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In this thread, let’s all post our projects for this year’s Virtual Boy anniversary festivities!

Please post only links to the respective project’s threads and talk about them there, so this thread will eventually be something like a registry of all #VirtualFest projects. :vb:

19 Replies

I created multiple backgrounds and an avatar/logo to celebrate the year of the VB. I have desktop & laptop wallpapers and phone wallpapers I will add more as the months pass. Feel free to use these images just give proper credit if you use this in a video or w/e.

Here’s the link to the thread: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=5951&forum=1

I made this anaglyphic 3D wallpaper for smartphones! I also have some more things I made!

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by KR155E.

Started off a game mockup thread with a little mockup of “VVVBBB”.


I intend on finishing my VB 3D model as accurate and close to the real thing as possible

Now, this is only indirectly a VirtualFest project, but 2015 will also be remembered as the year Hyper Fighting came out, so I am adding it to the timeline here. 🙂

I made a video showing off all the VB games + most homebrew since I found no such video on Youtube


I thought this was a registry for various 2015 projects and their respective threads?

From my understanding its whatever you do to promote the Virtual Boy now when its the anniversary of the VB and all
The VB 3D model and the commercial for example I would not add as “2015 projects” hence why I included my video but anyway L_E_T, don’t forget to post what you did to support our cool friend the VB 😉

Pretty sure L_E_T was getting at the way you posted it, not what you posted. You’re supposed to create a dedicated thread for your video or whatever and link to that thread, rather than link directly to the video in this thread.

akumie wrote:
From my understanding its whatever you do to promote the Virtual Boy now when its the anniversary of the VB and all
The VB 3D model and the commercial for example I would not add as “2015 projects” hence why I included my video but anyway L_E_T, don’t forget to post what you did to support our cool friend the VB 😉

Mmmm while on the VB 3D model subject, I got to admit this is not gonna happen any time soon, I did fully intend on modelling it completely but have kind of got side-tracked drawing and detailing my new house build, which has taken rather a lot of my spare time, and still is, there is quite a lot goes into a house oddly 🙂
Sorry to all who have been waiting, one day it will appear here for all to view and download, but I don’t know when.

I also wanted to contribute something, but as I neither can program 3D games nor do anything else useful, I just did a “Virtual Boy Extravaganza” video:

If you got any 3D device supported by Youtube, like the “New 3DS”, you can watch this video also in 3D:

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by VectrexRoli.

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