Original Post

Ok, I’m starting with a sad one, but maybe you can find us some funny ones.

Poor Quality: Check
Common Game: Check
Outrageous price: mmmmm not really but still

Just look at this sad Teleroboxer. PLEASE, someone just buy it so it can be turned into a useful repro or something. looks like it was left out in the rain.


I’d love to see People add to this thread as sometimes there are some very humorous VB auctions put up, usually by people who don’t understand the system AT ALL. Like the time I saw a Boxed VB (in 2004) for $800 listed as “the rarest video game console I (yes, he said “I”) have ever heard of”. or people charging $40 for a copy of Mario tennis with a hole drilled in the upper left corner for some display reason I can only assume.

My favorite was still the virtual Boy I saw that had the stand and visor, an NES controller and two gameboy Advanced games. I’m not kidding.

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by ectoglow.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by ectoglow.
32 Replies

It is not an auction, but for a while, I have thought that the offer for a Virtual Boy system and four games, which appears at the bottom of the attached image taken from Amazon.com, is pretty sad. It is sad because I firmly believe that the seller is actually serious.

Wow, Just WOW. That is stupendous. I wonder if anyone from “Nigeria” has offered to buy it yet.

Everything about this topic so far makes me cringe. 🙁

eBay! http://r.ebay.com/NbOchs
Here is another fine Specimen. At first nothing seems wrong. Has all the parts, a few different games, A CD, some tools… wait…
So according to this auction, since the VB don’t travel so well he has included repair instructions on CD (probably from this site and ifixit) and the specialty bit to get her open (the bit that is too short to get the two screws to the left and right of the cart assembly.). I can only assume this is so every couple of days you can tear it down and put those dang ribbon cables in your oven! what a treat!
at least he has faith in the system.

I am familiar with this seller. This seller has suffered much stress and hassle in the past from customers who were expecting that the Virtual Boy systems that they purchased from him should run perfectly without any glitchy display problems. He tried his best using the Oven Method to get the systems in working order and then sold the systems explaining that he got them working with the Oven Method, but as soon as the systems started showing display problems with the customers after arrival, they blamed the seller for the problems and likely demanded refunds or returns. The seller could only take this for so long before he stopped trying to get the systems in working order using the oven method and decided just to include the security bit and instruction CD, whereby the customer should expect a display problem eventually but be able to get it in working order if he or she so desires. The security bit does work well and reaches down to all necessary screws (I got mine from him) and the instructions are helpful but do contain the info that can be found on DogP’s site.

The fact is, no seller should ever be held responsible for the glitchy display problem. It is the result of a serious design flaw, for which Nintendo should be held responsible, since they decided to attach the cables to the display boards with glue, which could only last for so long. I don’t even bother trying to sell extra VB systems that I may happen to get for whatever reason. I just basically give them away and say, “hey, you may need to get this fixed down the road, because if there is no display problem now, there will be.”

The fact is, no seller should ever be held responsible for the glitchy display problem. It is the result of a serious design flaw, for which Nintendo should be held responsible, since they decided to attach the cables to the display boards with glue, which could only last for so long. I don’t even bother trying to sell extra VB systems that I may happen to get for whatever reason. I just basically give them away and say, “hey, you may need to get this fixed down the road, because if there is no display problem now, there will be.”

Seee thats what I see. That frickin stinks for him, but sending tools and a CD, Thats just the wrongest message you could send with a system.

That’s like sending a a Vetrex out with earplugs.

ectoglow wrote:
… sending tools and a CD, Thats just the wrongest message you could send with a system.

That’s like sending a a Vetrex out with earplugs.

Lol. Yeah, I know what you mean. It does send the message of “this system will most likely not work when you get it,” but unfortunately, that is too often the truth when it comes to a Virtual Boy being sold these days.

The tool and CD were actually a selling point for me, though. At the time I bought from him, my Virtual Boy system had just started getting the glitchy display problem, so I wanted to get another system as a backup, in case I ruined my current system, but I also wanted a complete in box system to make my Virtual Boy collection more complete. When I saw that his CIB system even included a tool bit that I would need to begin trying to do repair work on the first Virtual Boy system that I ever got, I just could not pass it up.

are you sre the bit is long enough? I think I got the same one and it was JUST to short for the deeper screws.

ectoglow wrote:
are you sre the bit is long enough? I think I got the same one and it was JUST to short for the deeper screws.

Well, the thing is, it is just the bit, so it all depends on the bit-holder that you attach it to. When I used it with my bit-holder, I managed to get all screws out just fine.

i would say it’s one of the best VB auctions i’ve ever seen.. honest, to the point, and providing you with what you’ll need to keep it working.

eventually i’d love to be able to do the solder repair on mine, but im not skilled enough yet, so it’s the oven method for me for now.

My personal favorite is this auction up at the moment:

1. Common game? Check.
2. VGA Grading? Check.
3. Higher price than you would ever pay for #1? MEGA-CHECK:

nintendo game virtual boy RED ALARM sealed complete VGA 90+ MINT !!!!!

No doubt the game’s in good condition, but Virtual Bowling it ain’t. $1,500 is ridiculous.


jrronimo wrote:
No doubt the game’s in good condition, but Virtual Bowling it ain’t. $1,500 is ridiculous.

The thing one always must keep in mind with listings that include a “Best Offer” option, though, is that the seller himself might think that the listed price is ridiculous and that nobody will ever click the “Buy It Now” button, so he simply wants to hear out offers. Some sellers want an offer pretty close to their listed price, but others are willing to accept much, much less.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

The thing one always must keep in mind with listings that include a “Best Offer” option, though, is that the seller himself might think that the listed price is ridiculous and that nobody will ever click the “Buy It Now” button, so he simply wants to hear out offers. Some sellers want an offer pretty close to their listed price, but others are willing to accept much, much less.

Well, I know for a fact that those “Best offers aren’t that cheep either. I drunkenly offered $500 one night instead of $50 and was met with immediate rejection on a similar unopened and graded game.

Don’t drink and bid. That’s how I ended up with 250 NES “Bible Adventure” cart stickers.

Don’t drink and bid. That’s how I ended up with 250 NES “Bible Adventure” cart stickers.

Hahahahahahahhahahahahahhaaaaaaa 🙂

To be honest, there’s one at my local game store that looks just like that for $30 bucks lol

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

jrronimo wrote:
No doubt the game’s in good condition, but Virtual Bowling it ain’t. $1,500 is ridiculous.

The thing one always must keep in mind with listings that include a “Best Offer” option, though, is that the seller himself might think that the listed price is ridiculous and that nobody will ever click the “Buy It Now” button, so he simply wants to hear out offers. Some sellers want an offer pretty close to their listed price, but others are willing to accept much, much less.

That’s true, but I still don’t think Red Alarm is worth $1500 in any form, haha. Maybe if it were a prototype on the order of difference of Space Pinball vs. Galactic Pinball. Actually, that’d probably be $5k or much, much more.

ANYWAY, for a “run of the mill” copy of Red Alarm, VGA graded or no, I wouldn’t offer more than a few hundred, personally.

…but my collection doesn’t look as nice as that guys’, probably, haha.

kkabalka wrote:
Looks like he is at it again Mario Clash for 1,999$……


wow, I have a copy of that too! Anyone want to trade their copy of Virtual Bowling for my “ULTRA RARE” US version of Mario Clash?

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
This is the first time when I see a fool:


who is very quickly followed by another fool:


“Who’s the more foolish… the fool or the fool who follows him?”

I have the Nintendo Power issue but don’t have the glasses. Tried offering the newest one $15 for them and got instantly declined, so I’m assuming he has a pretty high minimum offer set assuming his outrageous buy it now.


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