Original Post

I’ve been working on a project called Fish Bone.
Thunderstuckt was making a litle demo of it.
Thunder… please insert in her. ;D


141 Replies

He is right.
Dont rush.
I play meanwhile tomb raider on sega saturn

KR155E wrote:
Enjoy your well-deserved break, thunder!

Meanwhile, here’s a selection of articles about the game:

Retro Game Network: New Homebrew Title For Virtual Boy Called “Fishbone” Available For Demonstration

AllGamers: Mangez des poissons grâce à Fishbone sur Virtual Boy

mo5.com: Fishbone, la chaîne alimentaire en démo sur Virtual Boy

Hehe, I saw those. Somehow Fishbone is catching much more attention then GameHero.

OK, f**k Excel. I was board so I played around with it a little bit. Technically everything works alright but the development is still to slow. I spent multiple hours on making a level that is not even a minute long. The problem is that I add something to my list, check it on the emulator, see something that bothers me, fix it, check it, change it again and so on. This takes forever.

I need something graphical that allows me to click the levels together. I guess I have to program that first. If I keep it simple this should take a week or two. But I’m in slow mode right now so it will probably take longer.

I have watched the progress of this and I must say that I am very happy with the work you did so far on the game. I like the characters and sprites, the idea behind it.

If you should decide to make it a “real” VB game (cart, box, etc.) please put me on the list! I definitely want a hard copy of that thing.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks that you like the sprites.
The idea is by the way from a game i got for my gp2x but it was a bit different.
By the way a pretty nice idea to name the enemys after planet virtual boy users, Thunder.

Two ideas for graphical enhancements to this game:

1. Use HBias mode for wavey underwater effects on the whole screen

2. Use Object mode for bubbles of air going up the screen

KR155E wrote:
Two ideas for graphical enhancements to this game:

1. Use HBias mode for wavey underwater effects on the whole screen

2. Use Object mode for bubbles of air going up the screen

I was thinking about it but it is not going to happen. There won’t be any more “improvements”, features or whatever. I want to get this done so I can finally take care about my own projects.

But if you want to I can send you Bens sprites so that so can code a graphical advanced version.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by thunderstruck.

Nah, no problem. I was just reading through the dev wiki and thought that those effects would work very well on an underwater game. Fishbone is great as it is, though. 🙂

HAHA you all saw what happened there right ?

Thunderstruck: Tag your it!

Krisse: NO, no, no..i called no take backsies!

Thunderstruck: No you didn’t!

Thunderstruck: ….

Thunderstruck: ….

Thunderstuck: Hey!…where you go??>?

That would be neat to see the game given that improvement!

I have been working on my level editor a little bit today. I try to keep it simple but it is just a rather complex thing to pull of. However, it will improve the quality of the levels in the end. Right now this is just a tool for me so I’m not doing any mayor Bugfixing and polishing. Just getting that thing functional.

OK, I have been working on my level generator a little bit. I got a very basic version running that allows me to add enemies that move straight. I can already generate code that behaves fine. Before I start with the actual levels I have to make sure I can support all of the intended levels. Otherwise stuff may break in the end and I end up with a broken safe file.

I attached a screenshot just in case you guys would like to know how it looks like. It is a pretty ugly tool but it’s just something for me so who cares…


well done !
pretty nice editor.

Due to personal differences with VirtualBen I will not continue working on this game.

That’s sad to hear. Will you at least release the source code?

Aw that’s a real shame, it was looking really promising and all that hard work you put into.

Hope all is ok.

thunderstruck wrote:
Due to personal differences with VirtualBen I will not continue working on this game.

I sincerely hope that this is a comment that was made simply whenever tensions were high and that once things are settled down, you will decide to finish the game. If there is a difference of opinion in something that should be done with the game, I mean no disrespect to Virtual_Ben, but your opinion, thunderstruck, should win out in the end. While both of you can be credited with making the game, without your coding, thunderstruck, it could not be a game at all. I have seen what you have accomplished with the game so far, and it is far too along in its process to just abandon. This has the potential to be an extremely fun and awesome all-around game, and I know for sure that many people will want the cart release of it.

So again, when tensions calm down, I hope you will decide to finish YOUR game, thunderstruck. And whatever you want to do with it will be awesome, I am sure.

For a community with such a small amount of completed Homebrew releases and a scene so small that we can count the number of those involved quickly, it would be nice to see differences set aside and for this game to be completed.

Thunder, I’am sorry for what ever i said.
It is YOUR game.
Please don’t let that hard work get away.


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