Original Post

During the last coding competition a new member going by the nickname Red Metal joined planetvb. He planned to submit a VB port of Snatcher, a game that I had never heard of. After 7 post he stopped writing updates. Almost exactly one year ago someone else posted that Red Metal had passed away.

That post choked me up quite a bit. I had never talked to him but from his post I could tell that he was a very nice person. I felt like I missed my chance to get to know him. I tried to express that in a post but somehow my words felt meaningless to me.

It sparked an idea though… I could create a Snatcher port in his memory. So I started learning about the game and all the different versions. After playing it for a bit I came to the conclusion that it’s too complex. But somehow I couldn’t let the idea go.

One year and something like 200-300 hours of work later I have a first demo done. You can play up to the point where you leave for Alton Plaza. The Jordan Computer, inventory and shooting games are fully working. I had to skip the save feature and the video phone for now. To my knowledge it is furthers a homebrew Snatcher port has ever gotten.

Here are some features:
– Dynamic dialog system with alternating answers
– Dynamic inventory (Select button) that reacts to people in the room
– Every image has been converted to 3D
– PCM music and sound effects
– In game Jordan computer fully working
– Shooting games fully ported

Special Thanks go to:
– Bigmak and Minestorm for testing.
– Horvat for sharing his PCM code. In the end I wrote my own but it sure helped allot.
– Benjamin Stevens for testing and helping out with the transcripts.

I’m well aware that there are some imperfections in the game. I will continue polishing what is there and extending it until the game is fully completed. Even if it takes till the 25th vb anniversary.

I hope this is something Red Metal would have enjoyed playing.

Happy 20th anniversary everyone.


99 Replies

It was such a great thing for you to do this in his memory, thunderstruck.

The current demo looks great! Keep up the good work! 🙂

That is a touching story, im sure red metal would be pleased with this, and you should be very proud of yourself thunder.

Just watched the video, looks good. When I get the chance I’ll download the demo and give it a try.
Great work as always.

Thank you for this!

Looks great, can’t wait to try it out.

Just played through a little. This looks GREAT!. I love the practice range. Runs great on mednafen. Nice work Thunderstruck!!!!

Too bad I don’t have the time right now to play though the complete demo but I definitely need to reserve an evening soon.

But wow, the 10 minutes or so I just played were really cool. That’s some amazing sound quality! And some of the best stereo backgrounds since Virtual Bowling, did you 3D-fy them by hand?

I was a bit surprised though that Jordan didn’t have anything on file when I entered “Thunderstruck”. 😉

I wish Red Metal could’ve played this in his lifetime, I am sure he would have totally loved your version!

This looks fantastic! What a wonderful way to celebrate his memory! Will be a fantastic day when this is finished! Keep up the great work!

Looks cool.

i greatly respect your reasons behind this project and i think he would have been proud.

Wow, way to make me choke up.

I remember reading Red Metal’s posts. He had so much enthusiasm towards his Snatcher project. It was very saddening to hear the news..

This really is amazing Thunderstruck. Seriously, good on you for bringing his project to life. I’m sure this would have put the biggest smile on his face.

Thank you, I need to try that out soon.
Great idea to bring Red Metal´s idea to life finally.

I do not know this game but it look awesome. I hope you will finish the game quickly, I wish you good luck!

My condolences for Red Metal (Al Hansen), R.I.P.

R.I.P. Red Metal and thanks for a starter “Snatcher”.

Thanks allot for all the comments. I highly recommend everyone to play it on hardware. The music has less static on the emulator but the stero backgrounds look much better in 3D. The pixel distortion looks somehow wrong when you only see the left eye image.

KR155E wrote:
I was a bit surprised though that Jordan didn’t have anything on file when I entered “Thunderstruck”. 😉

There is actually one easteregg in the Jordan computer because I forgot to take it out.

KR155E wrote:
That’s some amazing sound quality! And some of the best stereo backgrounds since Virtual Bowling, did you 3D-fy them by hand?

Writing the sound engine was surprisingly easy. Looking at DogPs and Horvats code helped allot though. There is still some static sometimes which bothers me a bit.

The image conversion is a half automated process. The conversion to redscale vb images happens automatically, but I need to draw a depth map for the stereoscopic images. I got quite fast at drawing those with photoshop. My converter uses the depthmap to generate a stereo SBS image.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by thunderstruck.

Great job on this game. I need to get my hands on a FlashBoy so I can enjoy it the way it was meant to be played. Thank you for continuing to keep the Virtual Boy alive with new games.

The backgrounds are very well done. The awesome 3D effect really does bring each picture to life. Also the shooting game controls flawlessly.

Also really cool to hear this sort of sound out of the Virtual Boy, it’s nice to hear something so different!

Which version of the game are you porting?

adler_0 wrote:
Which version of the game are you porting?

The sega cd version. But as with all the different versions there are many tiny differences.

The talent from the members of this sight is just jaw dropping. Thank you Thunderstruck!

Your doing Red Metal’s dream justice. RIP

Great contribution to VB world borned from a big loss


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