Original Post

If you want to make your FlashBoy Plus Kit complete with a box, quick reference card and a higher quality cart sticker, here are our worldwide suppliers:

USA: Benjamin Stevens (SOLD OUT)

United Kingdom: VBmills (SOLD OUT)

  • This topic was modified 7 years ago by KR155E.
  • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by KR155E. Reason: Marked VBmills as sold out as well
36 Replies

i’d like to comment to all future flashboy+ buyers. i picked up one of these boxes off kr155e. they are extremely well made. it came complete with everything required to complete the experience. i highly recommend at least one box to complete your virtual boy collection.

FlashBoy Plus Boxes for the UK/Europe.

What you will receive:

FlashBoy Plus Box, Quick Ref. Card, Cart Label. Price €20 (price includes packaging and shipping)

Please send the money, along with the description “FlashBoy Plus Box” via PayPal to wesmilliner_7@hotmail.com

For the USA, Canada, or Mexico market Price is $25 but please contact me for calculated shipping.

If you prefer to buy from you own region please contact PVB member Benjamin Stevens.

To buy a Flashboy Plus Cart please contact Richard Hutchinson (PVB member Minestorm)

If you would like to order from me, here are the prices:

If you live in the USA, Canada, or Mexico:
What you get:
“Official” FlashBoy Plus Box designed and numbered by Christian Radke, Quick Ref. Card, Cart Label
What you pay:
25 U.S. Dollars (price includes packaging and shipping costs)

If you live anywhere else in the world:
What you get:
“Official” FlashBoy Plus Box designed and numbered by Christian Radke, Quick Ref. Card, Cart Label
What you pay:
20 Euros (converted into U.S. Dollars) + calculated shipping costs to your country

For USA, Canada, and Mexico buyers: Please send the money, along with the description “FlashBoy Plus Box Combo,” via PayPal to benjaminste[@]gmail[.]com, and your items will be sent to you asap. For buyers located in other parts of the world, please contact me first so that I can calculate the total price in U.S. Dollars.

I’m working on a custom case project. Would it be possible to be provided with a high quality scan for the front of the FB+ box?



I tried to clean it up as best as I could using Paint. Any additional cleanup that might be necessary would have to be done by someone better at it than me.

Here is the original, non-cleaned up scan.

Try this


MineStorm wrote:
Try this

Hey, you cheated. 😉

thanks a lot! =)

I just got my box and its awesome! Thanks a lot Ben.


I wrote an email to VBmills for a box some days ago, but no response till now.

Does anyone know if he has a new email address, or hopefully he is on vacation?! 🙂


Iv pm’d you. Sorry for the late response.

Wesley, I just got my box.


just a little question: the squared sticker is meant to be for the cart, in the opposite side than the one with “flashboy” written on it?

thanks again!!!

alesi80 wrote:
Wesley, I just got my box.


just a little question: the squared sticker is meant to be for the cart, in the opposite side than the one with “flashboy” written on it?

thanks again!!!

I assume you have a new flashboy that has “Flashboy Plus” etched into it?

I may be wrong, but my understanding is the sticker was made back when Flashboys required a donor cart to be made, so you would put the sticker onto the donor cart where the game label sticker would be on a commercial game, so since the new flashboys are made with a 3D printer, “Flashboy” is just etched onto the cart

So to answer your question, I believe the sticker isn’t really made for the new batches of Flashboys, but putting it on the back is a good idea 🙂

Thank you, and thanks for letting me know.

Yes that is correct, the sticker is for the standard nintendo cart. Richard now make the flashboy cart with his own 3d printed case. I just like to put the sticker in for the collectors out there.

Thanks again

I’d just like remind anybody who is interested in the flashboy+ that me and Ben only sell the official box, if you would like the flashboy+ cartridge please contact Richard Hutchinson on here (minestorm) or on his email

If we want to have the Flash Boy in Europe we must contact VBmills? Swizertland has a specail price? Because the country isn’t in the EU so…

Hi one punch man

If it is the box your after then yes contact me. The price is still €20 for you.

If you want the cartridge please contact Richard Hutchinson.



I would like to buy a box as well. I am based in Italy: is it still available for sale?



Fabrizio I’ve pm’ed you.


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