In the Dragon Hopper thread. There has been brief discussion over Faceball. Since it seems like the most possible game to get a fundraiser for a rom release (since it’s already been dumped) I figured there should be a thread dedicated to it.
I’m not trying to pressure the owner of Faceball by making this thread. I’m just trying to see if theirs anyway to get a rom dumped for everyone to play. Because a lot of people would love to play this game.
The roms been dumped the hard parts already been done, all you have to do is name your price.
If your worried about your game going down in value, a fundraiser could be the answer.
If you have a fundraiser you could get back any money you spent on the proto and then some, also you would be able to keep your game.
If the owner of the game is reading this. Please consider everything written above.
As with Dragon Hopper id put in my fair share.
So if the owner of Faceball is out there please get in contact.
Just from what I’ve heard which might be false but the owner has been offered thousands of dollars and wouldn’t even consider it. The other thing is how much of a demand is there really? Faceball is not in the same league as Dragon Hopper so I have a hard time believing a fundraiser would bring a significant enough amount to change his mind.
Srimok wrote:
Just from what I’ve heard which might be false but the owner has been offered thousands of dollars and wouldn’t even consider it. The other thing is how much of a demand is there really? Faceball is not in the same league as Dragon Hopper so I have a hard time believing a fundraiser would bring a significant enough amount to change his mind.
Maybe it’s false or an exaggeration, who knows. Yes theres not as much of a demand for Faceball as there is Dragon Hopper, and if there was a fundraiser the amount would take longer than it would for something like Dragon Hopper. Becuase like you said the demand isn’t as high, but eventully it would probably be met. A fundraiser might change the owners mind if the person is reading it, kinda doubt it though. But hey it’s worth a try. If they are actully reading this, they should just do the fundraiser. They could set the cost at anything, and woulden’t have to relese it if the amount wasen’t enough.
I’m personally not fussed about Faceball because it’s on a bunch of other platforms and I can basically imagine it being in black and red with bad 3D easily enough.
Dragon Hopper is a little different, because it looks like it could be special, but if the owner of Faceball wouldn’t consider dumping it for a reasonable amount then I wouldn’t waste time with that kind of personality.
^this. vb faceball isn’t that great of a game. its just cool to have access to it.
jojobean wrote:
^this. vb faceball isn’t that great of a game. its just cool to have access to it.
Does ‘having access to it’ mean you get to take it out on weekends to TGI fridays?
Hedgetrimmer wrote:
jojobean wrote:
^this. vb faceball isn’t that great of a game. its just cool to have access to it.Does ‘having access to it’ mean you get to take it out on weekends to TGI fridays?
Yeah jojobean takes his VB and Faceball proto to the TGI fridays every weekend. To try and impress and pickup the waitress’s.
…i never stated that i had access to it. i was speaking generally, as in the fact that it’s not a good game but it’s cool (for aynone) to have access to.
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
I dont think it really matters what game it is, it would just be nice if we could get hold of copys of these games. i just dont see the point of holding onto them in a secret world, share the wealth!
jojobean wrote:
…i never stated that i had access to it. i was speaking generally, as in the fact that it’s not a good game but it’s cool (for aynone) to have access to.
thats a shame, it kinda seemed like you hinted there saying its cool to have access to it, pity it was just a typo, could have been some bucks in it for you, still if you know ‘who’ you could try and persuade them we just want to play the game.
Any ‘new’ not played before game for VB, however crappy it may seem, holds a lot of interest for gamers and collectors.
jojobean wrote:
^this. vb faceball isn’t that great of a game. its just cool to have access to it.…i never stated that i had access to it. i was speaking generally, as in the fact that it’s not a good game but it’s cool (for aynone) to have access to.
I would definitely agree that jojobean’s original statement only gives the impression that he has the game. The key words being “this” – which would indicate that the game is very close to him, as opposed to “that” or no such descriptor, which would indicate it not being so close to him – “isn’t” – which indicates that he has the ability to form a solid opinion on the game based on experience, as opposed to “probably isn’t” or something similar – and “it’s” – which again strongly shows that he knows from experience that having access to the game is cool, as opposed to “it would just be cool…” or something similar.
Thus, if jojobean didn’t have the game, a proper sentence could have read: “VB Faceball probably isn’t that great of a game, but it would just be cool to have access to it.” It’s also interesting to note the unnamed prototypes that jojobean says he has in his collection, which would again lead some to conclude, especially after the above statement, that the Faceball prototype is part of his collection. I also find it interesting that in his reply, he never firmly states that he doesn’t have access to it, which again causes some suspicion.
All in all, such info could, indeed, cause a lot of e-mails to come jojobean’s way about his possible access to the Faceball prototype, unless he firmly clarifies the situation. 😉
By the way, I actually don’t care too much to play the Faceball prototype either, I’m just sort of playing around with this for a little fun. After all, the Faceball prototype doesn’t even contain a finished game, right?
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
jojobean wrote:
^this. vb faceball isn’t that great of a game. its just cool to have access to it.…i never stated that i had access to it. i was speaking generally, as in the fact that it’s not a good game but it’s cool (for aynone) to have access to.
I would definitely agree that jojobean’s original statement only gives the impression that he has the game. The key words being “this” – which would indicate that the game is very close to him, as opposed to “that” or no such descriptor, which would indicate it not being so close to him – “isn’t” – which indicates that he has the ability to form a solid opinion on the game based on experience, as opposed to “probably isn’t” or something similar – and “it’s” – which again strongly shows that he knows from experience that having access to the game is cool, as opposed to “it would just be cool…” or something similar.
Thus, if jojobean didn’t have the game, a proper sentence could have read: “VB Faceball probably isn’t that great of a game, but it would just be cool to have access to it.” It’s also interesting to note the unnamed prototypes that jojobean says he has in his collection, which would again lead some to conclude, especially after the above statement, that the Faceball prototype is part of his collection. I also find it interesting that in his reply, he never firmly states that he doesn’t have access to it, which again causes some suspicion.
All in all, such info could, indeed, cause a lot of e-mails to come jojobean’s way about his possible access to the Faceball prototype, unless he firmly clarifies the situation. 😉
By the way, I actually don’t care too much to play the Faceball prototype either, I’m just sort of playing around with this for a little fun. After all, the Faceball prototype doesn’t even contain a finished game, right?
According to the review in Retrogames, Faceball was complete and had 56 levels. It seems that everyone wants to play the game more for curiousity than actual gameplay, since it was already relesed on many other platforms. With this one, there just isn’t that wonder that there is with other unrelesed VB games. The other versions of Faceball arn’t bad, they just get kinda boring. So I don’t get why jojobean is saying it was a bad game.
Jojobean definately gives the impression that he has the game and many others from his post and collection description, like you said. Maybe he does, who knows. Hopefully if he does, he will come out with it. So maybe a fundraiser or something could take place.
Yeah… I’m aware that the reviewer of Retrogames stated that the game seemed to be completed, but I don’t know if I regard his opinion as authoritative. To me, a “finished” game would mean that those at Bullet-Proof Software were satisfied with what they had accomplished and were ready to release the game as is, without there being any time restraints that were forcing them to release the game before it met their intentions. Based on what I’ve read about the current Faceball prototype, it doesn’t seem to me that it was “finished” in the eyes of those at Bullet-Proof Software. I’m sure that if they had more time and were actually planning to release it to market, there would have been more added and it would be more polished.
That being explained, I do believe that Dragon Hopper is a completely finished game. From what I’ve read, it seems that the makers of it were truly satisfied and finished with their product, it’s just that the product never got to be released. That’s what makes Dragon Hopper so special.
Heck… I actually don’t regard Virtual Lab as a “finished” game. Though it was officially released, there are many signs in it which indicate that the makers were truly rushed to get it to market and didn’t get the game completed as they originally intended.
VBmills wrote:
I dont think it really matters what game it is, it would just be nice if we could get hold of copys of these games. i just dont see the point of holding onto them in a secret world, share the wealth!
This. If I had the means to be a hardcore prototype collector, I would absolutely share the wealth with the community. What the heck is the point of paying thousands of dollars for these things if they’re just going to collect dust, while dozens of hardcore fans clamor for the chance to play the thing? It’s ridiculous.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Heck… I actually don’t regard Virtual Lab as a “finished” game. Though it was officially released, there are many signs in it which indicate that the makers were truly rushed to get it to market and didn’t get the game completed as they originally intended.
Or maybe Virtual Lab is the “shovelware” game of the VB world, like they just put together a shoddy made game to get quick money off of a new-ish system
I also have suspicion that jojobean may have Faceball (they never said they DIDN’T have access to it, they just said that they didn’t say they did have access to it)
gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
I also have suspicion that jojobean may have Faceball (they never said they DIDN’T have access to it, they just said that they didn’t say they did have access to it)
I think if he did someone would have been contacted by email by now with some kind of deal.
I have info that it was tried to be got by raising funds from Bound High roms (before all the recent bound high lovelyness) but I guess that either failed or the person running the fundraising did get lucky but then didn’t share the wealth. Last bit is speculation and just made up by my suspicious mind, but i think its a bit fruitless trying it again, I am happy to be proved wrong and will gladly help out if anything solid comes out of this.