static LEDs, and some have the latest active panels that look like a TV screen. Wonder why that is.
It seems that Wal-Mart wanting to exert its power has a large part to do with it. Based on the release history of these things, it seems that the classic static screens was going to be the original direction taken, but then when Wal-Mart caught wind of it, it seems that Wal-Mart wanted to introduce a “premium” line of the machines, so the vast majority in the Wal-Mart exclusive line gets the versions that are largely all slightly modified NES ROMs, it seems. Thus, everybody else gets the static screen versions to sell, while powerful Wal-Mart gets the versions that are closer to the arcade versions.
For those who plan to keep their games sealed in the box, you may want to reconsider. The batteries provided are GP brand “heavy duty” batteries. I replaced mine immediately with a brand name alkaline, to minimize the chance of leakage over time. They go back in the box easily, so if you take a little care in opening them, it shouldn’t be noticeable.
BTW: WalMart may be restocking some of these. The website only lists 3 of the titles (for some strange reason) – it appears that 2 were just restocked. (This morning, Qbert said “1 left”, and Frogger said “2 left”. Now, it doesn’t say that.) But Centipede is still listed as OOS.
I sure hope that these get restocked, and that Defender doesn’t get canceled. I fear that something has happened, which will cause Defender never to get released, in which case people would have to settle for homebrew Joust-hacks with altered cabinet art.
Isn’t there a jumper in two of these to turn one of them into a different one? I want to say Centipede and one of the other ones. I guess the two have identical boards with both games on them, and just a jumper which dictates which actually gets booted.
pinmagic wrote:
For those who plan to keep their games sealed in the box, you may want to reconsider. The batteries provided are GP brand “heavy duty” batteries. I replaced mine immediately with a brand name alkaline, to minimize the chance of leakage over time. They go back in the box easily, so if you take a little care in opening them, it shouldn’t be noticeable.
Yeah, I might just do that. But I’ll wait until the original batteries no longer work the “Try Me” feature. I knew eventually this would happen.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
I sure hope that these get restocked, and that Defender doesn’t get canceled. I fear that something has happened, which will cause Defender never to get released, in which case people would have to settle for homebrew Joust-hacks with altered cabinet art.
Nah you’re good Ben. I’ve been collecting these for at least a year now, and one thing that I noticed is that they’ve been releasing these games in two’s (except for 05, 06, and 07, those three were released at the same time). I’m quite confident that 08 and 10 will get another run, it’s just that with Joust and Rampage being the most recent to be released they’re probably just sold-out everywhere at the moment since collectors already have numbers 1 – 7. Now numbers 01 and 02 are a different story. I haven’t seen those restocked in almost a year, so eBay might be your best bet when it comes to acquiring those. I just received 01 Pac-Man in the mail today, so my collection is now temporarily complete.
speedyink wrote:
Isn’t there a jumper in two of these to turn one of them into a different one? I want to say Centipede and one of the other ones. I guess the two have identical boards with both games on them, and just a jumper which dictates which actually gets booted.
Yeah, Centipede has Q*bert, and Q*bert has Centipede… 08 Joust has Defender, which most likely will be “09”. I heard #10 Rampage was too big to fit another rom in it, but I’m very curious to know if there’s another rom hidden inside of 06 Frogger. I can’t find any videos of people hacking that one yet.