Original Post

Interesting problem. Some games the Virtual Boy is totally fine – tennis, Wario. Others gives me crazy glitchiness in the right eye – Fester, Panic Bomber. I’ve attached a pic of Panic Bomber in the right eye. I’m not sure why it’s fine for some games but not others. At any rate, it seems that the fix for most vision issues is the ribbon cables in the oven a 250F for 2 minutes and then push down the connections. Before I do this I wanted to consult the experts here – thoughts?

7 Replies

The common reply is going to be that the “oven” fix is not always successful, and the problem can recur over time, and that you need to pay someone to solder the ribbon cable for a permanent fix. Then you’ll get people advertising that they’ll do it for you.

Really weird that it works ok for some games though…

It’s definitely the classic display cable issue. Check out this thread for people who fix it for good. The oven fix is a band-aid fix at best.

Take your pick

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by speedyink.

You will never regret having the permanent solder fix done to your Virtual Boy.

Dreammary wrote:
You will never regret having the permanent solder fix done to your Virtual Boy.

Agreed. I recently got both of my Virtual Boys repaired by NES Freak, and I don’t think one has worked properly like this since I bought it, and the other never worked properly; I don’t think I’ll ever have to do anything with the ribbon cables again.

Jeff wrote:
Interesting problem. Some games the Virtual Boy is totally fine – tennis, Wario. Others gives me crazy glitchiness in the right eye – Fester, Panic Bomber. I’ve attached a pic of Panic Bomber in the right eye. I’m not sure why it’s fine for some games but not others. At any rate, it seems that the fix for most vision issues is the ribbon cables in the oven a 250F for 2 minutes and then push down the connections. Before I do this I wanted to consult the experts here – thoughts?

please dont cook it. fixing baked virtual boy can be a pain in the donkey.

i can do the permanent solder fix for you. the oven trick is only temporary and is likely to damage your screens more than fix them. its very likely fixable via soldering.

Okay – what’s your charge? I’m in Florida, BTW.

i sent you a pm with the details its around 40 plus 16.99 for return shipping and insurance 100 dollars


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