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I’ve heard of this being in private circles forever. Its supposedly the best VB game. Is there ever a chance we could see a release yet?

25 Replies

I’ve been waiting for that question to be asked. 😛

I’ve been waiting for it to be answered 😉 .


DogP wrote:
I’ve been waiting for it to be answered 😉 .


Ok, ok i guess it’s time i told the Virtual Boy community the real low down here and now. Here we go… Dragon Hopped may have just -BAM- what the frick was that!? Oh well anyway um oh Dragon -BAM- ………………. well it looks like another neighborhood kid found one of those U.S. Military Barrels that start zombie outbreaks so I gotta get out of here. You’d think the military would take better care of those things! Sorry guys anyone else have the answer? Wish me luck! Later… 😯

So what is supposedly so special about Dragon Hopper? I haven’t heard much about it before…

On this site go to games/unreleased/dragon hopper. looks pretty cool lots of screen shots. It says that Dragon Hopper may have saved the VB. 😡

Here’s an old 2007 Quote from Chris

“i also remember of hearing of a person who has dragon hopper and zero racers many years ago. maybe someone from nintendo power magazine who wrote the previews? well, this person wanted 5000 dollars for each game though, and i couldn’t get more information. i am not sure if this wasn’t bullshit, but still i could try again.””

I would rather have Zero Racers. VB needs a great racing game.

VBSAM wrote:
I would rather have Zero Racers. VB needs a great racing game.

Id give almost anything to play Zero Racers! That’s the one i’ve been waiting for!! 😀

Im sure their is at least 1 or 2 copys of it somewhere. About a year or two ago a person on digital press forums found 3 virtual boy prototypes at a local store (2 of them were panic bomber, and I think the other one was red alarm) Im sure you could at least get information about it if you hunted down some ex-nintendo employees

Im sure their is at least 1 or 2 copys of it somewhere.
Well, for all we know… They may have existed… but no longer exist now! Let’s hope that’s not the case.

DaVince wrote:
Well, for all we know… They may have existed… but no longer exist now! Let’s hope that’s not the case.

Don’t say such things! *shoves “Mario’s Tennis” in your mouth* >:(

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

DaVince wrote:
Well, for all we know… They may have existed… but no longer exist now! Let’s hope that’s not the case.

Don’t say such things! *shoves “Mario’s Tennis” in your mouth* >:(

Gunpeiyokoifan! Didn’t yo mamma teach you not to shove games in other peoples mouths! 😛

i’d love to see that game but i dont think its going to happen anytime soon. when it comes to unreleased games, the VB scene is just a bunch of private collectors who aren’t interested in sharing. it sucks. everyone is super secretive over the most insignificant of stuff. why else did it take ages for bound high to get around? the same goes with faceball, even though that game has little following, and zero racers, which seems less likely to exist than dragon hopper. the two people i know of who ‘might’ have the game wont even confirm it most of the time. assuming they have it based off of implied semantics doesn’t really confirm much of anything.

maybe a few years into the 3DS nintendo will release some VB games as downloads or something. until then, im not going to worry about it any more. it just feeds into ego’s when you try and hunt people down to get it.

Deadly-D wrote:

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

DaVince wrote:
Well, for all we know… They may have existed… but no longer exist now! Let’s hope that’s not the case.

Don’t say such things! *shoves “Mario’s Tennis” in your mouth* >:(

Gunpeiyokoifan! Didn’t yo mamma teach you not to shove games in other peoples mouths! 😛

but Deadly-D… 😛

but Deadly-D… 😛

No buts mister! Now go to your room and play Virtual Boy… from 2 feet away and I better not catch you using an emulator!

So does anyone know anything else about Dragon Hopper or Zero Racers besides what’s on this fantabulous site? Even a rumor would be cool.

Deadly-D wrote:
No buts mister!

I’m actually a girl

Deadly-D wrote:
Now go to your room and play Virtual Boy… from 2 feet away and I better not catch you using an emulator!

would a Flashboy and Bound High! (not that I have a Flashboy, but I’m just saying) count? 😛

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:

Deadly-D wrote:
No buts mister!

I’m actually a girl

Deadly-D wrote:
Now go to your room and play Virtual Boy… from 2 feet away and I better not catch you using an emulator!

would a Flashboy and Bound High! (not that I have a Flashboy, but I’m just saying) count? 😛

………No buts… misses! 😛 and yes that’s fine now go!

jojobean wrote:
i’d love to see that game but i dont think its going to happen anytime soon. when it comes to unreleased games, the VB scene is just a bunch of private collectors who aren’t interested in sharing. it sucks. everyone is super secretive over the most insignificant of stuff. why else did it take ages for bound high to get around? the same goes with faceball, even though that game has little following, and zero racers, which seems less likely to exist than dragon hopper. the two people i know of who ‘might’ have the game wont even confirm it most of the time. assuming they have it based off of implied semantics doesn’t really confirm much of anything.

maybe a few years into the 3DS nintendo will release some VB games as downloads or something. until then, im not going to worry about it any more. it just feeds into ego’s when you try and hunt people down to get it.

Ego… lol when i really think about it and try to be honest with myself and think about all past conversations everyone has had on this matter id do the same thing. Not so much cause its worth something but cause i have this really cool thing no one else does and it makes me feel good. 🙂 Now if i paid alot for it or traded stuff off well why should i just let everyone else have it for nothing? I mean sharing is the right thing to do but i made the sacrifice. Bound High’s release was awesome and i thank everyone for its release especially the person who had it first. When you think about it though if no one knows you have it then no ones envious and its worth nothing. If everyone knows you have it then everyones mad at you but now its worth something. I don’t know im just writing my thoughts.

We could start a fundraiser to get faceball released

octopus wrote:
We could start a fundraiser to get faceball released

Great idea! Didn’t that happen for Bound High or something a long while ago? I thought it did can’t remember how it turned out, or if it even lead to the release… maybe im nuts.


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