Original Post

Howdy all – I just snagged a really nice Blockbuster VB case off eBay. The person that sold it to me bought it from a Blockbuster sell-out back in the 90’s but he decided to stick a “Property of _______” Sticker on the box instead of keeping the sweet label. Could anyone take a nice high-res picture or scan? the label somehow? I would be extremely appreciative. I just wanted to give me case some authenticity and right now it looks sad. 🙁

Thanks in advance for your help!

2 Replies

Russcular wrote:
Could anyone take a nice high-res picture or scan? the label somehow?

I took a scan and attached it as a .pdf along with a lower resolution MSPaint file. I hope this helps!

Edit: You may need to do some slight color corrections or blend out the reflections of the hairline scratches. This was the best of several attempts.

Quick note to say I made a JP version, you can grab it here if applicable: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=5987&post_id=31498#forumpost31498


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