Spotted these:
This is not my picture, it is a collection from someone on who unfortunately doesn’t respond to where to get them.
I would very much like to get a hold on a few, though have no clue what they are called and where to get them, anyone has any clue?
Possibly DS game cases? A while ago they re-released every Mario-themed DS game in a red box (in the US at least), so it was easier to spot “Mario” games on the shelf. (I think this coincided with the release of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which was also in a special red case.)
They look a little thin for that to be the answer, though. Very cool looking, whatever they are!
Edit: Got ’em! Check these out:
Glover wrote:
Possibly DS game cases? A while ago they re-released every Mario-themed DS game in a red box (in the US at least), so it was easier to spot “Mario” games on the shelf. (I think this coincided with the release of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which was also in a special red case.)They look a little thin for that to be the answer, though. Very cool looking, whatever they are!
Edit: Got ’em! Check these out:
Yes. That is the best place online to buy the red cases that are needed to make these. I don’t know if there is any place online that actually sells these, so you have to buy the cases and then print out your own case artwork for each game. It just so happens that I found someone online who gave me all of the artwork files for these. Let’s see how many I can attach to one post. These will probably bog down the page for a lot of people, but at least they will have access to the artwork, in case they want to make their own custom cases for the games.
And some more.
This is cool and it sucks at the same time, since I live outside of USA/Canada I cannot order them…
Thanks though and I hope others enjoy this way of storing them…..
And the final five.
Great, I at least have the covers now, that is a great share Benjamin! Now I need to figure out a way to get the boxes to the Netherlands…
TheForce81 wrote:
This is cool and it sucks at the same time, since I live outside of USA/Canada I cannot order them…Thanks though and I hope others enjoy this way of storing them…..
I’ve seen a lot of black DS cases selling for very cheap on Ebay at times. If you don’t mind the outer case being black instead of red, you could go that route. Not sure how often the red cases might appear on Ebay, though.
These look really cool. Good way to store your games and keep your boxes safe.
Thanks for the artwork Ben.
TheForce81 wrote:
Great, I at least have the covers now, that is a great share Benjamin! Now I need to figure out a way to get the boxes to the Netherlands…
If you are serious about getting the red cases from Nintendo’s site, you could use me as a middleman. I could order the boxes and then ship them to you, and you could pay me back the costs that would be necessary. If you do want to do that, send me a PM and we can set it up.
This really sucks, they also sell 3DS cases for virtually nothing. You guys in the USA and Canada are lucky they sell it to you and that cheap.
Ahhh well, too bad that it is not happening.
Nevermind, the previous in this post 😉 You have a PM.
It seems that I have 2 variations for the Mario Clash case. Here’s the other one:
That cover at is great. It would be nice to have a full set of high quality art that could be used for case projects.
Missing from what you posted:
Innsmouth no Yakata
SD Gundam Dimension War
Space Invaders Virtual Collection
Space Squash
Virtual Bowling
Virtual Fishing
Virtual Lab
It would also be nice to have all the Japanese boxes for the US boxes you already posted, and a few sets of artwork for known “DEMO” carts with the demo sticker on the top!
This would be a great project for someone with the time and photoshop skills.
The downside to ordering these is that they have the DS card stand-offs in the center of the case. You’d either have to cut it out by hand or just maybe the VB games would fit anyway.
jrronimo wrote:
The downside to ordering these is that they have the DS card stand-offs in the center of the case. You’d either have to cut it out by hand or just maybe the VB games would fit anyway.
You are right. I’m pretty sure that the DS card stand off does have to be cut out for the VB cartridge to fit in properly. Nevertheless, people with good crafting skills can do this and also add foam padding in the inside to make the whole inside look very nice if they wish, while the outside of the case looks great anyway, even if no other work on the case is done after cutting out the DS card slot.
Wow, thanks for the images. Actually you used to be able to order these already made, bigmak found them originally, but it looks like they are out of business now.
This is a really exciting idea. I might persue this fully and look at creating NA style covers for the JP titles.
I’ve decided to put a few of these together. I purchased a bundle of 5 red cases from the Nintendo site (since I only have 3 games plus a FlashBoy), and so far everything’s going great.
I downloaded the high-res insert images that Benjamin Stevens posted earlier in the thread. Those are awesome.
There is a number of files attached to this post. They’re numbered, so I’ll just refer to them by number:
1. This is what the case looks like when it arrives from Nintendo. It will be quite difficult to open the first two or three times, before the snaps loosen up a bit.
2. With the case open, you can see the guts. Take note of the DS card holder, which is in the way. This will be removed at a later time, and I’ll document the process in a later post.
3. Here’s an insert sheet all printed out and ready to go. I produced these with a color laser printer, which is among the best that you can get with civilian money. I first tried printing on photo paper, but after putting the insert into the case the high gloss of the clear plastic totally outshone the quality of the paper I used.
NOTE: The proper width to print out the insert images, so that they fit in the Nintendo-supplied DS cases, is 10 inches and 7/8, which is 10.875 inches. Doing this creates a nice snug fit inside the case jacket without wrinkling the paper. Since standard letter size is 11 inches the long way, you’ll need to use legal size paper, which is 14 inches long.
4. I used a paper cutter to get straight edges on the inserts. You can also use a pair of scissors, a precision knife, or whatever else you have that cuts paper. Just make it look nice. I also removed a tiny amount of the printed image to prevent any unsightly white from winding up on the finished product.
5. When adding the insert to the case, make sure it’s perfectly positioned, because once you close the case, the bends that will be formed in the paper will prevent you from making good adjustments.
6. & 7. After it’s all said and done, you’ve got one slick case that out-shines the original boxes. (-:
8. KR155E was kind enough to provide high-res files for the artwork of the FlashBoy Plus box. So I made an insert image and printed that out too. The insert image is attached below, and follows the same dimensions and arrangement as the files Benjamin Stevens provided.
9. Once it’s all said and done, I have quite a collection of cases for my Virtual Boy cartridges! The next step will be to modify them to accept the actual carts.
Lookin’ good, Guy Perfect!
I want to credit the person who gave me the original images for these. He is the one who started this thread at Nintendo AGE:
He also has a handy guide for making the finalized cases there.
Oh man those do look pretty sweet. Might be a nice way to stash loose carts so I don’t have to open up cardboard boxes and hurt ’em.
Thanks for the “how-to”! I have a feeling I’ll be making some of these… eventually.
Thanks to Ben’s link, I was able to remove the excess plastic within the cases. Turns out an ordinary box knife can remove the DS standoff (be sure to put something between the back of the case and the clear plastic sleeve).
I also removed the horizontal support “beam” above the manual clip so Virtual Boy manuals would fit. It can be done with a knife, but it’s kinda tedious, so I used a Dremmel grinding wheel and followed it up with a buff wheel.
As before, numbered photos are attached to this post.
10. This is what the cases look like with their plastic removed.
11. I’ll get some better materials next time I’m in the vicinity of an arts and crafts store, but for now, I’m securing my cartridges with paper towels and tape.