Original Post

Figured it would be nice to see everyone’s systems and game/accessory collections. I’m quite curious to see how many of the VBs on these forums are in good condition, and how many Blockbuster, retail display, japanese, etc kits there are among us.

Regrettably I sold the VB in my avatar many years ago after I first joined. I think I sold it to then fund the purchase of a new phat DS. Bad move.

I’ve just gotten back into the VB scene after missing it so much. I just purchased a Japanese console in mint condition, boxed. Can’t wait to share with everyone. I also bought a secondary head unit only because I thought I was going to be buying a VB set that had a defective head unit (I got out of that deal). I think I’ll be taking the spare apart and using it as parts for my Japanese model. Maybe have the ribbon cables soldered for when the Japanese model’s go bad.

So I’ll be posting my pictures soon. I have quite a few games already, which I’ll show when I get the console pics up.

But everyone else can start ahead of me. Let’s see those VBs!

277 Replies

Dor-Si wrote:
I recently had the good fortune to stumble upon a boxed soft case reincarnated as a 32-Bit System Transporter…

The image on the front of the box sure helps to show that a Playstation system didn’t belong in the case originally. It looks like it doesn’t even fit in the soft case properly!

morintari wrote:
Ben, you know what the worst thing about that Jacket is, That to keep it nice you can never wear it.:P

That is especially true since the jacket is one size too small for me…

Thanks to Minestorm I added this rather unique item to my collection.


I am loving that cart thunder! Very nice.


thunderstruck wrote:
Thanks to Minestorm I added this rather unique item to my collection.

Oh cool he got my model to print 🙂

That’s a unique item if I’ve ever seen one! Very nice. 😀

two separate pieces? or three?

Wyndcrosser wrote:
two separate pieces? or three?

I think two, not sure…

I recently obtained a very early ad for the Virtual Boy, which I believe is from a magazine that was distributed at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show of 1995. On the side of the page opposite to the Virtual Boy ad, there is a date in the lower left corner, showing that the magazine was published on December 23, 1994. In the Virtual Boy ad itself, the phrase “We’ve come a long way in ’94” indicates that the ad was originally intended to be read at a time when the year 1994 had just come to a close, and the sentence that reads “See it all for yourself at Booth #6950.” indicates that the ad was intended to be read at a time when a person was walking around and checking out booths at a trade show where the Virtual Boy could be seen. All of this points to the Winter Consumer Electronics Show which ran from January 6, 1995 through January 9, 1995 and which was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thus, the magazine from which this Virtual Boy ad came was likely handed to each person who came to the trade show as they walked in the entrance, is my guess.

I made this costume Box for my Faceball card. Turned out pretty good. I made Boxes for Fishbone and GameHero as well. Will post more pics as soon as I’ve put everything together.


That looks pretty sweet 🙂

This is my small collection for now. This all came bundled and just arrived Yesterday. I still have 3 more games coming (Red Alarm is waiting at the post office, Mario’s Tennis was just orderd, and still have to order Wario Land, can’t decide whether I wanna pay extra for a boxed one =P). Really glad I can read katakana, sure makes playing these Japanese games easier!

So I’ll post this for now and when I get the rest and display it all purty I’ll post an updated pic.

@ thunder
Nice looking box to go with your nice looking cart!

@ speedyink
Glad you got your system and in working order too. Its the start of a beautiful friendship. Lol!

VBmills wrote:@ speedyink
Glad you got your system and in working order too. Its the start of a beautiful friendship. Lol!

Me too! I was expecting it to have issues after shipping, but nope! Oh I think it is. I already ordered 3 more games last night (teleroboxer US version with box and shrink wrap, Japanese Mario Tennis new in box, and Warioland cart only)

My VB collection is actually not that special. Most of my original games are card only. I do own the rare foam smiley without the shot mark though. However, here are a couple of pictures.

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by thunderstruck.

Here are high resolution scans of the front and back of the Virtual Jockey flyer.

Benjamin Stevens schrieb:
Here are high resolution scans of the front and back of the Virtual Jockey flyer.

Thanks for the great scans! I’ve replaced the old ones.

First post actually, even though I’ve been meaning to introduce myself. I’ve been assembling my collection since April when I got the nostalgia bug and bought a VB. At this point with getting a Display Only box for Mario’s Tennis last month, I’ve completed (I think) an entire boxed US collection. I may eventually get into Japanese stuff, but for now am working on how to display it in my office.

Added a new photo to add the two Nintendo Powers that seem to be parts of others collections. Both of these are from my personal subscription. Not sure how many times they survived getting tossed when they were in a nondescript box at my parents’ house, but i finally rescued them and realized what I had this summer.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by duqtito.

Nice collection. Welcome to the site.


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