Original Post

hello, I’m programming a new game based on characters from old Spanish game called “Captain Sevilla ‘”, I know nothing of programming in C and I need your help.(what little I know is thanks to your comments and demos)

when include in the code new documents. h , the screen appears black. Why?

I leave the code works. I want to include the character and move it for the background (for the moment,jejeje)

thank you very much for your time!!

my english is very bad, sorry!!

  • This topic was modified 14 years, 3 months ago by rubengar.
  • This topic was modified 14 years, 3 months ago by rubengar.
  • This topic was modified 14 years, 3 months ago by rubengar.
72 Replies

KR155E wrote:

rubengar schrieb:
oh! this would be fantastic, my idea is to make the game in English and Spanish. Any help is welcome!! thanks for your time!!!

Alright, my idea for going multilingual was/is pretty simple. There’s one variable which holds a number representing the current language. For example 0 = english, 1 = german and 2 = spanish.

u8 language = 0;

Then there’s an array for each text fragment that has to be translated, with the position of the translation equaling the previously defined assignment. For example:

const char LANG_MAIN_MENU[3][16] =
“MAIN MENU”, //0: english
“HAUPTMENÜ”, //1: german
“MENU PRINCIPAL” //2: spanish

Finally, to print the text in the correct translation, simply pass it to your text out function like this:

print(…some values…, (char*)LANG_MAIN_MENU[language]);

Of course you need to make sure to include all needed special characters like ä,ö,ü,ß in your font.

This method requires that you dynamically print text to the screen. However, it seems you’re using a different approach and are simply including text in your graphics for the most parts. In that case there’s no way around creating different graphics for each language.

ohh! through the text only is attached to the image in the intro, I needed a smaller font size, thanks!!

In case you do end up having to use multiple versions of the images with text in them, I’m working on a general-purpose compression system for VB (based on miniLZO; the fastest decompression you can get, last time I checked).

It will involve converting images to raw binary chars/maps (ie. as the VB wants them), compressing said binaries with a custom utility, and converting the compressed files into object, include, or .s files, as usual.

Loading will be practically identical to (if a tiny bit slower than) using memcpy to put chars, maps, etc. into the right part of the VB’s RAM.

I’m having problems with gritVB ignoring or misinterpreting my options right now, but I should have a demonstration up pretty soon.

I have to inform the development of the Captain Sevilla game, i will stop a few months 🙁 . I’ve been hired by a company for design the graphics in a game for the iphone and I have no free time, when finished will reprise the project!

I hope to do a good job

the game had this aspect before I arrived, although it was very early stage of development

took a week working on it and I have redesigned all, hope for the better, jejeje

thanks to all those who always cheer me and help me!!

Hi friends! a year ago I left development my VB game “capitan sevilla II”,I haven´t time to finish it at the moment, but here I let the last demo to download. thanks for playing.


I just played the whole way through your current demo, and it is, indeed, a really neat game with nice visuals. I did notice, however, that the jump function doesn’t seem to work consistently, which might be what others were talking about a while ago. I always held down the jump button for a long period of time to try to get the maximum height, and sometimes, it seems that my character was simply hitting his head off of some invisible object and not getting any height at all. I noticed that this seemed to happen the most near the sides of the screen and almost never in the large middle part of the screen. Is this intentional or something that you’re still working on?

Keep up the good work. Sorry I can’t help you with the programming, but I can be a game tester. 😉

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
I just played the whole way through your current demo, and it is, indeed, a really neat game with nice visuals. I did notice, however, that the jump function doesn’t seem to work consistently, which might be what others were talking about a while ago. I always held down the jump button for a long period of time to try to get the maximum height, and sometimes, it seems that my character was simply hitting his head off of some invisible object and not getting any height at all. I noticed that this seemed to happen the most near the sides of the screen and almost never in the large middle part of the screen. Is this intentional or something that you’re still working on?

Keep up the good work. Sorry I can’t help you with the programming, but I can be a game tester. 😉

I fixed the bug jump


Wow… fast service! 🙂

I am excited for the day that this is a finished, non-glitchy game; as it looks to be quite fantastic graphically.

Just tried the newest version on my FB+ and I think it’s coming along great! It’s a lot of fun, and the graphics are really impressive.
I do inquire though, will there be a release with the in game story/text translated into English?

I know he was working on a way to do that, Chris was helping him with the code.


I use to unbox my vb once every year, next time i will give a try to Capitan Sevilla!

Awsome Graphics. Cant wait to see it as a real Game, fully playable. That would be really really cool. Like the professional style of it.


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