I recently acquired what appears to be a complete Nintendo E3 1996 Presskit. Attached are scans of everything in the kit I can find that contains Virtual Boy information.
To satisfy the curiosity of Nintendo fans, here are scans of every single page in the Nintendo New 1996 Products Catalogue, which was included as part of the Nintendo E3 1996 Presskit.
thank you for preserving another bit of video game history. Dragon Hopper….. it still gets me excited when I read official press about it.
thank you for preserving another bit of video game history. Dragon Hopper….. it still gets me excited when I read official press about it.
Scooblee wrote:
Dragon Hopper… ;~;
Yeah it’s frustrating to see press material for it but not a single word on it’s where-abouts.. ;__;
Scooblee wrote:
Dragon Hopper… ;~;
Yeah it’s frustrating to see press material for it but not a single word on it’s where-abouts.. ;__;
Here are photos from a recently ended ebay auction of a 1996 New Products Nintendo Brochure. While the seller claimed that it came from the Consumer Electronics Show, it must have come from E3 1996 (note the 5/96 date on the back). This brochure is not included in my, what I believe to be, complete press kit from E3 1996.