As I’ve discussed in a few other threads on the forums, I’m working on a HyperFlash32 cart as a replacement for the FlashBoy+.
HyperFlash32 will contain a 32Mbit Flash (enough for the full HF ROM), 32k x 8 nvSRAM (no save battery required), and a new faster 32bit ARM microcontroller (MCU) running at 32MHz, on board SD card slot, and USB port for control using your PC. ROM files are placed on the SD card and programmed to the flash memory using the MCU, with automatic padding. A simple PC based interface will be used to control the programming steps much like my VB programmer. The on board MCU and SD card slot arrangement was chosen to make programming as fast as possible and provide a single integrated programmer and cart solution. The ARM MCU will also have a bootloader to allow future firmware upgrades as functionality is added. It will also have the features of my VB programmer like SRAM save functionality to save your game progress.
Schematics are done and I’m ready to go to layout so I’m taking preorders to help get it across the finish line. You can read more about it here, as well as place your preorder if you’re so interested: http://www.mellottsvrpage.com/index.php/hyperflash32/
Dying to buy this as soon as it drops! Been scouring the local area for a long time to get VB games but no such luck, the joys of not living in the US or Japan π
Curious to know how things are progressing and whether these are still on track for March. Really looking forward to trying out Hyper Fighting!
samson7point1 wrote:
Curious to know how things are progressing and whether these are still on track for March. Really looking forward to trying out Hyper Fighting!
Still moving forward. I’ll start trickling them out end of March. I’m a little behind at the moment. My board house is also shut down right now due to all the corona virus stuff.
I plan to do a small run of them first to make sure all the kinks are ironed out. Probably 25 or so. If everything goes well there then I’ll then follow up with a large batch to ship the rest. More updates to follow.
Thanks for the updates over-time about the project, every update makes me that much more excited to see how all this will turn out. Take your time, getting something later in the best possible form is always better than getting it rushed out early. Looking forward to that first prototype!
Since panic over the COVOID-19 virus is causing pandemonium with all the things, any idea how the timeline for this has been impacted? I would be astonished if these were still on track to start shipping at the end of March at this stage.
samson7point1 wrote:
Since panic over the COVOID-19 virus is causing pandemonium with all the things, any idea how the timeline for this has been impacted? I would be astonished if these were still on track to start shipping at the end of March at this stage.
I’m about a month behind at the moment. My board house was shutdown for a month as well. They said they’re back up and running but in reality it looks like they’re still not up to full production as I’m waiting on a PCB (different project) from them now and its late.
A bit of feature creep and design changes have also delayed. I’ve also been sick more times in this last 6 months than I think the rest of my life combined. Kid in daycare. :-S.
Its looking like I’ll have the first smaller production run (~25 units) around the first week of April. I’ll develop the firmware on those and make sure everything is solid, then I’ll put in the larger order. There’s a portion of these units that is built by hand so units will ship out based on how orders were received.
Below is an x-ray view of the bottom cover PCB board. This turned out to be probably more complicated than the actual memory and MCU main board. Big circles at the bottom are the embedded capacitive touch sensors. The actual outside will only have the blue graphics and no vias will be visible from the outside.
Oh, and the VB characters eyes on back light up through the PCB when there’s USB traffic. LOL.
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
Wow, this is going to be the coolest flashcart even created. I had no idea you were doing capacitive touch controls but it makes sense given the form factor.
Did you ever sort anything out with self-powered re-flashing, or is that still going to require 5v external via USB? (You never actually listed that as a feature or even a potential feature, it’s more of a thing I’ve been hoping you would surprise us with.)
samson7point1 wrote:
Wow, this is going to be the coolest flashcart even created. I had no idea you were doing capacitive touch controls but it makes sense given the form factor.Did you ever sort anything out with self-powered re-flashing, or is that still going to require 5v external via USB? (You never actually listed that as a feature or even a potential feature, it’s more of a thing I’ve been hoping you would surprise us with.)
Thanks. Trying to make it unique yet provide the base functionality.
Still requires a 5V source. I have some ideas but they won’t come until after all the first batch of units ship. For example, wouldn’t be too difficult to add a plug-in module with a battery inside. Something that plugs into the USB port and provides power. Not sure it really buys you anything though other than its a “neat to have”.
The carts are still coming along great, especially with all that’s going on surrounding the shops you’re using, which must be a huge pain to have to deal with, especially being out of everyone’s control. It looks great so far, and obviously no one’s expecting it on time due to these circumstances. It being late is completely understandable, and it at least gives some time to get the case designs you’re working on down, which look fantastic. Hoping the rest is running a little smoother for you through all this, and you can get enough progress done on everything that makes you happy. π
Posting here as well since not everyone is on Discord. I’ve been pushing hard the last few weeks. Boards are out for quote now for fab and assembly. I’ll be most likely switching the case colors to black. This will give it a black with white silkscreen look. Should look nice.
The main board is pretty dense for a VB cart. Definitely couldn’t have done this without a split PCB design integrated into the case. Exciting stuff.
here is good news in a somewhat dark period. It’s very classy (not sure of my French translation => English …)
here is good news in a somewhat dark period. It’s very classy (not sure of my French translation => English …)
Any chance of a pre-order for a restock?
I missed the original one since I didn’t have a spare donor cart, I do now though.
So excited for this! Can’t wait! I need to join the discord I guess as well!
Speaking of discord, does anyone have a link to the planet VB discord? I somehow lost it since my link isn’t working and I can’t find a new link anywhere…
The one from the bottom of this page seems to work: https://discordapp.com/invite/qvxTuRB
Ethan.Snyder98 wrote:
Speaking of discord, does anyone have a link to the planet VB discord? I somehow lost it since my link isn’t working and I can’t find a new link anywhere…
MTLRetro wrote:
Any chance of a pre-order for a restock?I missed the original one since I didn’t have a spare donor cart, I do now though.
My body is ready for the next batch π
thunderstruck wrote:
The one from the bottom of this page seems to work: https://discordapp.com/invite/qvxTuRB
Wow, no idea how I could miss that, I looked everywhere but the obvious, thanks for the reminder Thunder 😅
Back on topic, really looking forward to seeing the prototypes when they’re finally completed, can’t wait to see all the features and awesome additions you added Kevin, the flashing eyes on Do-Do are a great addition to the coolest multicart in existance π