I got this comment on my channel today:
“seriously, you actually like that pile of fuck Virtual Boy? seriously, get some fucking mental help, retard”
Yes, I do like the Virtual Boy, but you’re the one who’s retarded. lol.
That’s why I like this site. Those stupid asshole-kids that nowadays seem to dominate the Internet don’t find their way here.
Such strong language which only shows just how little he knows about the system.
I have never met a single person that has played a VB and understood that you need to adjust the IPD/Focus that disliked the VB.
Ignorant mob mentality is the main reason that the VB is disliked. Let the haters hate. kids these days just want their emo hair, pretend that they are popular because of facebook friends, and spend most their time playing online FPS games while proving to themselves & the world that they learned some bad words. If they have any extra free time, they listen to hip-hop and play Angry Birds on their smart phone.
Also, don’t be too upset about YouTube comments in general. I have seen some of the worst comments on the entire internet made there. I’m a bit shocked that YouTube never cracked down on all the racist & vulgar trolls.
VirtualJockey wrote:
If they have any extra free time, they listen to hip-hop
i’ve been listening to indy, underground hip-hop, and groups that are now much bigger, for going on 20 years. i listen to hip-hop from all around the world and i did it before it became something “cool” to do. Hip-hop makes up a majority of my listening time (about 8hrs a day) but I also enjoy Jazz, Blues, Metal, Funk, R&b, Chiptunes, Folk, etc, etc…
i am also an avid homebrew proponent and a collector of classic video game experiences.
i don’t appreciate it when a genre of music is grouped with the undesirable actions of a few. the modern “rap” music that plays on the radio is not hip-hop. hip-hop is something that a large majority of kids these days do not understand, appreciate, or are even aware exists.
This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by
Lester Knight.
Lester Knight wrote:
VirtualJockey wrote:
If they have any extra free time, they listen to hip-hopi’ve been listening to indy, underground hip-hop, and groups that are now much bigger, for going on 20 years. i listen to hip-hop from all around the world and i did it before it became something “cool” to do. Hip-hop makes up a majority of my listening time (about 8hrs a day) but I also enjoy Jazz, Blues, Metal, Funk, R&b, Chiptunes, Folk, etc, etc…
i am also an avid homebrew proponent and a collector of classic video game experiences.
i don’t appreciate it when a genre of music is grouped with the undesirable actions of a few. the modern “rap” music that plays on the radio is not hip-hop. hip-hop is something that a large majority of kids these days do not understand, appreciate, or are even aware exists.
I was trying to refer to the stereotype of loudly listening to rap or whatever on headphones in public while *simultaneously* playing angry birds. My intent was to generalize and insult the masses of rich yuppie kids that go around ragging on every classic game/console almost any chance they get.
Hardly surprising really, a lyric springs to mind, ‘let the haters hate, they like way too late’, yeah only 17 years too late, oh hang on he was probably only a drunken fumble in the back of a car back then.
Youtube won’t crack down on trolling, more trolling = more traffic, they don’t care about quality, only quantity.
I’d be willing to bet that the YouTube commenter has never played the Virtual Boy for a single second.
OK let’s look at the reality of the situation. I agree with Benjamin Stevens I doubt this guy played it because the VB has so many good things going for it for instance. The VB is a crystal clear screen that when repaired has no defects. Its 3d effects can’t be beat (Well I’m no one to talk not owning a 3d system myself such as HDTV LED screen or the like). And on top of that the screen when compared to your viewing on a couch is a very large screen I for one cannot tell you exact dimensions that the VB has when compared to viewing a screen from say 10 ft away (maybe someone like RunnerPack could figure that out) but I know it’s a big screen. It’s even bigger when you compare it to a theater screen when viewing from the further rows. Last of all being red it is reminiscent of a high quality 3d laser show of that in the 80’s and should bring back fond memories of such.
With that all being said the way I see it is Nintendo had one shot at redefining the gaming experience as we know it and they blew it. As stated before they should have had top quality titals from the get go. And I think that the display in store kiosks should have automatically adjusted the IPD by requesting your height and age. Furthermore they should of had trained experts that were representatives to train the customer service representatives to show them that the hundreds of Virtual Boys that people tried to take back worked great they only had to read the manual.
Of course in closing none of this brings back the virtual boy it’s a shame how such an awesome opportunity can become such a disaster.
Well that’s my two cents take it for what it’s worth
Hey protoman… I love your VB reviews man!! Awesome!!
I have had so many dumbfounded looks from my crew relating to the purchase of the VB. I am really genuinely looking forward to enjoying this system and winded people up who don’t know how to get the best out of the VB!
To the naysayers: Meh!