Original Post

No, it’s not a rom release. Don’t you wish it was?
Me along with the rest of the Virtual Boy community, have been dying to play Dragon Hopper for years. I really doubt that this post will do anything. But here goes.

If there is anyone out there lucky enough to actully own one of the very few Dragon Hopper proto carts, PLEASE try and get a rom released. If someone reading this actully owns a proto cart, try and get into contact with someone who has a rom dumper. KR155E is a good trustworthy person that might, or maybe know someone that can get a rom dumped. Or maybe you could get a fundraiser going for a rom release. Like what 64dd.net did recently to get a 64DD game rom released. That way you could keep your game and every one would be able to play a game they have been dying to. You could probably remain anonymous if you get into contact with KR155E via PM, so nobody will hound you to sell your game.

It’s very doubtful but if someone who actully owns Dragon Hopper is reading this, please consider what I wrote above. As for everyone else reading this that desperately wants to play Dragon Hopper, please comment and express interest. Maybe if you do a proto owner will consider getting a rom relesed, or start a fundraiser? It’s worth a try.

41 Replies

I have interest in Dragon Hopper, I would love to see it released in ROM form!

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
I have interest in Dragon Hopper, I would love to see it released in ROM form!

It’s nice to finally see someone respond to this thread. Who knows maybe one day everyone will be able to play a ROM of Dragon Hopper. Three years ago Bound High seemed impossible, but look at it now.

VBrulez wrote:

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
I have interest in Dragon Hopper, I would love to see it released in ROM form!

It’s nice to finally see someone respond to this thread. Who knows maybe one day everyone will be able to play a ROM of Dragon Hopper. Three years ago Bound High seemed impossible, but look at it now.

I too would love to see it, as would, I am guessing, everyone who frequents here.

I don’t want to ‘rain on your parade’ but there were roms of Bound high out there with quite a few folks before it was posted, long before, they may have been glitchy etc but they existed and were playable, please (please please) correct me if I’m wrong but we have never even had a sniff of a Dragon Hopper rom, thats not to say it don’t exist but if it does someone is keeping very quiet.
This old ‘release the rom cart looses some value’ argument raises its head again but its a very real concern for anyone with proto/rare/unreleased carts, not that i own any but i see the worry.

It’ll turn up one day if it exists when someone wants to sell it.

Until then, I’m not too bothered, I don’t think it looked THAT enjoyable, personally.

Hedgetrimmer wrote:

VBrulez wrote:

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
I have interest in Dragon Hopper, I would love to see it released in ROM form!

It’s nice to finally see someone respond to this thread. Who knows maybe one day everyone will be able to play a ROM of Dragon Hopper. Three years ago Bound High seemed impossible, but look at it now.

I too would love to see it, as would, I am guessing, everyone who frequents here.

I don’t want to ‘rain on your parade’ but there were roms of Bound high out there with quite a few folks before it was posted, long before, they may have been glitchy etc but they existed and were playable, please (please please) correct me if I’m wrong but we have never even had a sniff of a Dragon Hopper rom, thats not to say it don’t exist but if it does someone is keeping very quiet.
This old ‘release the rom cart looses some value’ argument raises its head again but its a very real concern for anyone with proto/rare/unreleased carts, not that i own any but i see the worry.

Someone has a cart of Dragon Hopper. I’m not pointing fingers to anyone here on the site, if someone on here had it they would share. Just saying someone in this world has the game and knows what it is.
With the ‘release the rom cart looses some value’ arguement, people should just have a fundraiser. That way they can get back whatever they paid, and then some, so even if it does go down in value they would get a lot of money for it, before the rom gets released.
Heres a note to any possible VB proto owners reading this.
Please consider a fundraiser, or something. 64dd.net recently raised $1200 for a 64DD game that can’t even be emulated yet. Think about how much you could get for a game on a more popular system, that can be emulated.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by VBrulez.

I have no idea how much it would take to get some of these unreleased ROM’s actually released. I think it’s an interesting question thou. I would give my share..but if we start actually asking the question of how much we can raise..let’s not just limit it to dragon hopper…I would love to play face-ball myself 🙂 What other ROM’s might be out there ?

If I owned DH I would build a dumper, if just to preserve the title in case the original dies. Overall the monetary value of a cart hits the fan when a rom gets released. I wouldn’t send the cart to someone to be dumped, or else it would be another bound high fiasco (Eventually in the wrong hands and sold on ebay via flashboys).

I’d say a fundraiser is the only option to make up the value lost, unless you can buy the cart yourself and want to give away your investment for free.

Does anybody remember the story of the kid that released an Atari 2600 rom and lost out? He ended up getting murdered in a hotel room by some gal and a guy if I remember. Gruesome and horrible stuff.

I would love to see this released and any other ROM’s that might be out there.
i would quite gladly put £30 in the pot if there was a fundraiser, after all thats the average price you pay for a game these days anyway.

Yeah £30 seems fair, maybe stretch to £50 if needed, I’d say we would need funds to be up in the thousands before anyone fesses up to owning and willing to dump. Maybe not even then, I have no idea how much a proto cart of that would go for, a ‘fake’ space pinball came on ebay a couple of years back for $1500 (i think) so a real Dragon Hopper could be 10x that?
Around the time of Bound high rom ‘debates’ there was also a post saying how this community has no idea of what is out there in the ‘uber collector’ inner circle the poster felt they had to tell us about, could be bs, who really knows?
But I am always up for some kind hearted collector to help out the gamers and let us play.

If we ever get the chance to community fund a release of Dragon Hopper, I’d expect a relatively high 4 figure price. £50 would probably be the absolute minimum per person to reach such an amount.

Doubtful that it will ever happen, but one can dream. 🙂

Hedgetrimmer schrieb:
Around the time of Bound high rom ‘debates’ there was also a post saying how this community has no idea of what is out there in the ‘uber collector’ inner circle the poster felt they had to tell us about, could be bs, who really knows?

BS, indeed.

Yeah i would stretch to £50 if needed be, but like you say it would take alot for someone to fess up.
Im sure there is some stuff out there that we know nothing about but because we dont know we cant miss it, DH and Face ball we do know about and i think its a crime that VB owners cant play these games.

KR155E i am dreaming. lol!

VBmills schrieb:
DH and Face ball we do know about and i think its a crime that VB owners cant play these games.

Faceball. That one would also be worth a community funded ROM release. And it is even realistic (slightly), since its existance is confirmed and a ROM already dumped.

Hedgetrimmer wrote:
Yeah £30 seems fair, maybe stretch to £50 if needed, I’d say we would need funds to be up in the thousands before anyone fesses up to owning and willing to dump. Maybe not even then, I have no idea how much a proto cart of that would go for, a ‘fake’ space pinball came on ebay a couple of years back for $1500 (i think) so a real Dragon Hopper could be 10x that?
Around the time of Bound high rom ‘debates’ there was also a post saying how this community has no idea of what is out there in the ‘uber collector’ inner circle the poster felt they had to tell us about, could be bs, who really knows?
But I am always up for some kind hearted collector to help out the gamers and let us play.

There are more kind hearted collectors in the world than bad. The chances are if a collector that only collects games for money, has the game it will probably turn up on ebay or something.

KR155E wrote:
If we ever get the chance to community fund a release of Dragon Hopper, I’d expect a relatively high 4 figure price. £50 would probably be the absolute minimum per person to reach such an amount.

Doubtful that it will ever happen, but one can dream. 🙂

Hedgetrimmer schrieb:
Around the time of Bound high rom ‘debates’ there was also a post saying how this community has no idea of what is out there in the ‘uber collector’ inner circle the poster felt they had to tell us about, could be bs, who really knows?

BS, indeed.

I seriously think that with all many people who want to play this. A fundraiser for the game, would probably be able to get more than $10,000 atleast. This isn’t like an oddball prototype, this is a very known game, and many people would donate a lot to play it.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by VBrulez.

Zero Racers would also be a very worthy game for a fundraiser.

Again i would be more than happy to put £30-£50 in for faceball.
How do we go about this, is just a case of people putting there names down on a list with an amount of money or a set minimum amount and then just hope someone comes up with the goods?
Got to be worth ago surely?

If someone has the game they should come out with it maybe upload a few pics to show that it’s real, and then get a fundraiser started.
With a fundraiser for a rom of an unreleased of a VB game, the goal would be probably be met no matter how much it is. Because so many people want to play it. If the goal was a heaping amount of money like $25,000 or something, it would take time but eventully would be met. Thats something any VB proto owner needs to realize, your goal will eventully be met.

VBmills wrote:
Again i would be more than happy to put £30-£50 in for faceball.
How do we go about this, is just a case of people putting there names down on a list with an amount of money or a set minimum amount and then just hope someone comes up with the goods?
Got to be worth ago surely?

It is very worth ago, and almost the entire VB community would probably be willing to donate. KR155E wrote that a roms already been dumped, so the owner of Faceball should just come out say how much they want for the rom to be relesed. Then a fundraiser could get started to try and raise that amount.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by VBrulez.
  • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by VBrulez.

I’d drop $50 per rom.


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