Original Post

Hello. I recently got a PSP and saw that SofiyaCat has released a port of RedDragon to the PSP. But, for some reason, when I try to map the keys of the emulator on the actual buttons of the PSP, nothing happens, and if i try to play the game, it won’t work because i can’t get past the warning screen.

Does anyone know how to use RedDragon for PSP?

6 Replies

i’ve read that the emu was never completed. the key binding is still set up for a pc keyboard. there should be no way to get past the warning screen on the psp.


There is a PSP port of Mednafen (which supports VB), but I’ve had absolutly no luck in building it. I’ve set up all the required dev kit stuff to do it, but I always get some missing file errors when I try to run the make file.

Maybe someone more skilled than me can get it running:


(If someone DOES happen to be able to build it, but doesn’t have a PSP to test the EBOOT, I will be more than happy to try it out)

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by the_red_one.

There is no way Mednafen’s VB emulation is going to run anywhere near full-speed on something like a PSP.

I wish i had the skills to complete reddragon psp…

Mednafen wrote:
There is no way Mednafen’s VB emulation is going to run anywhere near full-speed on something like a PSP.

Is that just due to the way mednafen emulates the vb? I know first hand the psp can emulate genesis great and snes fairly well (fighting games and such have some slowdown usually)

On a mobile device you’re really gonna need some kind of recompiler if you want emulated games to run full-speed. It does by definition come at a cost to accuracy (for instance, the emulator won’t slow down like the real system would when there’s a lot of stuff going on), but it’s typically the preferred way to do things.


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