If you’ve been following my other thread you know that Benjamin Stevens and I are working on translating Virtual Fishing which is the only VB game that hasn’t been translated so far. While Ben did the translation part I did the patching of the ROM.
The ROM is almost done. The only things are missing are the logo on the start screen, the header on the stage selection (both of them are images, not text) and the player names on the all times records screen. The images should be rather easy to patch while the player names seem tricky. I still plan to patch theses things but I might not get to it in the near future.
As all of these are not actually needed to play the game I decided to release the ROM in this state. Also, everyone is asked to play the game and try to find screens that are not translated yet. They will either be in Japanese or just look glitchy. If you happen to find one of those screen please post the exact conditions under which you got to said screen so that I can reproduce them. A screenshot and savegame might also help.
Have fun playing.
Oh s###! You’re the man, dawg! 😀
Virtual Fishing was the first English box I made, so I’ve been dreaming of the day the full English translation was finished.
CIBs anyone?
VirtuousRage wrote:
Oh s###! You’re the man, dawg! 😀
Virtual Fishing was the first English box I made, so I’ve been dreaming of the day the full English translation was finished.NOW I CAN TAKE SCREEN SHOTS TO FINISH THE MANUAL!!
CIBs anyone?
please count me in. even if it’s just an empty box with a place for cartridge. thanks!
GOOD JOB! and i just got the official game in box and all
Thanks thunderstruck. This is a nice gift for the weekend. Would it be possible for you to upload just the patch as well? I’d rather send a few friends the patch than the ROM.
thunderstruck wrote:
As far as I can tell the translation is complete (except for a strange dialog that I found in the game, but that is never shown)
Hey, thunder!
First off, I want to say: way to stick with it! I know this probably wasn’t the most exciting project for you.
Secondly, the dialog that you said is never shown in the game reads:
はい —– いいえ
Are you sure you want to reset all of the data?
If there is no in game selection to reset all of the data, then perhaps it is possible that some button sequence entered during the game might bring up this option.
Lester Knight wrote:
Thanks thunderstruck. This is a nice gift for the weekend. Would it be possible for you to upload just the patch as well? I’d rather send a few friends the patch than the ROM.
You can find the patch here: http://www.planetvb.com/content/downloads/patches/Virtual.Fishing.English.v.1.0.ips.zip
Awesome work, thanks Thunder! I’ll have to try this game again, now that I know what the hell they’re saying.
This is great! Thank you for this…
I’ll take a CIB copy of this if there’s ever a run.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Hey, thunder!First off, I want to say: way to stick with it! I know this probably wasn’t the most exciting project for you.
It was kind of interesting on a technical level. But yeah…
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Secondly, the dialog that you said is never shown in the game reads:すべてのデータを初期化しますよろしいですか?
はい —– いいえ
Are you sure you want to reset all of the data?
YES —– NOIf there is no in game selection to reset all of the data, then perhaps it is possible that some button sequence entered during the game might bring up this option.
I will try again to trigger it.
thunderstruck wrote:
I will try again to trigger it.
I couldn’t find any way to trigger that screen. I could try checking the code but that’s somehow not worth the effort.
However, pressing L+R+A+B+Start+Select will reset your game.
Also, you can adjust brightness by pressing select+up or select+down on the start screen. There is even a text showing the current setting with hex numbers. I wonder if that was left in by accident. The manual does not state it as a feature.
I’ve never been a big fan of fishing games (or even mini-games within other games), but this is a great achievement!
(I will give it a proper go at some point.)
Hey Thunderstruck!
I took some time to remake the logo in the tiny pixel version to make it look a bit more like the Japanese one.
Feel free to use it if you’d like. 🙂
I assumed the black was transparent, but here’s two version in case not. Oh, and a gray one… because I’m a noob and don’t know what’s required. 😛