I am seriously too mechanically impaired to repair a virtual boy, even with a tutorial video. I don’t even have the tool to open it up. Is there ANYBODY out there taking virtual boys through the mail to repair? I feel it would be a big shame to spend $75-100 to get another VB that may or may not work a year from now. Sometimes my VB only displays in one eye, sometimes it will display in neither eye. I’d be eternally grateful if somebody repaired my VB to the state it originally played in. Anybody in USA doing this kind of work for people like me? Thank you.
I have decided to buy the Nintendo bit and at least open it up…try that oven method. I am worried to do that though. If it doesn’t work, does anyone else attempt the soldering method?
The permanent (soldering) method is far more superior than anything else. I did it on my 2 VBs with great results. You only need a low wattage soldering iron and “nerves from steel” to attempt it first time. If you manage to solder successfully the first screen …there is no way back
He sells a lot of VB Consoles Only for very cheap, after he has already fixed them, so this isn’t the only one he’s offering. Check out his store for others. You may want to look into him, though I can’t guarantee his work, since I haven’t actually bought one from him. Nevertheless, you’d probably pay about the same with him as you would with trying to mail your system to someone, have them fix it, and then have them mail it back to you.
GeoAnas wrote:
The permanent (soldering) method is far more superior than anything else. I did it on my 2 VBs with great results. You only need a low wattage soldering iron and “nerves from steel” to attempt it first time. If you manage to solder successfully the first screen …there is no way back
This is the way to go. I have repaired 2 virtual boys with this method and both are now fully functional. It is a bit of a pain but I think it is the good solution.
Where do you live in the US? If you are in AZ I could help you out.