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As I’ve discussed in a few other threads on the forums, I’m working on a HyperFlash32 cart as a replacement for the FlashBoy+.

HyperFlash32 will contain a 32Mbit Flash (enough for the full HF ROM), 32k x 8 nvSRAM (no save battery required), and a new faster 32bit ARM microcontroller (MCU) running at 32MHz, on board SD card slot, and USB port for control using your PC. ROM files are placed on the SD card and programmed to the flash memory using the MCU, with automatic padding. A simple PC based interface will be used to control the programming steps much like my VB programmer. The on board MCU and SD card slot arrangement was chosen to make programming as fast as possible and provide a single integrated programmer and cart solution. The ARM MCU will also have a bootloader to allow future firmware upgrades as functionality is added. It will also have the features of my VB programmer like SRAM save functionality to save your game progress.

Schematics are done and I’m ready to go to layout so I’m taking preorders to help get it across the finish line. You can read more about it here, as well as place your preorder if you’re so interested: http://www.mellottsvrpage.com/index.php/hyperflash32/


131 Replies

I just put an order in! Thank you for doing this Kevin.

I can’t drop $150 on this right now unfortunately, but do have a Flashboy+ already. Great deal for anybody who didn’t buy a Flashboy when available.
I’ll hold off for the Multiboy.
But thanks Kevin for giving folks the opportunity to purchase the HyperFlash in the meantime.

So to understand the design, we put all the roms on an SD card, and the cart will display a menu to choose a rom and load it to memory?

Greg2600 wrote:
So to understand the design, we put all the roms on an SD card, and the cart will display a menu to choose a rom and load it to memory?

No. Like Flashboy, you’ll remove the cart from the VB, connect a USB cable from your PC, and then select and program the game on your PC. The files reside on the SD card merely to make programming faster. I could have done it on the PC just like flashboy but I wanted to speed up the programming. There will be no on-screen menu for HyperFlash32. That’s one of the things that makes this design easier to get done.

Order done for me !
Great news.
Thanks a lot !!!

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by pkerga.

The “donor included” ones are almost gone. Only a single person has ordered a “I’ll send a donor” version. So looks like getting donors is going to be even more important as people don’t want to ship them to me probably due to shipping cost.

If anyone has donors please email or PM me. Also, if you can send 15 donors then I’ll give a free HyperFlash32 cart. Contact me if this may be something you’re interested in.

Bought and sending in my own cart. I’m so excited for this, I can’t believe the schematics are finally done! I’m more than happy to give you some donor carts, pm sent

bought one.
What would really make it useful to me is when it can be used in a game-development-chain that does NOT run on Windows (linux here).
I do not mind running binaries in WINE when that works. So many ‘such tools’ require a Windows setup with several DLLs etc. for no real reason. I can happily test this on several linux machines if wanted.
Cheers and keep it up 🙂

Neat, glad to see a Flashboy alternative in the works. I have a small number of donors, I’ll check tonight.

please talk to Uncletusk if you want a box done, that would be cool to add to my Flashboy+.

Do you loose your save status when you reflash the cart? Are you able to save your progress on the SD?

A box would be nice if that could be included.

Sie1984 wrote:
A box would be nice if that could be included.

Not planning to do a box at this point. Bigger fish to fry. Maybe in the future.

thefred wrote:
Do you loose your save status when you reflash the cart? Are you able to save your progress on the SD?

You’ll be able to save your save status from the sram. It’s a feature already implemented with my standalone programmer.

Some minor updates to share.

Donors are rolling in. Just received a box of 60. I have about 75 right now and will collect probably 25 more.

I also had my VB stickers made again and will send them along with the carts to everyone who preordered.

I’m also hopefully only a few more days away from sending the case model off to my injection molding guy to have him start working on the mold design.


mellott124 wrote:

…I’m also hopefully only a few more days away from sending the case model off to my injection molding guy to have him start working on the mold design.

That’s great! I’m so happy for the project and the community that it reached the stretch goal! I’m voting on that red case if possible, the ones on your website look so distinct from the grey and black carts, and pairing them with the black dust cap makes them look fantastic

Thanks for the update. I’m voting on the red case too (opaque), if possbile. As Ethan.Snyder98 pointed out I think that would look really cool together with the black dust cover.

Mumphy wrote:
Thanks for the update. I’m voting on the red case too (opaque), if possbile. As Ethan.Snyder98 pointed out I think that would look really cool together with the black dust cover.

Cart model is just about ready to go out for quote to my injection mold guy. I do, however, have a more wild idea for a case that I’m chasing down at the moment so molded cases aren’t 100% yet.

mellott124 wrote:

Mumphy wrote:
Thanks for the update. I’m voting on the red case too (opaque), if possbile. As Ethan.Snyder98 pointed out I think that would look really cool together with the black dust cover.

Cart model is just about ready to go out for quote to my injection mold guy. I do, however, have a more wild idea for a case that I’m chasing down at the moment so molded cases aren’t 100% yet.

Very cool. I’m excited 🙂

mellott124 wrote:

Greg2600 wrote:
So to understand the design, we put all the roms on an SD card, and the cart will display a menu to choose a rom and load it to memory?

No. Like Flashboy, you’ll remove the cart from the VB, connect a USB cable from your PC, and then select and program the game on your PC. The files reside on the SD card merely to make programming faster. I could have done it on the PC just like flashboy but I wanted to speed up the programming. There will be no on-screen menu for HyperFlash32. That’s one of the things that makes this design easier to get done.

Oh, gotcha. Well, I’ll just stand by and hope you can accomplish the Multi-Boy at some time in the future.


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