hi guys just saw someone tryin to sell a copy of bound high on ebay for around $300
go check it out, the cheeky fucker.
The guy selling it goes by the name of MrCollectibles, I think it’s a bit unrealistic to expect that anytime a copy of this game changes that it’ll end up in the hands of someone looking to just own and play the game, and not someone looking to cash in on its rarity and collectibility. Welcome to the world of collecting, this isn’t the last time you’ll see one of these releases for sale for a premium price, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some sellers were looking to dig deeper into your pockets than this one. As they say “vote with your wallet”. If you don’t want perceived values to go up, do your part by not paying big premiums. If one sells for $300, you know the next guy is going to be asking $400. If it doesn’t sell at all for $300, that says the game isn’t worth $300 and it’ll eventually drop in price.
true, it’s just irritating when some lovely people from the community put it out there for free.
shenmueso wrote:
true, it’s just irritating when some lovely people from the community put it out there for free.
I’m with you there, believe me I’m no bigger a fan of the practice of price gouging than you are, especially for items that people put work into and released without making that money themselves.
I saw his stuff earlier this week, considered some of it, laughed, shook my head, and moved on.
The plain fact of the matter is that ANYTHING with a finite supply is going to, at some point (and under the assumption that somebody else wants it), command a price point above and beyond the value of its components. While I look down on the practice of gouging, people with copies of Earthbound or Hagane, or Conker’s Bad Fur Day, or any of the innumerable rare and/or expensive titles out there, are going to attach a price tag to compensate themselves, and unless they’re daft fools, they’re going to try to get as much as someone will pay for it.
That this is happening to an unreleased game or a home-brew game is disgraceful, but hardly surprising. In fact, because of the dearth of VB repro makers, when compared to other consoles, it is far more likely to command a brutal price…AND more likely to get paid that price. I invite you to look for “FaceBall Remastered” or “Hyper Fighting” on eBay for the VB.
tldr; takeaway: People are greedy shitmonkeys.
It’s always going to happen. If you make something, just try to put it into as many people’s hands that will actually enjoy it. But, eventually they will be sold for quite a bit.
So…. I’ve been trying to get a copy of Bound High for some time. I missed a lot of the VB game runs that happened awhile back, and now I’m not sure what other options there are for me other than to support high prices. Is there a better answer? I’m not sure if any re-releases are planned. What would you suggest for someone interested in a copy, but who doesn’t want to support price gouging?
Propane13 wrote:
So…. I’ve been trying to get a copy of Bound High for some time. I missed a lot of the VB game runs that happened awhile back, and now I’m not sure what other options there are for me other than to support high prices. Is there a better answer? I’m not sure if any re-releases are planned. What would you suggest for someone interested in a copy, but who doesn’t want to support price gouging?
Unfortunately, there is no real win-win solution for a collector looking for these titles without breaking the bank. If you want them, you’ll be paying big $$, there’s not much that can be done about that. If someone out there is willing to pay more than you are, it’ll be sold to them.
That said, it’s not an evil thing to pay a premium price, you just have to accept a couple of things that go along with that: First, the price itself, which will be the biggest hurdle, but you also have to accept what a purchase will do to the market for these games. If you pay big, the next guy will pay bigger. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, there are pros and cons to that depending on if you’re a buyer or seller, but it’s common market fluctuation for something in short supply but heavy in demand. If it sells for higher, it’s worth more. If it doesn’t sell, value drops. You just have to “vote with your wallet” like I said before. If you want a copy so bad you’ll spend $300 for one, that’s your choice. Others who won’t pay that much have a choice as well, to not buy it for $300, and run the risk of not getting their hands on a copy of the game, especially if the $300 copies sell.
Nobody who owns a copy from the original run is going to be eager to sell their copy for the $80 or whatever it was they cost originally, so if you want a copy now, you’d better bring your wallet.
There’s one on Ebay right now for $110 buy it now:
The user is also selling a few other homebrews for the same price vs auction.
I doubt you’ll find a better price out there
That’s a decent price for cart only, and also the choice to try the auction is very nice. Good find!
I agree it sucks how pricing can get ludicrous for certain items, I mean just look at Virtual Bowling and other similar ones. As stated though, it’s the classic supply vs demand effect. It’s just how it works, nothing anybody can do about it. At least it makes finding those good deals feel so rewarding, so it’s not all bad I guess =P
But yeah, I’m not proud of the price I’ve paid for a couple of my gaming items…
that cart only might be one of the 1st runs, long before it was released CIB.
the supply and demand issue is a very real one. we can supply a 3d printed case but demand will eventually strip away at the limited supply of cart connectors. while i would love to see these games kept in continual production, i would rather see the connectors used for future homebrew releases.
The cart only seller makes them himself. I have his email and I bought a copy directly (not on eBay) for $90 plus shipping.
just to be clear, there was a cart only version before the CIB version. it was made available to planet vb members in exchange for donor carts. the carts i see popping up now seem to be a 3rd release by an unknown party. i’ve read that they are newly made but have not yet seem images of the PCB or read anything beyond the most basic of assumptions.