I want to take this time to talk about the Red/Blue VB T-Shirt. I’m sure everyone is familiar with this shirt. Its a very cool shirt. Infact, its probably cooler than most the people that have one THINKS how cool it is. What?,,Allow me to try to explain a few things that i noticed about this shirt.
I purchased one of these shirts online about 5-6 years ago. I couldnt wait to get it in the mail. According to the seller, he was the original owner and never wore it. The pictures from the auction were of the actual item and the shirt looked “New” with bright vibrant colors and graphics. Well, I was very disappointed when the shirt arrived and it didnt look like the “New” shirt that was pictured in the auction. This shirt looked very “faded/hazy”. So i decided to just keep this shirt until one in better condition showed up online. So, I purchased another one that was supposedly “New” and unworn, and to my suprise this shirt looked very “faded/hazy” just like the first one I purchased. So I decided to compare these shirts side by side, front to back and even inside out, and what I noticed was quite interesting.
Only the Red and Blue parts of the shirt looked faded. The Black along the bottom and sides were unfaded. When i turned them inside out they both looked like 2 “New” Black T-Shirts. Then i noticed when i move these shirts around under a light the Red and Blue change from bright to faded, meaning i can make the shirt look bright and make it look faded depending on the way i held the shirt under the light. Then I noticed that all those Hexagons and lines on the shirt seem to “sink” into the shirt when the Red and Blue were at their brightest peak of “fade” causing somewhat of a “3D” effect. So my conclusion on this shirt is,,,
It’s sapossed to look faded/hazy, its a “3D” shirt, well atleast thats what Nintendo was trying to go for when they made these shirts. Its very difficult to capture this effect on pictures so i encourage everyone who has one of these shirts to take a closer look and let me know if you noticed the same things I did.
( no i’m not crazy or stoned, just very observant of VB items )
Dude… I think I just experienced what you experienced. I don’t know if I experienced it because of the power of your suggestion or because it is a genuine characteristic of the shirt, but I sensed the slight “sinking” of the lines into the shirt as the shirt went into brighter light.
The way I did it was that I stood in my bathroom while holding the shirt in front of me, with the only lights on in the room being the mirror cabinet lights above the sink. I held the shirt between me and the cabinet’s lights and looked closely where the lines on the shirt met the Virtual Boy logo. When I was facing the lights and, thus, the shirt was dark, everything on the shirt appeared to be in the same plane, but when I rotated myself around and the lines meeting the Virtual Boy logo began to get brighter, they also began to seem as if they were slightly behind the Virtual Boy logo and, thus, no longer in the same plane with it.
Thus, if you were trippin’, then I be trippin’, too. 🙂
Ben. Ok, now try it like this.
With your back facing the mirror, Hold the shirt about 12-15 inches in front of you(the blue side works best), now hold it up pass your head a little bit and rock each shoulder of the shirt back and forth like you just won a round of Panic Bomber and the shoulders were the win or lose symbles, only much slower, now pay attention to the lines during the transitions from faded to unfaded and i bet you’ll see exactly what im seeing.
This effect seems to be a sort of “microfiber process” thats not present anywhere else on the shirt but the Red and Blue, not even the black of the VB logo on the front or the Black of the VB eyeshade and lenses on the back, turn the shirt upside down and do this and you’ll notice very clearly that the Black does not have this “microfiber process” effect, very well likely making it a genuine characteristic of the shirt.
I imagine this shirt to look pretty trippy actually seeing someone moving around in it.
LOL😄. Looking back at my last post I made it seem like in order to see this effect you had to hold the shirt up pass your head (I must’ve been trippin’). Thats not what I meant. Here’s the best way to see and notice this “effect”.
Simply hold the shirt in front of you by its shoulders, now slowly extend one of the shoulders out like you were turning the shirt around then bring the shoulder back.
Keep doing this wile looking at the lines and hexagons and you will see this shirts “effect”.
(make shure your in a bright room, fluorescent lights work best)
Sooooooo — when are the “reproductions T-shirts” gonna be available???
I could wear one with my black “VIRTUAL-BOY” cap…
hopefully never. LOL. that “rad” design wasn’t even cool in the mid-90s.
now a PVB shirt…. that i would wear.
Lester Knight wrote:
hopefully never. LOL. that “rad” design wasn’t even cool in the mid-90s.now a PVB shirt…. that i would wear.
We could do that!!! Confidentially, I don’t really like T-shirts. I like simple cotton sports shirts, full-buttons, and a pocket — hasta have a pocket.
Maybe we could come up with our own, full color graphics on the back, maybe a “Planet Virtual Boy” embroidery on the front. Actually, the “full color graphics” wouldn’t be that expensive. They make an “iron-on” sheet 8-½ x 11, printable from an ink-jet, and you can simply iron it onto material.
Just a thought…
Whoa! Check out this shirt when exposed to a black light, it’s electrifying =)
I knew there was something going on with this shirt other than its faded psychedelic appearance, and I think I figured out what that something is…
I’m now convinced that this shirt was designed to react to the UV lighting of a black light. Wich to me makes sence since this shirt came out in 95′, and being a teenager in the 90’s I know it was cool to have black lights in your room and such, heck I had a whole room filled with Cypress Hill posters that reacted to black lights…
If you own this shirt along with a black light then I highly recommend you give this a try, because the fibers that make this shirt look “faded” react to the light as well, creating quite a stunning effect when you move the shirt around under the light, and this effect is impossible to capture in a photo.
Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Hah, that does look pretty insane. Not sure if it was intended though. I remember having some Nike shirts that looked absolute crazy in black light.
thunderstruck wrote:
Hah, that does look pretty insane. Not sure if it was intended though. I remember having some Nike shirts that looked absolute crazy in black light.
Yeah Nike is known for using neons on alot of their clothing, especially on their athletic wear. This is to help runners and joggers become more visible to drivers at night preventing accidents. So even though some Nike shirts can react to black light it’s probably not intentional as Nike doesn’t produce ‘club wear’ as far as I know…
This shirt on the other hand as you can see better in the picture below, has four hexagons on the front of it. To me those hexagons are there to give the illusion of depth when a black light is turned on. Because when normal light is hitting this shirt you don’t really notice/pay attention to the hexagons, but under black light you can see that the bigger hexagon on the bottom would be the foreground followed by the two smaller hexagons in the midground and then the last hexagon on the shoulder would be the background…
If this demonstration isn’t convincing enough, then consider the fact that the bright orange/amber neon color is NOT part of the Virtual Boy logo color scheme, but on this shirt it is, as if the designers of this shirt intentionally put that neon streak behind the logo because they knew it would glow…
These are my assumptions and I could be wrong, but to me it seems very likely to be intentional especially with that neon streak being placed in the VB logo.
vuefinder83 wrote:
Yeah Nike is known for using neons on alot of their clothing, especially on their athletic wear. This is to help runners and joggers become more visible to drivers at night preventing accidents. So even though some Nike shirts can react to black light it’s probably not intentional as Nike doesn’t produce ‘club wear’ as far as I know…
Well, that makes perfect sense.
vuefinder83 wrote:
Because when normal light is hitting this shirt you don’t really notice/pay attention to the hexagons, but under black light you can see that the bigger hexagon on the bottom would be the foreground followed by the two smaller hexagons in the midground and then the last hexagon on the shoulder would be the background…
I don’t know if it’s the lighting in you photos but to me your shirt always looked a bit faded. A friend of mine used to have the shirt framed and it looked much more like the picture that ectoglow once posted. You pretty much see immediately that the colors are neon colors and they seem to pop out. Then again, if they used the neon colors on purpose they might have planned the black light effect as well. However, I would have assumed VirtualBoy logo would have popped out then.
Upon further investigation, I think That I can now confirm that this shirt was indeed intended for a black light with the two following pictures…
Picture-1) shows the first two hexagons that appear on the shirt just below the VB logo. Notice the smoke design that goes right through both hexigons
Picture-2) shows the same spot of the shirt under black light. Notice how the smoke design now has a glowing neon border that is not visible unless a black light is on. There is even random neon smoke designs on this shirt that you just cant see without a black light. One of these random neon smoke patterns can be seen next to the black smoke in the second pic.
If this shirt wasn’t intended for a black light, why does it have all these hidden designs that you can only see through black light?
vuefinder83 wrote:
There is even random neon smoke designs on this shirt that you just cant see without a black light.
Now that’s convincing. Makes me wonder how the full hidden pattern looks like.
thunderstruck wrote: …Makes me wonder how the full hidden pattern looks like.
I’ve been using this tiny novelty black light that will only focus the light in a beam so it doesn’t illuminate the shirt entirely. I plan on getting a big one soon, so when I do I’ll post a pic of the shirt fully lit up.