Original Post

With the spirit of the 20th anniversary running high, I thought I’d see what everyone’s imagination could come up with- what do you think would have happened in the years following the Virtual Boy’s demise if Nintendo had actually carried out a relaunch of the system? Do you imagine an alternate reality where the system took off and had hundreds of games? Would it just be a moderate success like the Dreamcast where homebrew and low-key official support carried on for years afterward? Would the second launch only serve to replenish the bargain bins at game retailers?

I would like to see some imaginary timelines detailing how you think it would have turned out with a second chance! Hardware upgrades, model revisions, new accessories, a Virtual Boy 2, etc. πŸ™‚

12 Replies

I wanted to add, besides Bound High or Dragon Hopper, what do you think would have been the game to really define the system and make it a success? This can be a canceled game or one that wasn’t even planned. Personally I agree with those who say Metroid or Mega Man…both of them would look pretty good in red and black, and I honestly think they would make better use of a 3D capability than another Mario game.

The second launch.

The year was 1997 the Virtual Boy was a complete failure but to save face and the system Nintendo launched it again. This time it had VB Mario packed right in. also packed in was a video showing upcoming games but in between each game it showed how to properly set up your VB. Some of the games mentioned like The Legend of Zelda Crimson Orb, And Metroid Hidden Virus. And Kid Icarus the lost land. Ultimately because Nintendo did a better launch and people now understand how to properly set up a VB. After all a New system deserves a full explanation of how it should be set up. The Launch did well even though the system was down to $20.00 the games were still at $30.00. Eventually because the system wasn’t abandoned other licensees joined in too. Soon Konami was in and Capcom as well. So we had games like Axelay Burning Sun and Strider 3.

Three years later Nintendo Unveils the Virtual One system because now the “boy” has fully grown up it is now and entity. The Virtual one is a full color HMD.

Today we have even better systems and it’s all because of the relaunch of the VB!……Oh we can dream can’t we.

Dammit, that alternate reality sounds beautiful, Morintori. If only!!

Speedyink wrote

Dammit, that alternate reality sounds beautiful, Morintori. If only!!

Thanks Speedy, Hey am I the only Yutz that has a story. Any body else wanna take a shot?

Ok ok, I’ll take a shot, but it won’t be as good as yours.

Way back in the year 20xx…Actually 1996 to be exact, Nintendo didn’t chicken out and went through with the relaunch of the Virtual Boy. With the console selling for peanuts, some great new games like Dragon Hopper and Bound High, and with the promise of some new games on the horizon along with the 2 player link cable, sales start to turn around. One of the new games (released at the tail end of 1996) is a racing game, built off the demo shown at the Japanese Toy show. It supports 2 player head to head racing using the new link cable. It features a great soundtrack and a large selection of races to choose from, as well as a tournament mode (1 or 2 player) and a car upgrade system. The second game released at the same time, is a VR Tank game. It’s designed as a 2 player game, though 1 player can play it just as easily, just using both the d-pads. In 2 player mode ‘A’ one player can be turret, and the other the driver, and try to shoot as many tanks without a life refill (or they can do a campaign mode). In mode ‘B’ each player controls their own tank and duke it out. With people seeing how much fun you can have with a friend on the system, sales pick up drastically for the Christmas season.

Once Nintendo realizes the system isn’t a dud after all, work on Triple A first party titles begin, further cementing the VB’s hold on the market. Nintendo lets everyone know it doesn’t replace the Gameboy, it’s for a totally different purpose. Gameboy is marketed as the be all portable system, while the Virtual Boy is marketed as an escape to another world. The Gameboy Color is delayed by about 6 months, so that a color Virtual Boy can be released alongside it. Both units are compatible with the older Monochrome games. Multiple peripherals are released for the Virtual Boy, so it can be played in a way that suits each player. These range from head straps, to heigh adjustable stands, special stand for couches/chairs, and even a ‘bendable’ multi-purpose stand. The last one has a bendable design that allows for almost infinite adjustment (Think gorilla pod style legs), so it can be used on the table, or folded in a way that really stabilizes the VB when laying down. Or they can even wrap the legs around objects, wherever is convenient.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by speedyink.
  • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by speedyink.
  • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by speedyink.

Speedyink wrote

Ok ok, I’ll take a shot, but it won’t be as good as yours.

Well that’s debatable at any rate thank you for your compliments. And hey I enjoyed your tale as well, anybody else? Lester Knight? your always saying how you love to write. Care to share?

The alternate scenario

The time is set in the early 90’s and there is a partnership between Nintendo and Sony. Plans are made for the Nintendo Snes CD. Suddenly Sony hears about plans for a 3d immersive headset known as the VR32. Sony Jumps at the chance to back this awesome system. Plans for the cartridge port are scrapped for the more “trendy” CD drive. A big advantage to this is the new “Lightshow N” That takes any music cd and makes a 3d lasershow to the music. Nintendo and Sony both back the new product and in this universe there is no Sony Playstation. Nintendo and Sony are friends. Not to mention that Square soft and Enix only work on Nintendo platforms.

Oh what if…..Oh we can dream can’t we.

Oh wow, a VB 3D CD lightshow would be so awesome! If Sony got involved maybe they would use something very similar to the Minidisc, since those came out late 1992.

I was watching DVD’s last night, an old tv show called “Sliders”. Where four friends traveled from parallel world to parallel world desperately trying to get back to their own Earth.

SUDDENLY a whoosh occurred behind me; before I could snap my head around I was sucked into a vortex — and was falling through a strange tunnel. I landed in a small park in the middle of town. I picked myself up and was brushing the grass off of my Levi’s, when I saw the video store — advertising VIRTUAL BOY GAMES! This must be a parallel world!

I raced into the store, and there was DRAGON HOPPER in the clearance bin for only 5 bucks! They had Zero Racers, Golden Eye, Night Landing, and several others I’d never heard of! The new promotion was STAR WARS games — exciting dogfights between the Rebels and Tie-Fighters, amidst Star cruisers. One called “Millennium Falcon Escape”. There was an exciting chase through channels on the Death Star, trying to fire missiles into the main vent, while Darth was in hot pursuit! In stereo, in one ear a tinny voice wheezed “I AM YOUR FATHER…” — and in the other ear a gentle voice encouraged, “Do not be afraid, USE THE FORCE!”

I reached for my wallet, and remembered I had left it on my dresser! Wait — had I? Or had it fallen out when I landed on the grass?

I tore back to the park and started searching everywhere; but another whoosh and muffled roar sucked me back into the tunnel. I fell out right back on the living-room-carpet, the TV playing as I had left it.

…my wallet laying jeeringly on my dresser!


Thank you for sharing your sliding experience vb-fan. However most people keep that to them selves because no one believes them. We Here at Planet Virtual Boy do believe your account. it’s always good to have friends. Your in very good company;)

That is one of my favorite shows, though at one moment it pretty much got trashed by the writers…. But I love the story you just wrote and have thought about such a thing once or twice myself πŸ˜‰

The force81 wrote

That is one of my favorite shows, though at one moment it pretty much got trashed by the writers…. But I love the story you just wrote and have thought about such a thing once or twice myself πŸ˜‰

Who said anything about a story? It sounded like a real account to me.


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