Original Post

A news game, aka on a real cartridge, will be released in 2012 on our believes Virtual Boy.
The info comes from a developer who is wellknown for its development on Vectrex and Videopac (Odyssey2), ReVival Studios.
No more info but it could be a great start for new physical VBoy games.

27 Replies

sorry, I have just read another message in this forum with the same info.
But it is still a great news!

RayXambeR wrote:
sorry, I have just read another message in this forum with the same info.
But it is still a great news!

That’s okay. Repeat news is always a good thing. Plus, with this subject title, more people who use the search engine on this site are likely to find out about it in the future. A phrase like “brand new Virtual Boy game to be released possibly in 2012” contains good words that people who are searching for such things might use in a search engine, and thus, such a phrase is good to post in an online forum such as this.

I am, indeed, excited about this game being worked on by Revival Studios with the working title “EFX,” about which a little more information can be found here:


Contacted revival. Don’t care what the game is, I need to be first or close to first in line for a pre-order.

Please let us know if you get a response, I’m quite excited too!

Hi There,

As the author of the game in question, let me start of by saying this is still early in development, with a planned released end of 2012.

Meanwhile, let me give you a short description of the game. This is all info i will give at this point in development.

EFX will be a Z-axis scifi shoot’em up game, with a total of 8 levels and a bonus level. The game is created with 3D in mind, so it should fit the virtualboy perfectly. A few months ago, I posted a single image on the news section of my website (www.revival-studios.com), which can be viewed using red/blue goggles. Yes, the image is supposed to be a bit vague as i dont want to spoil too much of the game at this point in development. I am sure i will post a few more images over the year as the game prograesses.

Also, i am still sorting out the cart-production side of things. So if anyone has suggestion or is able to help out here, please email/PM me.

Kind Regards,

Martijn / Revival Studios

It looks great!! . That’s a fresh start of the year : Space Pinball , a new shoot’em up game … What’s the next?

Seeing as you mention it, I hope to show you guys something special in about 6 weeks 🙂

Ok , I make a note on a calendar 🙂

Also, i am still sorting out the cart-production side of things. So if anyone has suggestion or is able to help out here, please email/PM me.

If you’re planning a large run of games, using donors is no good.

You’ll need a solution using the connector e5frog used in his home made EPROM cart.

Oh man… the originally planned end of 2012 release for EFX for the Virtual Boy has since been passed, and I don’t see it on the release forecast as a release for 2013 here: http://www.revival-studios.com/?page=145

I sure hope that the game hasn’t been completely canceled. I was very much looking forward to it.

i don’t see any info on the site. i’ve tweeted to him. someone could possibly email him as well. i also hope it wasn’t cancelled.

I talked to him a few weeks ago. Not sure what I can say…but the project is still on. He’s finishing up a few others before he gets into it.


bigmak wrote:
I talked to him a few weeks ago. Not sure what I can say…but the project is still on. He’s finishing up a few others before he gets into it.


Very very cool! :thumpup: 😀

Edit to add — seems to be a bit of a “garage industry”. Still, a successful release of new VB games would be excellent. Wonder if he has access to a 3D Printer — should be easy to add provision for an existing connector.

I don’t see anything “Virtual Boy” his site. Can’t believe he has a couple “Meggy Jr” games — I have one, haven’t built it yet. Bought it figuring I could make a 4×4 color LED cube…

  • This reply was modified 12 years ago by vb-fan.
  • This reply was modified 12 years ago by vb-fan.

When I talked to him..we talked about me trying to secure some donor carts. I just picked up about 260 for future repros, but it set me back over 1k. I want to secure more..but cant’ shell out more money yet.


as a community. we really need to find a solution for donors. printed cases and such can take us pretty far, but what about connectors? if homebrew ever takes off and if reproduction carts get higher in demand, we are going to kill off a great chuck of usable carts.

if homebrew ever takes off and if reproduction carts get higher in demand, we are going to kill off a great chuck of usable carts.

I think we will run out. I don’t think there’s many more boxes out there. The one’s that are left, are being sold at very high prices (on Ebay etc).

MineStorm wrote:

I think we will run out. I don’t think there’s many more boxes out there. The one’s that are left, are being sold at very high prices (on Ebay etc).

I thought there was a connector found that works? How hard (or fast!) is it to make “printed cases”? I’d think new cases and new connectors would be workable…

I didn’t think the connector problem has been solved…

Currently i’m trying to get enough carts to make sure we have repro’s for the next few years…after that..prices will have to go up…



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