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Has anyone ever worked with the obscure 3com Audrey device? I had never heard of it until finding one cheap at Goodwill. It’s missing the power cable, which I’ve been able to find only a little information on. The plug is an 8-pin DIN (I think lol), with 3 3.3v lines and 2 5v lines, and the rest are all grounds. I have a matching DIN plug on some other cable but cannot for the life of me find a pinout showing which voltage goes where…

Does anyone have a clue??

3 Replies

If you can get it open, it shouldn’t be too difficult to trace the pins on the connector to the VCC/VDD pins of some of the chips inside. Just look up the datasheets of some likely-looking ICs and set your DMM to its audible continuity setting.

On the other hand, if you just want to plug it in, I found this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151977561033 (this page gave me the number to search for: 1.015.1494-00)

BTW, out of curiosity, how did you figure out the number and voltages of the pins, but not their actual assignments?

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by RunnerPack.

Out of curiosity, how did YOU find that listing?? Haha, thanks a lot for it- the seller lives within an hour of me so I’m hoping to get it fairly quickly. Any leads on some copies of Dragon Hopper in my area as well?

So I disassembled the whole thing, looked all around and couldn’t really figure it out. The attempt was a little bit half-assed because I had better things to be working on. The DIN plug was crowded by some other components I think, I’ve kind of forgotten exactly what problem I had. I did see some chip pinouts with 3.3/5v but it didn’t seem worth the bother to backwards-engineer it :p

The data I did find came from the Audrey hacking Wiki site or some random forum post- somebody listed the partial pinouts for those interested in modding the LCD screen or making a battery setup. Only one link to a real pinout existed, and it was as dead as the Audrey.

HP Lovethrash wrote:
Out of curiosity, how did YOU find that listing??

I sometimes forget that there are those whose search-fu is not as strong as mine… Continue your training and you will achieve mastery in due time, grasshopper 😉

I did see some chip pinouts with 3.3/5v but it didn’t seem worth the bother to backwards-engineer it :p

What happened when you checked continuity/resistance from one of said power pins and pins on the DIN connector?

Only one link to a real pinout existed, and it was as dead as the Audrey.

Did you try the URL in the Internet Wayback Machine?


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