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Here’s something that has been in my collection for some time. I was never 100% sure if this was connected to Nester’s Funky Bowling or not. I mean basically, it can pretty much be used as a promo item for any game that was featured in Nintendo Power magazine. But what do you guys think?..

Is this a Nester’s Funky Bowling promo item?

  • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by vuefinder83.
  • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by vuefinder83.
6 Replies

Assuming that item was originally used in retail stores, it looks like something that would have been placed near any video games that were featured in Nintendo Power magazine.

I agree with Ben. It looks like a generic sign for anything advertised in Nintendo Power. I’d say for time frame when Nester was a bigger part of the magazine.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
.. it looks like something that would have been placed near any video games that were featured in Nintendo Power magazine.

speedyink wrote:
I agree with Ben..

Thanks guys. Well… The Virtual Boy was certainly featured in Nintendo Power, and Nester’s only game is exclusive to it, so I think I’ll keep it in the ol VB collection ; )

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Assuming that item was originally used in retail stores..

Yes, this item is called a store shelf dangler. I tried taking better pictures so you can get a better idea on how this works. Basically, the part that looks like the handle to a TNT detonator has some adhesive behind it, that part would be placed along the edge of a shelf in a display case allowing the rest of it to ‘dangle’.

The last picture is of a Super Nintendo dangler, indicating a good possibility for the existence of a Virtual Boy dangler…

Well, I don’t know how you have your Virtual Boy collection displayed, but it would certainly be very appropriate to keep the Nester dangler right next to your copy of Nester’s Funky Bowling!

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Well, I don’t know how you have your Virtual Boy collection displayed, but it would certainly be very appropriate to keep the Nester dangler right next to your copy of Nester’s Funky Bowling!

Oh yeah, that’s where it has been! ; )

Hey, thinking of a Nester promo got me thinking about your awesome NFB ceiling hanger, did you know that there also exist a large box 3-D Tetris ceiling hanger?

About 7-8 years ago, a Nester ceiling hanger showed up on ebay. The seller stated in the items description that he also had a 3-D Tetris one if anyone was interested.

At the time, I wasn’t really collecting the promo items yet, so I never bothered to bid. But, one of my old cell phones still has screenshots from the auctions description, if ever I find the phone I’ll post the pics.

I do remember hearing that the 3-D Tetris ceiling hanger existed. The info I heard must have originally come from VirtualJockey, who I believe was the one who originally bought the Nester’s Funky Bowling Hanger off of eBay. I’ve never seen pics of the 3-D Tetris one, though.


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