Original Post

Lurked for a bit, never posted before. Anyway, I picked up this Bound High ROM off some guy on craigslist a few months ago. Never got it to work quite right so I figured someone might be able to tell me why I’m retarded. And in the process, maybe get a copy for themselves, if they can get it working.

I attached it to my post and uploaded it to — as well. Give it a shot hope someone can figure this out.

77 Replies

Sorry for editing your post, but please don’t spread this buggy version. We are working on getting the ISX tools right so we can build a “perfect” ROM of Bound High and release it.

No matter who you got it from (although I bet I know who it was), once the ROM is out, hopefully noone will be ripped off by anyone anymore.

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 10 months ago by KR155E.

You should probably not but things like that on craigslist.

And krisse, you should really get your facts straight before you start blaming me and using paypal dispute services to steal away money you gave me. The last person I would trust with something like that is some random guy on craigslist. No offense, OP.

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 10 months ago by jojobean.

Is this “good version” you claim to have the same version you tried to sell me last month, which you said was a cart dump, and which you said you’d never offered to anyone else?

Depending on what’s wrong with it I’m guessing the answer is: No it can probably not easily be fixed.

It would also be interesting to know what was wrong with it and how did you play it?

dasi wrote:
Is this “good version” you claim to have the same version you tried to sell me last month, which you said was a cart dump, and which you said you’d never offered to anyone else?

It is, and at the time I hadn’t offered it to anyone else. I certainly wouldn’t be giving it to some guy on craigslist, I can tell you that much. Keep that stuff in the community. I’ve since found out its not a cart dump and that I paid $3000k for a compiled game 8-O. At least it runs perfectly.

Methinks jojobean dost protest too much…

I still like to know what was wrong with it, and how it was played…

… or is it just some member here that made another account and wanted to start a discussion?

I understand not wanting to spread a buggy version around. But I did give it to a friend and it worked for him. I might just be an idiot. I’d like to try and post the download again, if mods would allow it.

Good post, I hope that the perfect ROM of Bound High is someday relesed, heck I don’t even care if its the glitched one I just want to play it. Krisse I also have a very very strong 99.9% sure idea of who the person that supposedly sold CrackShoot the glitchy rom. Hint the person who was so quick to defend himself after reading your comment.Ill leave it to the rest of you detectives to figure out who the verdict is.

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 10 months ago by VBrulez.
  • This reply was modified 14 years, 10 months ago by VBrulez.

jojobean wrote:

dasi wrote:
Is this “good version” you claim to have the same version you tried to sell me last month, which you said was a cart dump, and which you said you’d never offered to anyone else?

It is, and at the time I hadn’t offered it to anyone else. I certainly wouldn’t be giving it to some guy on craigslist, I can tell you that much. Keep that stuff in the community. I’ve since found out its not a cart dump and that I paid $3000k for a compiled game 8-O. At least it runs perfectly.

Oh… is that the “perfectly running” ROM from an “original dump”, which has boss stages without bosses and was compiled, that you emailed an offer to just about the entire community, but “if word of this gets out, the deal is off”? Well… word of it definitely got out.


jojobean wrote:
I paid $3000k for a compiled game 8-O.

You paid 3,000,000 USD? I sure hope not o.o!



So is the ROM itself glitchy, or is it only glitchy on Flashboy?

jojobean wrote:

dasi wrote:
Is this “good version” you claim to have the same version you tried to sell me last month, which you said was a cart dump, and which you said you’d never offered to anyone else?

It is, and at the time I hadn’t offered it to anyone else. I certainly wouldn’t be giving it to some guy on craigslist, I can tell you that much. Keep that stuff in the community. I’ve since found out its not a cart dump and that I paid $3000k for a compiled game 8-O. At least it runs perfectly.

Mmmm, I have this offer in my mail too…

I guess everyone found out who it was. Now this is going to make everyone on the site furious while jojobean was supposedly only giving me these so called special offers he told me that he was trying to get the Faceball prototype and thats was why he was trying to sell Bound High to me so he can buy it, then on another email he was trying to sell it to me if he was to get it. He also said he had the glitchy version of Bound High on flashboy, the source code, and the Space Pinball prototype so that has me to believe that hes the one selling all of the glitchy versions of Bound High. If anyone dosen’t believe me I can copy and paste the emails or take pictures of all of the webpages.

virtualboyfreak wrote:

jojobean wrote:

dasi wrote:
Is this “good version” you claim to have the same version you tried to sell me last month, which you said was a cart dump, and which you said you’d never offered to anyone else?

It is, and at the time I hadn’t offered it to anyone else. I certainly wouldn’t be giving it to some guy on craigslist, I can tell you that much. Keep that stuff in the community. I’ve since found out its not a cart dump and that I paid $3000k for a compiled game 8-O. At least it runs perfectly.

Mmmm, I have this offer in my mail too…

Same here actually. I just checked. I remember he wanted to know if I had any prototypes.

I was not the one selling it on craigslist or eBay. I’m not the only one who has these games. Others have sold them in the past and will in the future. My deal for faceball was very real. I’m hoping this doesn’t end up being known to my faceball source or I’m sure the deal will be off. I understand why some of you are upset but I never ripped anyone off. Everyone who wanted the game from me got it. I didn’t steal. It took me thousands of dollars and hours of time to get these. A certain level of compensation doesn’t seem unjust. Surely I was not given these items for nothing. It takes skill, time, money and proper contacts to procure such rarities. Before I did this there was not a known working version of the game and very few people even had the shit version. So while some of you may be upset, just be glad to have gottn the game out of the closed hands who were not willing to share.

I didn’t name any names in my first post in this thread to not discredit anyone, but with all that bullshit being spread, I guess it’s time to clear some things up. Here’s the full story about Bound High:

It was in 2003, when I received the final source code from someone [name removed upon request]. He asked me not to spread the source, but he wouldn’t mind me releasing the ROM if I could manage to compile it.

I asked someone else [name removed upon request] for help, and in late 2005 he eventually managed to build a modified version of the source in gccVB. (So BTW, this also lead to improved versions of gccVB and Reality Boy.) This version ran pretty well on the emulator, but was very buggy if played on real hardware.

A good, releasable build seemed very close, but the years passed and it was never accomplished to fix those bugs. I released a review of the game in 2007 based on the buggy version mainly played on the emulator, but also on Hardware, as far as possible.

In 2008, jojobean joined the scene and somehow managed to get the source from Nakanishi and the buggy build from David, afaik by telling them he was my friend. He got these items for free of course. He started contacting people offering the ROM for sale. He also used some synonyms: mysterymoppet, Sam Gupta, Adell Fuero and ginzastrip are those I know of.

Some weeks ago, jojobean got in contact with RunnerPack and let him have the Bound High source to develop his ISX converter in return. With it it was possible to create a better build, which runs on hardware, but had broken boss and plasma stages. Jojobean then began offering that version for sale to everyone and their moms as a “perfectly running original dump from a prototype cartridge”…

Around the same time, LameBoy, not knowing of RunnerPack’s work, starting working on his own converter. Discussion about this lead to RunnerPack breaking the silence and a chart house of lies collapsing.

  • This reply was modified 14 years, 10 months ago by KR155E.

It is true, though, that there are many people who have those ROMs and dirty business has been done in the past, like that extremely expensive homemade BH cart sold to Robert Molander.

So we have no clue who sold this on craigslist and I know that the BH recently on ebay was not jojobean’s.

jojobean wrote:
My deal for faceball was very real. I’m hoping this doesn’t end up being known to my faceball source or I’m sure the deal will be off.

I really doubt your deal for Faceball was real (and shouldn’t it have been “is”, not “was”)… and usually a deal has to be on before a deal is off.

jojobean wrote:
Before I did this there was not a known working version of the game and very few people even had the shit version.

There’s actually been a working version known for many years, just apparently not by you.


KR155E wrote:
It is true, though, that there are many people who have those ROMs and dirty business has been done in the past, like that extremely expensive homemade BH cart sold to Robert Molander.

So we have no clue who sold this on craigslist and I know that the BH recently on ebay was not jojobean’s.

If this is true, won’t it be better to just put them out in the open to prevent this from happening? If they are free to download, no one will have any good reason to buy them. Just my point of view!


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