In this tutorial series, I’m sharing my experiences with creating the VUE-MASTER Demo Reel. I’m a CG graphics artist with nearly zero programming experience.
Both, the template project as well as these HTML tutorials are included in VBDE (since version 1.2.2).
VUE-MASTER VBDE Light Tutorial:
How to make a ROM from your PNG files (VBDE Light)
This tutorial shows how to make a VUE-MASTER reel in 6 easy steps using VBDE Light (which is recommended for non-programmers). If you’re using VBDE Pro, please refer to post #2 of this thread.
The tutorial describes the easiest way to use the VUE-MASTER template: by replacing the 7 existing demo images with your own files.
What you will need:
• VUE-prepared PNG files, matching the VB requirements (see the Graphics Tutorial …)
• Download and unpack the latest VBDE Light
* VBDE is a portable application, which means you can move it anywhere, but it’s recommended to put it here: C:\vbde\
:vb: Step 1 – Preparing the VBDE project folder
• Browse C:\vbde\samples\vuengine\ and make a copy of the “vue-master” template folder. Name it after your reel’s project title.
• Replace the existing demo PNGs under: …\assets\images\VueMasterImages\ with your own files.
• Delete all existing .c-files under: …\VueMasterImage#\Binary\ for every image you’ve replaced.
:vb: Step 2 – Setting up the VBDE Light project
• If you have any instances of Notepad++ open, please close them before launching VBDE Light.
• Launch C:\vbde\VBDE.exe …
• If windows firewall gives you any warning like “Unknown Publisher” choose “more” > “run anyway”.
• Browse your project path with VBDE Light Explorer, right click and add it to favorites.
• Give it a project title …
• You can browse the project files in the left explorer window now.
:vb: Step 3 – Converting images to tiles
• Make sure to have a file from the VUE-MASTER path open when you hit “convert images”.
• Execute: “Run” > “CONVERT images” (or just use the quick button in the top left corner).
• New .c-files were created in the “Binary” folders.
:vb: Step 4 – Transferring tiles count (for every image)
• Open: …\VueMasterImage1\Binary\VueMasterImage1.c (neither “..Left.c” nor “..Right.c”)
◦ If the “tiles” count from the header comment (line 7) is 2033 or less: copy it.
◦ If the tiles count is more than 2033, refer to Part 2 of the Graphics Tutorial.
• Open: …\VueMasterImage1\Definition\VueMasterImage1Definition.c
• Paste/replace the tiles count of image 1 under “CharSetROMDef” (line 49).
• Now repeat this procedure (Step 4) for every image, that you have replaced before …
:vb: Step 5 – Adding titles to the main menu
• Open: …\assets\languages\Language_EN.c
• Add your reel’s title at line 49.
• Add your reel’s description text or credits at line 51.
• Keep your text inside the quotation marks.
• You can add line breaks by pasting \n.
:vb: Step 6 – Creating the ROM
• Make sure to have a file from the VUE-MASTER path open when you hit compile.
• Execute: “Run” > “COMPILE” (or just use the quick button in the top left corner).
• Compiling is done when the DOS window closes.
😎 Enjoy your stereo reel!
You will find your VUE-MASTER reel under: …\build\output.vb
Test the ROM with an emulator and flash it to your FlashBoy!
- This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by STEREO KID.
- This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by STEREO KID.
How to make a ROM from your PNG files (VBDE Pro)
This tutorial shows how to make a VUE-MASTER reel in 6 easy steps using VBDE Pro. It describes the easiest way to use the VUE-MASTER template: by replacing the 7 existing demo images with your own files.
What you will need:
• VUE-prepared PNG files, matching the VB requirements (see the Graphics Tutorial …)
• Download and unpack the latest VBDE Pro*
* VBDE is a portable application, which means you can move it anywhere, but it’s recommended to put it here: C:\vbde\
:vb: Step 1 – Preparing the VBDE project folder
• Browse C:\vbde\samples\vuengine\ and make a copy of the “vue-master” template folder. Name it after your reel’s project title.
• Replace the existing demo PNGs under: …\assets\images\VueMasterImages\ with your own files.
• Delete all existing .c-files under: …\VueMasterImage#\Binary\ for every image you’ve replaced.
:vb: Step 2 – Setting up the VBDE Light project
• Launch C:\vbde\VBDE.exe …
• If windows firewall gives you any warning like “Unknown Publisher” choose “more” > “run anyway”.
• Open the VUE-MASTER template path as a project with VBDE Pro.
• You can browse the project files in the left explorer window now.
:vb: Step 3 – Converting images to tiles
• Execute: “Tools” > “External Tools” > “CONVERT images” (or just use the quick button in the top right corner).
• New .c-files were created in the “Binary” folders.
:vb: Step 4 – Transferring tiles count (for every image)
• Open: …\VueMasterImage1\Binary\VueMasterImage1.c (neither “..Left.c” nor “..Right.c”)
◦ If the “tiles” count from the header comment (line 7) is 2033 or less: copy it.
◦ If the tiles count is more than 2033, refer to Part 2 of the Graphics Tutorial.
• Open: …\VueMasterImage1\Definition\VueMasterImage1Definition.c
• Paste/replace the tiles count of image 1 under “CharSetROMDef” (line 49).
• Now repeat this procedure (Step 4) for every image, that you have replaced before …
:vb: Step 5 – Adding titles to the main menu
• Open: …\assets\languages\Language_EN.c”
• Add your reel’s title at line 49.
• Add your reel’s description text or credits at line 51.
• Keep your text inside the quotation marks.
• You can add line breaks by pasting \n.
:vb: Step 6 – Creating the ROM
• Execute: “Run” > “External Tools” > “COMPILE” (or just use the quick button in the top right corner).
• Compiling is done when this message appears in the console: “Process finished with exit code 0”.
😎 Enjoy your stereo reel!
You will find your VUE-MASTER reel under: …\build\output.vb
Test the ROM with an emulator and flash it to your FlashBoy!
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by STEREO KID.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by STEREO KID.
Update / advanced tip:
GRIT always counts 1 tile more than needed
STEREO BOY schrieb:
:vb: Step 4 – Transferring tiles count (for every image)• Open: …\VueMasterImage1\Binary\VueMasterImage1.c (neither “..Left.c” nor “..Right.c”)
◦ If the “tiles” count from the header comment (line 7) is 2033 or less: copy it.
◦ If the tiles count is more than20332034, refer to Part 2 of the Graphics Tutorial.• Open: …\VueMasterImage1\Definition\VueMasterImage1Definition.c
• Paste/replace the tiles count of image 1 under “CharSetROMDef” (line 49).
◦ If the tiles count is exactly 2034, you can type 2033 here.• Now repeat this procedure (Step 4) for every image, that you have replaced before …
Meanwhile KR155E told me, that GRIT always counts 1 tile more than it found in your image. That means, that you can write one tile less into the definition file ( :vb: Step 4). For example, if GRIT counts exactly 2034 tiles in your image, you can still use it by typing 2033 into the definition file!
Image No. 4 in the MARIO KART 7 Reel No. 2 has exactly 2033 tiles (which is the absolute maximum for VUE-MASTER images). GRIT counted 2034 tiles – see source files attached …