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I need to rank up to a VB gamer! Do you need a specific number of posts? Specific percentage of collection completeness? Highscore? How? 🙁

6 Replies

Specific number of posts. I don’t know the exact amount.

svenk91 wrote:
Specific number of posts. I don’t know the exact amount.

Thank you. You are a VB gamer and have 25 posts, so maybe that.

Probably yes, just noticed I am :p

We have a sticky about user ranks on the ‘PVB’ forum: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=3809&forum=6

That forum is by the way meant for this kind of questions, so… moved.

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 8 months ago by KR155E.

Oh, thanks! This is my 10th post, so I am not a newbie anymore! I’m really sorry about having some of my threads placed in the wrong place. I will try my best to never do it again. That may mean my question about why my Virtual Boy’s graphics and audio froze will have to get moved. Anyways, I only 20% of my topics (As of July 1st 2010) have been moved.

Funny how you posted that in the wrong thread. o_O; Please be more careful, I had to move 3 posts of you today and delete just as much. Being a newbie is not a question of user ranks, you know.

GabrielHanson2000 schrieb:
That may mean my question about why my Virtual Boy’s graphics and audio froze will have to get moved.

No, why? It’s in the general VB discussion forum; where it belongs to.


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