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For Sale Offers Accepted / For Trade :

Hyper Fighting Boxed for the Nintendo Virtual Boy

  • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by KR155E.
20 Replies

So, a bunch of things here. First, after Ben gave us the very detailed story about the creation of the game and how he was “what I’ll call “upset” over the release”, you try to sell it on this site. Then, you don’t really include any decent pictures, so I’m hoping this is a joke.

Yeah, this isn’t cool. People specifically didn’t want us to resell these.

It was inevitable. Just like when copies of Bound High ended up on eBay, which angered everyone also.

What’s the problem? It doesn’t seem like Vectrexer is trying to scam anyone or the like. He actually seems to be a very nice person judging from his post.

I think posting it here is much better then asking for a ridiculous high price on ebay. That way another hardcore vb fan can get his hands on one of the few existing copies.

thunderstruck wrote:
What’s the problem? It doesn’t seem like Vectrexer is trying to scam anyone or the like. He actually seems to be a very nice person judging from his post.

I think posting it here is much better then asking for a ridiculous high price on ebay. That way another hardcore vb fan can get his hands on one of the few existing copies.

And you make complete sense Thunder. But it’s still a taboo item. BH (before my time) and HyperFighting are very different beasts, though both parties spent a fair share of cash to acquire them.

Personally, I wouldn’t do it. Two cents :).

Yea actually we discovered that day by watching the auction that people pay a pretty penny for Bound High. But I’d never sell my copy as its way to valuable to me overall as a personal item.

That being said, you guys are right. He’s selling it here which is substantially less bad, as when people list on eBay.?

I guess it is better here than eBay, and it does give another vb fan a chance to own this game. I just thought I remember someone saying they didn’t want to see them for sale.

Where did Ben say he was upset about copies getting out ? I think it’s fine to sell it here..rather that happen then it go somewhere else.


Wyndcrosser wrote:
So, a bunch of things here. First, after Ben gave us the very detailed story about the creation of the game and how he was “what I’ll call “upset” over the release”, you try to sell it on this site. Then, you don’t really include any decent pictures, so I’m hoping this is a joke.

I think he’s posted tons of pictures of his copy on-line.


bigmak wrote:
Where did Ben say he was upset about copies getting out ? I think it’s fine to sell it here..rather that happen then it go somewhere else.


All I see is the one picture ;), can’t blame me. Other forums are a little more strict with their marketplace, names with pics etc.

Maybe you and I read a different article that he wrote, but I also used quotes too. And again, I’m not talking for him. Whole comment was my two cents is all. If you guys don’t care, then I don’t. ;-p

I am not arguing a sale that starts off at a extremely gouged price or one that does not explain the origins of such a game. so please refrain from continuing that argument.

I find the eBay (auction site) concern ridiculous. If you choose to honestly represent your property and someone else chooses to buy it, what is the problem? If someone lists a copy on eBay at the price they paid (or cheaper), and the auction goes for much more, why is that taken personally by others? That sale would clearly be a demonstration of demand. A demand for a game made in a limited run, like ALL homebrew releases. As a seller, I would be more upset that a community was so enraged by this listing that they would go out of their way to stop it. In fact, it would have nothing to do with anyone but the two involved in the sale.

This moral high ground for Virtual Boy reproduction/homebrew game sales has become a concern for me.

The only problem I have is that some where allowed to buy more than one copy. It’s obvious what they intended to do from the start. Plus, it denied others getting the game.

Lester Knight wrote:
I find the eBay (auction site) concern ridiculous. If you choose to honestly represent your property and someone else chooses to buy it, what is the problem? If someone lists a copy on eBay at the price they paid (or cheaper), and the auction goes for much more, why is that taken personally by others? That sale would clearly be a demonstration of demand. A demand for a game made in a limited run, like ALL homebrew releases. As a seller, I would be more upset that a community was so enraged by this listing that they would go out of their way to stop it. In fact, it would have nothing to do with anyone but the two involved in the sale.

This moral high ground for Virtual Boy reproduction/homebrew game sales has become a concern for me.

I agree. As long as you play it fair everyone should have the right to resell.

MineStorm wrote:
The only problem I have is that some where allowed to buy more than one copy. It’s obvious what they intended to do from the start. Plus, it denied others getting the game.

I think this was done because of the multiplayer part. We need VB online support.

MineStorm wrote:
The only problem I have is that some where allowed to buy more than one copy. It’s obvious what they intended to do from the start. Plus, it denied others getting the game.

Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you there, but in the case of Hyper Fighting, I am under the impression that it is necessary for one to have at least 2 carts, if one ever wants to enjoy the 2-player option. Thus, it would make sense for a person who was part of the “in crowd” to buy 2 copies of the game once he heard that it would include 2-player support, just in case he wanted to play it with one or more of his friends, who aren’t otherwise Virtual Boy enthusiasts and who, therefore, would not have been included among the “in crowd.”

Also, since my name has been mentioned on this thread, I simply want to reiterate that my main concern with copies of Hyper Fighting being sold secretly was how it might affect Mr. Anon, since I basically forced him into a predicament where he could not freely make and sell the game he spent hundreds of hours on because I chose the game for him to make, which is a copyright protected game. If Mr. Anon is truly okay with his creation being sold and resold as such, then I myself have no problems with it.

I still wonder why Mr.Anon only chose certain people to contact. What was the criteria? This has always bothered me.

Dreammary wrote:
I still wonder why Mr.Anon only chose certain people to contact. What was the criteria? This has always bothered me.

Mr. Anon never contacted me. I have never spoken to this person in regards to this game or purchasing it. Perhaps he should be removed from conspiracy theories?

I have two copies and had hoped to try the 2 player mode. After waiting on the link cable I have lost the 1 person interested in playing it with me. I no longer have access to a 2nd (working) VB. At this point I’ve lost interest and one of these less than lazy days I will probably try to sell one copy. I never intended to, but it seems pointless to hold onto two copies of something when one of them will just collect dust. Based on the response around this “release”, I’m sure someone else would get much more use out of it than my storage area currently is.

It’s not fair to share or speculate who contacted the people in the “in crowd” and to ask why you weren’t chosen. We don’t need one of our members singled out. There were a limited number available and unfortunately not everyone could get a copy. There wasn’t a specific criteria, if you knew the right people you were lucky, that’s it.

There was not an option to get more than two, and I’d like to think that the only people who got two actually intend to use the 2 player feature rather than sell the second one for profit. I only opted for one because I don’t have friends interested in this sort of thing.

The situation isn’t ideal, but it is how it is. If none of this ever happened, there also wouldn’t be a Hyper Fighting demo available to everyone. The Virtual Boy has benefited from this, that’s all that matters.

I would like to take a moment to suggest future posts to one of my marketplace threads I OP be kept topic specific to the sale activities.

If you have other questions concerns please start a new message thread in the Main Virtual Boy Discussion forum and reference my sales thread you want to discuss.

That said I would like to thank everyone for their discussion points. I have enjoyed reading them even if the points have threadjacked the original purpose of this thread. You have given me a few ideas that in the end some of you may, or may not, agree with. In fact you might have a like and dislike feeling int he very same thought. So thank yourself ahead of time as I am doing now. Thank you! 😀

In the spirit of the hijack of this thread I would like to request an Admin and/or Mod re-title this thread and move it to the Main Virtual Boy Discussion forum.

BTW, below is another pic of this item for your reference. Though I have already posted similar pics on this site, The Facebook Group, and Google+.

Very nice example. I guess the big question people are essentially probing at is – are you intending to sell above face value?

Vectrexer wrote:
I would like to thank everyone for their discussion points. I have enjoyed reading them even if the points have threadjacked the original purpose of this thread. You have given me a few ideas that in the end some of you may, or may not, agree with. In fact you might have a like and dislike feeling int he very same thought. So thank yourself ahead of time as I am doing now. Thank you! 😀

Obviously, it’s your copy of the game, so you get to handle the sale however you want, but I would like to suggest that you make it a “publicly known private auction.” Thus, publicly post a time limit that people have to send you their best offers for your copy of the game, but have them send their offers to you privately, so through PM or e-mail, etc. At the end of the time limit, contact the person who sent you the highest bid and offer to sell him the game for that amount. If he then backs out, offer it to the next highest bidder, etc. The winning bid amount, therefore, never has to be made public. To me, this would be the fairest way to handle the situation, as it gives everyone, who originally missed out, a chance to own the game, and the highest bid amount doesn’t have to be rubbed in the face of Mr. Anon.


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