Original Post

Hello, i just thought it would be cool if there where more already available Games that feature the Rumblepack by a Patched version. Are there anything planed in the future or already in development? πŸ™‚
Would be great to have Galactic Pinball or Teleroboxer with Rumble feature. Red Alarm is verry good and the Rumble is a nice upgrade or is it to extremly complicated to make also patches for other Games that are already available?

I was thinking about while i listen to the new Tronimal Virtual Boy Music Cartridge πŸ˜€ but this dosent need a Rumble feature :P.

2 Replies

Not to my knowledge, I am afraid.

Would also love to have more rumble effect patches for more games πŸ™‚

You’d have to ping the usual suspects on Discord to convince them to do it. Red Alarm was done to show it is possible.


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