Hello everybody!
M.K. was so kind to give me access to his fighting engine that he developed for one of his unreleased games. So I made a SF2HF mod. The full version will be released soon.
Would anyone be able to record Music 01 in its entirety from their VB and upload/link to it here?
Just loaded this onto my FlashBoy and wow, this is fantastic!
The sound effects in particular are very impressive! Aside from the occasional pop and hum, the audio is very clear. What are the SFX sampled at? 11Khz?
Wow, nice pictures. Makes me want to play it.
Why in the hell has this an anti emulator check???
Fire-WSP wrote:
Wow, nice pictures. Makes me want to play it.
Why in the hell has this an anti emulator check???
The voices/music doesn’t work well in an emulator. The coders prob didn’t want someone to play they game and have the experience not be as good as on hardware.
If it’s there choice..hey..i’m all for it.
Are there Any plans to make a cart of this game? Its look so good..
Are there Any plans to make a cart of this game?
I’m definitely up for it.
I’m just finishing 50 x English Space Squash, then this could be the next cart (unless Tusk want’s something else first).
The not so good working music on the emulator, is this a fixable problem?
Cauterize over at nintendoage posted this link:
This is PHENOMENAL. I don’t believe the video! I can’t wait to get home and check it out tonight or tomorrow. It just looks so, so good!
I really hope you’ll be willing to share some source code with the community. A game that looks this good can only benefit other homebrew authors!
Great job!
Apparently this port is based on the PC Engine version.
At least you mentioned Mega Drive. Most people think SF2 was only ported to the almighty SNES.
MineStorm wrote:
Are there Any plans to make a cart of this game?
I’m definitely up for it.
I’m just finishing 50 x English Space Squash, then this could be the next cart (unless Tusk want’s something else first).
Just let me know when and where to send my money! LOL
The control is a little delayed. I may bust out the PC Engine version and compare it later on.
Edit: Ehh, I’m wrong. It’s about the same as the PC engine version it’s based on. I think I just remember newer/faster versions of SF II without having tried the original non-turbo version.
This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by
Tried it… Street Fighter II on VB! The graphics are spot on, the control is spot on, the music is not as good as you remember from SNES but you recgonize every tune. Hurts my thumb a little bit playing a fighting game with the VBs D-pad, and I’m not a big Street Fighter fan, but there’s no doubt that this is super impressive.
At first I didn’t notice any 3D but then I found the options to enhance the depth and that worked. This is great.
Ha! Very nice, the news about this Games made it to the OFFICIAL Capcom Germany Page! https://www.facebook.com/CAPCOMGermany
This really is a very good start! Though, with all the attention I hope the official SF rights owners will not come down on this site and crush our nice community.
TheForce81 wrote:
This really is a very good start! Though, with all the attention I hope the official SF rights owners will not come down on this site and crush our nice community.
I hope so too. “Mr. Anon” obviously didn’t want to shout “SF2” from the housetops because of copyright concerns, so, to respect that wish, I purposely kept the news post vague as well and didn’t post any screenshots or videos.
All the attention doesn’t really come surprising, though, and honestly I doubt Capcom would go after a homebrew version for an obscure, long death platform. Reading about that on the official Capcom Facebook page is more cool than scary IMHO.